Crossfit Open 2015: 15.1



  • notyouraveragetalia
    notyouraveragetalia Posts: 223 Member
    I ripped so badly, otherwise I would probably do it again, which I swore I wouldn't do!

  • miss_rye_
    miss_rye_ Posts: 94 Member
    I did scaled, I was told I need to do either every WOD RX or Scaled, and knowing that my pull ups need to be banded, I went scaled.

    I only got 119. I was very disappointed in myself. Blah.
  • abaldi0506
    abaldi0506 Posts: 78 Member
    I did this on Friday. I did the scaled, since I've only been doing crossfit for 3 months. I'm also in the womens masters 45-49. I'm pretty happy. Thought about trying again, but decided to just be happy with it:

    150 reps and 95 lbs. (scaled).
  • Curlychip
    Curlychip Posts: 292 Member
    Well done everyone! (*) (*) (*)
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    definitely a fun one. 115 rx / 142 c&j
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    miss_rye_ wrote: »
    I did scaled, I was told I need to do either every WOD RX or Scaled, and knowing that my pull ups need to be banded, I went scaled.

    I only got 119. I was very disappointed in myself. Blah.
    this isn't true.

    Directly from the page: "The intent of the scaled workouts is to allow everyone who wants to compete, to compete at an appropriate level. Choosing the scaled version of the workout one week will not prevent an athlete from doing the next workout as prescribed. "
  • leahkite
    leahkite Posts: 47 Member
    miss_rye_ wrote: »
    I did scaled, I was told I need to do either every WOD RX or Scaled, and knowing that my pull ups need to be banded, I went scaled.

    I only got 119. I was very disappointed in myself. Blah.

    You can do either, but if you scale one then you will always have the little "s" by your name. You wouldn't qualify to move onto regional that way.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Just finished it, very fun workout. Did it scaled, knee raises and 85lbs on the bar. 143 reps. 185lb C&J. Had 205 on the bar and was getting a good pull, I just could not get under it.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    ascrit wrote: »
    I like the scaled division, because I'm not entering the games to become champion. I want to see how I do, then have a baseline for comparison next year.

    I have seen a lot of people say this, but it only makes sense if you never log your workouts. I log all my workouts and PRs using the myWOD app so if I ever want to know how I am doing today versus last year I can do that anytime, not just when the Open is happening.
    Totally agree. I use Beyond the Whiteboard and record all my workouts, both CF and powerlifting. Plus, most of the Open workouts are not repeated again among years (usually just one per Open). I can repeat the workouts any time I want and I often do repeat Open workouts or benchmark WODs. I never understand this statement about comparing yourself. I had a notebook from day 1 in which I wrote notes about all my movements and times before I went to online tracking. I do a 5K every year on the same track and can compare my workouts. I can't compare 2 different races.

    I'm also the kind of person who never PR's on PR days in the box and I get embarrassed. I also get really embarrassed if I do PR in front of a lot of people. I PR in olympic lifting practice, working on my skills before class, or in my regular gym working on my powerlifts. I'm just not a good group PR-er.

    I applaud the Open as a way for people who wouldn't normally try new things or compete to do that if they wish. For me, since I don't have CTB pull ups or muscle ups, but everything else is Rx, I won't be moving on and it wasn't worth the $20. Anything else, and I can tell you exactly how many times I have performed any Crossfit movement since August and how I performed it each time. However, if everyone is having fun, then it's a good investment on your part. Good luck to all those participating! :)

    This was a really fun workout. You should just sneak in and try it when no one is watching sometime.

  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    edited March 2015
    It's not so much about comparing just yourself to your old self, its about seeing where you rank among the world last year vs this year, etc. I also keep very detailed notes on my times and lifts from day one and also use BTWB, but the open compares things differently
  • butterbear1980
    butterbear1980 Posts: 234 Member
    Rx 117/125 10# PR on c&j.
    I broke up my first two sets of ttb 6-5-4. Reverse grip FAST dead lifts. And singles snatch my 1 RM is only 95 and I was worried about redlining so I counted to three sunk my hips and was super aggressive with each one. If I did it again I would speed up the snatches a bit.
    C&j is my weakest lift I was so nervous! I did 95/105/115/125/ two missed attempt s at 130 that ended up being a lot of reps!. If I did it a second time I'd do 95/115/130.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    edited March 2015
    miss_rye_ wrote: »
    I did scaled, I was told I need to do either every WOD RX or Scaled, and knowing that my pull ups need to be banded, I went scaled.

    I only got 119. I was very disappointed in myself. Blah.
    this isn't true.

    Directly from the page: "The intent of the scaled workouts is to allow everyone who wants to compete, to compete at an appropriate level. Choosing the scaled version of the workout one week will not prevent an athlete from doing the next workout as prescribed. "

    You can do either and you can mix and match. . Scaled and RX are actually on the same leaderboard. The difference is really just how they are displayed. According to the rulebook:

    "A separate “Scaled Only” tab on the Leaderboard will rank Athletes relative to all other Athletes in their division who perform ONLY the scaled workouts throughout the Open"

    My interpretation of this is that if you want to see yourself on the scaled leaderboard, then you have to do ALL the workouts scaled. If you do 15.2 RX, you will no longer see yourself when you select the scaled leaderboard. I'm going to check this Friday before my workout to see if I'm right. .

    I chose to do scaled because I'm simply not in the same league as the Rich Fronings of the world and find it's counterproductive for me to compare myself to those guys. . I'd rather compare favorably to the minor leagers than be among the worst major leagers. .I've been told I'm sandbagging. . I dunno. . maybe I am. . But I'm more motivated to work my tail off to make page 1 than to maybe make page 753. .

    I could have MAYBE eked out three rounds RX on 15.1. Those TTB would have killed me, though, so that's a BIG maybe. . .But, I also know that there will be double-unders and pullups and maybe even muscle-ups sometime in the next four weeks. I can do about 12 pullups before my arms won't do anymore, double-unders one or two at a time (I did 4 once!), and I can't do a single muscle-up.

    Anyway, I'm gonna stick with scaled this year. . Maybe next year I'll do RX.

    Masters Men 45-49 (Scaled)
    15.1: 184
    15.1a: 195

    (I'm currently Ranked 135 on Scaled Master's 45-49)
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    bostonwolf wrote: »
    Just finished it, very fun workout. Did it scaled, knee raises and 85lbs on the bar. 143 reps. 185lb C&J. Had 205 on the bar and was getting a good pull, I just could not get under it.

    Same exact thing happened to me!. . I shoulda gone for 200 (my PR) but got greedy.

  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    If I went in right now I could probably hit it. But after that workout, no. I missed 185 my first try and got angry and fired it up pretty easily. There was lots of grimacing and yelling after the second 205 miss. I was getting the bar high enough i just couldn't co-ordinate dropping under the bar.

    On the plus side there was a woman warming up watching me who is new, it was her first class. She was like "you aren't expecting me to do THAT, are you?" I laughed at her and said "Not yet...."
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    Have you seen all the controversy over people sacking off 15.1 to hit big numbers on 15.1a?
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Anyone see that Kim Jong Un was temporarily the overall leader with 390 reps and a 475lb C&J? I think he has since been deleted.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Inkratlet wrote: »
    Have you seen all the controversy over people sacking off 15.1 to hit big numbers on 15.1a?

    Seems it was mostly team competitors, which I can understand. So I'm they then repeated and did just enough work to put up a reasonable number of reps, then did the C&J.

  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    edited March 2015
    Edited: Deleted my post. . I just wrote a rant about this, but then I read the rulebook and so my rant was invalid. .