Weekly Post - 01/03 - 07/03/15



  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    Congratulations jknight001!

    I haven't completed my first week of 5:2 but I have completed both my fast days. I am pleased to give the following update;

    Starting Weight March 2 - 199.7 lbs
    Todays Weight March 6 - 197.3 lbs

    total weight lost - 2.4 lbs (just 5 days)

    I did this with moderate cardio and strength for 1 hr for 3 days(non fast days)
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    cobygrey wrote: »
    Congratulations jknight001!

    I haven't completed my first week of 5:2 but I have completed both my fast days. I am pleased to give the following update;

    Starting Weight March 2 - 199.7 lbs
    Todays Weight March 6 - 197.3 lbs

    total weight lost - 2.4 lbs (just 5 days)

    I did this with moderate cardio and strength for 1 hr for 3 days(non fast days)

    The best is yet to come!
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Jknight- awesome!!!! I can't wait to hit 165 as this was one of the first mini goals I've set for myself and I don't think I've ever hit one!! I'm only 1.8 lbs away!
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    Great job everyone...congrats on reaching your goals...hope to be back with you pretty regular in a couple of weeks, still ~10lbs off from my lowest (since July).

    Have a good weekend.
  • catchyb
    catchyb Posts: 31 Member
    Just finishing my first ever fast day coming in under 500cals! I usually end up with around 750 - 850. I didn't finish any of the kids dinners or desserts, that's usually where the extra 200 or so calories creeps in, and I resisted a second bowl of soup. I'm so pleased with myself, and I nearly didn't fast today, I woke up really hungry (ate sooo much junk yesterday), but told myself I'd do it one distraction at a time, then kept really busy and now I'm in bed!
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    catchyb wrote: »
    Just finishing my first ever fast day coming in under 500cals! I usually end up with around 750 - 850. I didn't finish any of the kids dinners or desserts, that's usually where the extra 200 or so calories creeps in, and I resisted a second bowl of soup. I'm so pleased with myself, and I nearly didn't fast today, I woke up really hungry (ate sooo much junk yesterday), but told myself I'd do it one distraction at a time, then kept really busy and now I'm in bed!

    So glad for you! What a wonderful way to enter into the weekend.
  • forevertoday
    forevertoday Posts: 101 Member
    5:2 is so much easier than I thought. Today is another fast day and it seems to just cruise on by. Really happy to find something that I could see myself doing forever

    Well done on your losses <3
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    Well done everyone!!!!!!

    It's Saturday here and I've already done my fasts for the week. I'm going to lunch with my mum today. It'll be the first time I've seen her since starting the 5:2. She'll of course make it all about her somehow but I can't wait till she sees how much I've lost
  • forevertoday
    forevertoday Posts: 101 Member
    Well done everyone!!!!!!

    It's Saturday here and I've already done my fasts for the week. I'm going to lunch with my mum today. It'll be the first time I've seen her since starting the 5:2. She'll of course make it all about her somehow but I can't wait till she sees how much I've lost

    I hope she is green with envy!!

    Finished my 2nd fast of the week and feeling alright.

    Sometimes I really dislike this forum. People can be extremely rude and defensive.
    I feel like if I speak in the forum (not the groups, the people in them seem to be so lovely) I will get beaten up.
    Does anyone else feel like this?
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    I try not to comment on them anymore. The keyboard warriors get a bit defensive
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    Sadly she didn't even notice :neutral_face:

    She was too busy telling me about how wonderful my sister is doing with her stupid diet. My sister and her friend joined us for lunch and they spent the entire time lecturing me about how much better their diet is grrrr
  • forevertoday
    forevertoday Posts: 101 Member
    Sadly she didn't even notice :neutral_face:

    She was too busy telling me about how wonderful my sister is doing with her stupid diet. My sister and her friend joined us for lunch and they spent the entire time lecturing me about how much better their diet is grrrr

    Don't get too upset by their reaction.
    If you feel you can continue reaching your goals and find this lifestyle sustainable then you are a winner :)
    Keep on keepin' on
  • lulu1066
    lulu1066 Posts: 122 Member
    Oh honey - she noticed! Hence the lecture. You know you're doing the right thing for her, so as forever says, 'keep on keepin' on'.
  • lulu1066
    lulu1066 Posts: 122 Member
    silly me, I meant doing the right thing for you and not her!
  • cal0rina
    cal0rina Posts: 111 Member
    Last fast for the week today, 2days at max tdee as really hungry but didn't exercise, it seems easier to be under if I exercise and I tend not to eat those calories back as an extra boost as I have alot to lose, does anyone else find this?
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Lots of great news here! Well done!

    I had a few blow outs this week. Some sweet stuff and chocolate easter eggs attacked me! I know better than to buy them....but I did :s Definitely no loss this week...had a gain of a kilo. Some is water, some is not. Lot's of stuff going on at the moment. Some of which is stressing me out a bit, so I think that is part of the problem. Need to hang in there until the week before easter. April should be a bit quieter than Feb/March in many ways.

    I did go for an hours run this morning and then grabed my bike to go watch a friend in her riding lesson and continued to the farmer's for fresh eggs. In the afternoon I got my balcony cleaned up, layed and oiled the wooden tiles and my lounge is now ready for spring lounging B) To chilly out there now, but tomorrow afternoon should be warm enough for a little snooze in the sun. The sunny spring weather is helping to lift my spirits a bit.
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    Thanks guys for making me feel better :smiley:

    Cal0rina - i find the more I exercise the less I want to eat

    Flumi - that sounds lovely!!
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 274 Member
    Karen - Lulu is right - she absolutely did notice! And as for your sister and her friend trying to convince you their way is better - sounds more like they were trying to convince themselves. You know what works for you, so ignore them.
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 274 Member
    Flumi - I have absolutely no willpower at all when it comes to biscuits and sweets - fortunately chocolate hates me so I live without it.

    Been a lovely day here too so I have swept up all the winter's dried leaves and cleaned the patio. Also did D1L1 of JM's shred in 30 days, so have officially taken the plunge.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Sadly she didn't even notice :neutral_face:

    She was too busy telling me about how wonderful my sister is doing with her stupid diet. My sister and her friend joined us for lunch and they spent the entire time lecturing me about how much better their diet is grrrr

    Oh, that is so painful. :cry: However, you know this is working for you. Surround yourself with those who will celebrate your success. Family is not always built with DNA, sometimes family is cemented together with love.