Find Friends: Zip Owners



  • Pegasusonfire
    Pegasusonfire Posts: 41 Member
    just joined FitBit with my Zip that I bought today:
  • bb2323
    bb2323 Posts: 2 Member
    Would love some more friends on fitbit, also would love some more friends here on MFP.
  • qmartin78
    qmartin78 Posts: 10 Member
    Just got my zip today in the mail. It is apart of a healthy living program with my job. I decided if I reach my weight loss goals by mid summer/fall I will invest in a Charge HR. How do you guys like it? What things should I know about the Fitbit site? I am a newbie altogether on Fitbit.
    I'm 43, divorced, and work part time in a bakers shop. I do a lot of walking while at work and wanted to prove it to my doctor, which is why I bought my Zip. In my average day of walking to the bus stop for work, doing my shift, a quick walk round the shops to buy groceries then back home again I cover about 12000 - 15000 steps in a day.
    - I put my Zip on as soon as I get up in the morning and don't take it off again until I get into bed at night. I don't wear it to bed, I don't see the point since it doesn't monitor sleep patterns like most of the other FitBits do.
    - I have found the Zip to be quite motivational, especially when I saw how little I walked on my days off work. I now try to get out for a quick walk at least when I'm off work. Even if I only manage a couple of thousand steps its better than the average of 500 when I'm sat at the computer most of the day.
    - I'm interested in photography, and because I live close to a couple of parks as well as the beach I have found this a good excuse to get out walking more these days. I get to indulge in my hobby and get my steps up without really trying :smiley:
  • want2bahotmama
    want2bahotmama Posts: 6 Member Would love some more friends
  • audreygardner65
    audreygardner65 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone.....I bought my Fitbit Zip yesterday and am clipping it on today. Looking fwd to seeing how many steps I'm doing in a daily basis.
    Going on a 5 mile walk this afternoon in the sunshine :-)
  • krrbrr
    krrbrr Posts: 221 Member
    edited March 2015
    Finally got my battery replaced and would love to get back on the fitbit wagon! :)
  • Just got my zip, I had to replace my previous one due to it going in the laundry (sadly it didn't survive). I'm hoping to get some additional steps in after work maybe, if the weather warms up, even during my lunch break.
  • roxie1959
    roxie1959 Posts: 3 Member
    add me!
    I got my fitbit zip for Christmas 2013. Love, love, love it! :D
  • MsTori830
    MsTori830 Posts: 1 Member
    Just got this today and trying to get it all figured out. :)
  • zonnasis
    zonnasis Posts: 5 Member
    I just set up my Fitbit Zip!
    I'd been struggling to decide which Fitbit was the best choice for me. The Zip was on sale so I decided to go ahead and get started with something!
    Has anyone used the Fitbits that go on the wrist? Pros/Cons? Accuracy comparisons?
    Also, can the Zip be worn at night to monitor sleep patterns like the other styles?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    No the Zip does not do sleep monitoring, or stair estimates for goals.
    I toss and turn and it never shows up as steps. Riding on my hip anyway.
    It's a basic tool, so depending on your purpose and goals and may just right.
    Or may be annoyingly lacking.

    Just right for me - I don't care about step/stair goals, I needed something to estimate the 22-23 hrs of the day that aren't exercise, and I manually log that.
  • jackiejarvis123
    jackiejarvis123 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I've been using my Fitbit Zip for about three weeks now, and wear it all the time!

  • ColleenLaNeve
    ColleenLaNeve Posts: 6 Member
    Alright, so I bought myself a Zip a while back. I got really into the fitness and losing weight thing, was doing well and was down 13 lbs. That's when I fell off the fitness wagon. I put a new battery in my Zip today, put it on and got back on the wagon.

    Feel free to add me!