Hubby cooked.... :-/

DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
So my husband loves the progress he is seeing in me but seems to be invested in getting me to "cheat" or to just relax on my carb restriction (which is in no way strict at under 40 net carbs) once in a while. Really he's probably just tired of me saying, "I can't eat that--I can't eat any of that," every time he suggests something for dinner. Last night I opened a large package of chicken breasts and decided that, to save time later in the week, I would cook just two of them for us last night in the oven and cook the rest of the package in the slow cooker for the rest of the week. I got the chicken prepped and then I froze, not knowing what to do next. I'm usually a lazy cooker--I throw the chicken in the slow cooker with a bottle of barbecue sauce or prefab marinade--but 1) I didn't have enough of any of the above and 2) even if I did it certainly would not have been low-carb friendly. He was like, "Oh, babe, let me show you how to make sauce" (in his manliest voice, like he was about to do something amazing), and proceeded to use a variety of condiments we had in the fridge plus some mirepoix and some apples and some lime juice and goodness knows what else (I stopped watching once he started cutting up apples). *sigh* When he was finished, I basically said (to myself, so as not to hurt his man feelings), "Well there goes that package of chicken...." Really, though, I HATE to waste food, so I'll probably have some. How bad is that going to be? I have no idea how many carbs are in the sauce he made, but I'm sure it's a lot; and how much of it would I actually have to count once the chicken is cooked and I drain a breast so I don't get any of the extra juices? I'm trying so hard not to be frustrated with him. Also, for future reference, because I'm sort of a dummy in the kitchen, what do you use for cooking meat in the slow cooker? When I cook it in the oven or pan, I just use oil, italian seasoning, minced garlic, and maybe parmesan cheese.


  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    edited March 2015
    They try, lol. Mine "forgets" sometimes too. To be fair, though, he's probably just lost count of what I'm eating "this time." :blush:

    For slow cooker meat it depends. For chicken I use garlic, celery salt, black pepper, and chicken stock. For beef or pork I use beef stock, garlic (this goes in nearly every meat), pepper, etc. You could add salt but I don't because my husband has high blood pressure so I try not to add any. Also, for a beef or pork roast, I pour a can of diced tomatoes on top. These are a little higher in carbs but not as high as some other options and it gives good flavor. Plus one can stretched over 4 people isn't too bad.
  • LunaKate
    LunaKate Posts: 64 Member
    If it does kick you out of keto, as long as you stay on the diet, youll go right back on keto quickly. I like italian dressing on my chicken. Quick and easy plus its pure fat!
  • Fat4Fuel2
    Fat4Fuel2 Posts: 280 Member
    If you don't shred the chicken and drain the extra sauce off, it probably won't add up to do many carbs. Maybe try to keep the carb count down the rest of the day so you have a few extra to play with?
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Maybe just add a blanket 5 carbs for anything that incorporated into the chicken (and honestly, if you bought it frozen, many times they add crap to it anyway for color and it can't be worse than some stuff you can buy. I would think as long as you scrape off/rinse off any of the residual stuff, you're probably okay. At least he used some fresh veg and such for flavorings. Just don't eat the veg with it...or sauce.

    As for how to do it, I can still eat a variation of a pork roast I make that has brown sugar in it. I just have to be careful. Dijon mustard makes an excellent carb friendly glaze for chicken and pork.

    Honestly, if you have a few minutes (while on the toilet or whatever), just google keto slow cooker chicken breasts and see what comes up.

    If you're going really basic and don't know what you'll use it with, do salt, pepper, broth. In your case, that Italian seasoning would be good, the minced garlic would be okay, though I would just crush the cloves to release the good stuff and not go to the trouble of mincing garlic unless you have it in a jar. Parmesan I probably would not add until the end, but butter, oil, bacon drippings, etc., would all be okay to add.

    Trust me when I say that any add day stuff, you don't want to have it dry. It needs to braise. I made that mistake with some beef steaks diced up, and they dried out so badly. It was inedible. And yes, "sweet" sugar stuff fixes many flavors, but you can add the spices for a barbecue sauce and use molasses (small amounts) for the sweetener part. True dark brown sugar is probably okay in small amounts too. You have problems with sweeteners, right?

    You might try googling keto friendly bottled marinades. Or something similar. Honestly, if you find a marinade you like, you might see if you can make a large batch one weekend and freeze it in smaller batches, etc., in case something like this comes up again.

    Good luck. And be thankful that even though his idea wasn't as LCHF friendly as you'd have like it to be, at least he cared enough to try to help... That's a heck of a lot more than many men would even attempt.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Thanks for the idea, @Sugarbeat. I always forget about stock--I don't usually have it on hand, but I'll start buying it now. I put garlic in almost everything too (that reminds me, I'm almost out!). Last night I was just totally sold on having my chicken the way I wanted my chicken (garlic, italian seasoning, and oil) and couldn't think of how to add liquid so it would cook up nicely in the crock pot.

    @LunaKate, I often use Italian dressing too! I'm pretty sure that's one of the ingredients hubby used, but there definitely wasn't enough to have just the dressing (or I would have avoided his manly display of chef-hood and cooked it myself!).

    @Fat4Fuel2, thanks! Yeah, I usually eat very low carb all day, so I generally have some more leeway with dinner. I'd rather have too few carbs than go over. I just have no idea how much to count for hubby's masterpiece (and truth be told I probably won't even like it much, LOL, as he tends to use too much sugar and vinegar for my liking, even before I started low-carb). I guess I might as well just enter it as though it were regular barbecue sauce or even some kind of juice.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Oh, @KnitOrMiss, I always buy the minced garlic in olive oil that comes in jars. No extra work for me! I used to have a nice garlic press, but I lost it in one of my "divorces" or moves (probably an ex or a former roommate ended up with it).
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Mami1976D wrote: »
    Thanks for the idea, @Sugarbeat. I always forget about stock--I don't usually have it on hand, but I'll start buying it now. I put garlic in almost everything too (that reminds me, I'm almost out!). Last night I was just totally sold on having my chicken the way I wanted my chicken (garlic, italian seasoning, and oil) and couldn't think of how to add liquid so it would cook up nicely in the crock pot.

    @LunaKate, I often use Italian dressing too! I'm pretty sure that's one of the ingredients hubby used, but there definitely wasn't enough to have just the dressing (or I would have avoided his manly display of chef-hood and cooked it myself!).

    @Fat4Fuel2, thanks! Yeah, I usually eat very low carb all day, so I generally have some more leeway with dinner. I'd rather have too few carbs than go over. I just have no idea how much to count for hubby's masterpiece (and truth be told I probably won't even like it much, LOL, as he tends to use too much sugar and vinegar for my liking, even before I started low-carb). I guess I might as well just enter it as though it were regular barbecue sauce or even some kind of juice.

    @Mami1976D‌ You could always use buillion in a pinch if keeping broth/stock on hand is more complicated. And honestly, if you'd just added a bit more seasoning you could have just added water and maybe a bit of butter/other fat for taste. Booze is another option (don't know if you keep it on hand), particularly white wine and stuff, if you get a good dry one.

    If he used Italian dressing, that'll help some.

    And yeah, having flex in your numbers will help... And I'd just mix up a quick creamy sauce for you (with or without cheese, a little butter/cream cheese/mayo - then do a quick broil with cheese or bacon on top, and the creaminess will probably kill that vinegar taste. You could always do a quick poach of it in water with half a potato in the water. Potatoes soak up junk, but you could also do a quick poach in some broth...

    If you get most of the "cooking sauce" off, I wouldn't worry about adding much of a number there... Really... It won't be that huge an impact. I made chicken with real sugared bbq, cheddar, and bacon, and I could eat it because I didn't use much.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Mami1976D wrote: »
    Oh, @KnitOrMiss, I always buy the minced garlic in olive oil that comes in jars. No extra work for me! I used to have a nice garlic press, but I lost it in one of my "divorces" or moves (probably an ex or a former roommate ended up with it).

    I just crush fresh cloves and dump it in, and depending on whether you're dumping the sauce, even just smack it and leave the skin on (more nutrients in the skin if simmering anyway).... I can't imagine using as much as in a jar before it goes bad, but I'm only cooking for two, not 6-7, and I LOVE fresh garlic.
  • KetoCutie
    KetoCutie Posts: 161 Member
    If I'm cooking chicken breasts in the slow cooker (which honestly I rarely use just breasts, I like using a whole chicken) I rub them in olive or coconut oil, and then garlic and smoked paprika. Then I ball up 3-4 balls of foil, and then put the breasts on top of the foil, so they don't sit directly on the bottom of the cooker. This allows the juice to drip off, and they don't get mushy or overcooked.

    For a whole chicken, the same thing pretty much.

    Pork roast- I rub oil, salt, garlic and then add 1/4 apple cider vinegar to the bottom. You could use apple juice too, if you plan to discard the sauce. The acids act as a great tenderizer. Balsamic vinegar would work too.

  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    I have this problem too (though I appreciate that he shares the cooking). And then he gets annoyed when he gets 20 questions about what's in it so I can log it and work out what I can eat the rest of the day-usually no carbs!
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I must be a lucky woman, my man knows how to cook meat, and kinda veggies. If he's cooking there will be a hunk of meat and string beans or asparagus on the table. And his default is to slather everything in sight with butter and coconut oil. He also works at a bbq pit, leftoversare bomb.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    LOL, @totaloblivia, yup! He says, "Don't worry about it, it'll be good." But, yeah, I NEED to know what you put in it! Ugh, I ate it anyway, and it was delicious. Even my picky toddlers ate it. I had plenty of wiggle room on my carbs yesterday, so I didn't even bother trying to figure out how to track it. :blush:

    And yeah, @sweetteadrinker2, my hubby does know how to cook too. He whips up meals from the strangest things, but they end up being super yummy. He was a cook in the Navy, so I guess I should trust he knows a little bit about cooking. Way more than I do! I was raised vegetarian, so I didn't grow up watching my parents cook meat and am a little embarrassed to admit I'm still learning.....
  • stillonamission
    stillonamission Posts: 140 Member
    I have this problem occasionally, but not very often since I have been doing low carb for so long. My hubby tries to follow it, and keeps his carbs down, but not what I would consider low.

    This probably sounds really mean -- but since I have been eating this way for so long, if he makes me something I don't approve of carb-wise I don't eat it. I don't make a big deal about it. I just tell him I can't eat that, and make myself something else. This happened with a pork roast rather recently. He and my daughter can enjoy it and I eat whatever else I can find. Other wise he will try to talk me into anything, and that gets old really fast.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Mami1976D wrote: »
    LOL, @totaloblivia, yup! He says, "Don't worry about it, it'll be good." But, yeah, I NEED to know what you put in it! Ugh, I ate it anyway, and it was delicious. Even my picky toddlers ate it. I had plenty of wiggle room on my carbs yesterday, so I didn't even bother trying to figure out how to track it. :blush:

    I think you can even tell the days he cooks from my diary eg tonight - roasted cabbage, bacon, mozzarella, pine nuts etc, which is basically one of our favourite pasta recipes without the pasta. This is all fine stuff not incompatible with keto, but makes the main ingredient cabbage and lots of it which does quickly add up the carbs in quantity. He sort of heard the main message but doesn't want to engage with the detail of keto/LCHF and gets annoyed with me when stuff isn't compatible. I guess I can understand that actually since it's my problem - he didn't stuff loads of chocolate into his body on a regular basis. Sigh - I guess I'm really annoyed at me... but I do sometimes wonder if it would be easier for us to cook separately.
    - PS your baby is GORGEOUS - making me broody...

  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    - PS your baby is GORGEOUS - making me broody...

    Thanks! He's my last of 4, all of whom are gorgeous in my not-so-humble opinion. :smiley:
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I have this problem occasionally, but not very often since I have been doing low carb for so long. My hubby tries to follow it, and keeps his carbs down, but not what I would consider low.

    This probably sounds really mean -- but since I have been eating this way for so long, if he makes me something I don't approve of carb-wise I don't eat it. I don't make a big deal about it. I just tell him I can't eat that, and make myself something else. This happened with a pork roast rather recently. He and my daughter can enjoy it and I eat whatever else I can find. Other wise he will try to talk me into anything, and that gets old really fast.

    That does not sound mean at all, @stillonamission. I make my guy his bread and starchy sides when he wants them, but the main course is almost always something that can be modified both ways. Except nights like last night when he wanted frozen chimichangas. I opted for leftovers. But he has this huge hang-up about us eating the same "thing" for dinner. I just tweak mine in the kitchen, and he rarely notices or is bothered anymore. And since I do 98.5% of the cooking, I don't hear many complaints, other than some former favorites I haven't made in a while.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Mami1976D wrote: »
    LOL, @totaloblivia, yup! He says, "Don't worry about it, it'll be good." But, yeah, I NEED to know what you put in it! Ugh, I ate it anyway, and it was delicious. Even my picky toddlers ate it. I had plenty of wiggle room on my carbs yesterday, so I didn't even bother trying to figure out how to track it. :blush:

    I think you can even tell the days he cooks from my diary eg tonight - roasted cabbage, bacon, mozzarella, pine nuts etc, which is basically one of our favourite pasta recipes without the pasta. This is all fine stuff not incompatible with keto, but makes the main ingredient cabbage and lots of it which does quickly add up the carbs in quantity. He sort of heard the main message but doesn't want to engage with the detail of keto/LCHF and gets annoyed with me when stuff isn't compatible. I guess I can understand that actually since it's my problem - he didn't stuff loads of chocolate into his body on a regular basis. Sigh - I guess I'm really annoyed at me... but I do sometimes wonder if it would be easier for us to cook separately.
    - PS your baby is GORGEOUS - making me broody...

    @totaloblivia My guy gets like this too, but just complains about the meals, as I cook and he generally doesn't. LOL He'll suggest something, and I"ll say that's fine, but I can 't eat XYZ. It started becoming a knock down thing, so I just say, okay, sounds good, and modify mine or leave something off my plate. If his tummy is happy when he starts eating, he rarely notices what's on my plate (or not) unless there is a giveaway smell. He's fallen in love with my fat bombs, too. I always portion up my own servings, so I can try to lessen the carbage and up the other stuff.

    it helps that he can't eat sour cream unless it's been cooked and I can add quite a bit to my food to up the fat value and all that. Don't be annoyed at yourself....and you don't have to accept being annoyed at him either. You are changing for the better, and change almost always has growing pains. Try to remember this and be kind to him and to yourself... Adjustments on both sides will come.

    When my guy puts his hands on my hips and "feels" the differences, he starts getting way more supportive, at least in the short term. As long as I don't deprive him of his wants, we're getting to happy medium. :)
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    I don't know if you can 'buy' this keto book on but it's free on right now.

    Amazon regularly do free books on lots of different topics. Download only to an e-reader or smart phone. Awesome!
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    My hubby does not cook at all. He frets a bit I have to cook different for each of us some times. I do not mind. It is MY WOE not his. He can not or should not have the higher fat. Certainly do not want him to get pancreatitis in his partial pancreas. I cooked in a cafe for many years I am used to cooking many different meals.

    I also understood a stew is fine. We can pick out the meat and low starch veggies. Maybe add a bit for some sticky carbs and call it good. Make the gravy for the stew after removing the meat. For me I would just rather keep my share of meat out and cook it differently. And oh goody I just came up with hubbies dinner tonight.He loves crock pot stew. I will be out in the yard until it starts to rain so this will be perfect dinner.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I think I downloaded that one last week. I haven't had a chance to check it out yet though.