March 2015 Weight Loss Challenge



  • lillie917
    lillie917 Posts: 60 Member
    Wow Robert! Great week 1
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Hi, newbie to the group, and thought I would play along, too. :) I generally weigh myself everyday, but I'll make Sundays my official weigh in day for this challenge. I've been in a slump for the past couple of weeks, and thought some community challenges might force me back into action.

    Name: Scout
    Height: 5'8"
    Starting Weight (3/1): 293 lbs.
    Goal Weight (3/29): 283 lbs.

    3/1: 293
    3/8: 292.5

    Loss for the week: .5 lbs.
    Struggles/Success: I have been fighting the tail end of a cold all week, and have not been pushing myself to exercise because of it. Also, lots of eating out. But, like I said, I'm trying to jumpstart myself, and got on the treadmill today for a half an hour. It felt really good to be able to do that.
  • Ceratopsy
    Ceratopsy Posts: 2,100 Member
    Name: Jenn
    Height: 5'10"
    Starting weight (3/1): 300.1
    Goal weight (3/31) 290

    3/7: 300.2

    No loss this week :neutral_face:

    Struggles or successes of your week: This week has been a struggle and I am really getting frustrated with the scale. It doesn't move. I know why, because I am eating back all my workout calories or more but I can't stop. I feel like I have lost all motivation. I don't want to go backward. Ugh.
  • OneGoodBean
    OneGoodBean Posts: 48 Member
    Since I'm starting a week late, I'll go an extra week into April.

    Name: Mallory
    Height: 5'9"
    Starting Weight (3/9): 334.2
    Goal Weight (3/31): 320


    Loss/gain for the week: N/A
    Loss/gain for the month so far: N/A

    Struggles or successes of your week: Walked almost two miles yesterday and today with my dog, but I've also had a lot of processed sugar and very little veggies.
  • rdmoore85
    rdmoore85 Posts: 84 Member
    Hang in there Ceratopsy. You can do it. Take it one day at a time and the little wins each day add up.
  • seasicksquid
    seasicksquid Posts: 73 Member
    I'm a little late to the game but I'm here! I'll use my recorded weight from 3/2 for my first weight.

    Name: Lauren
    Height: 5'6''
    Starting Weight (3/2): 323
    Goal Weight (3/31): 310

    3/2: 323
    3/9: 318

    I'm trying the "work out as much as possible so I don't have to worry as much about calories" approach, and eating healthier foods. Biked 20 miles this weekend and actually enjoyed it. Feeling cooped up today at work when I just want to go for a bike ride!

  • stevehendersonjr
    Name: Steve
    Height: 6'1"
    Starting Weight (3/1): 280
    Goal Weight (3/31): 265

    3/1: 280
    3/6: 277

    Loss/gain for the week: -3
    Loss/gain for the month so far: -3

    Struggles or successes of your week: I try to hit the gym as much as possible. I need to get on a more stable schedule so that I can get to my goal weight. This is a great idea and will be one of the ways that I can keep motivated. Thanks everyone!!!
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Biked 20 miles this weekend and actually enjoyed it. Feeling cooped up today at work when I just want to go for a bike ride!


    You know, I haven't been on a real bike in years. Always felt too big. But I'm a little smaller than you now, so maybe I will give it a try sooner rather than later. Thanks for the inspiration to face one of my fears . . . :)
  • seasicksquid
    seasicksquid Posts: 73 Member
    craftscout wrote: »
    Biked 20 miles this weekend and actually enjoyed it. Feeling cooped up today at work when I just want to go for a bike ride!


    You know, I haven't been on a real bike in years. Always felt too big. But I'm a little smaller than you now, so maybe I will give it a try sooner rather than later. Thanks for the inspiration to face one of my fears . . . :)

    The best thing I did was go and get "fitted" for a bike. It's a "comfort bike" and the most comfortable bike I have ever used. You don't feel like you're leaning down or anything, very natural.

  • chris2365
    chris2365 Posts: 76 Member
    For some reason I can't see to edit my existing post (I can't find where to edit), so here's an update:

    Newbie here.

    Name: Chris (female)
    Height: 5'7"
    Starting Weight (3/2): 327.6
    Goal Weight (3/31): 314

    3/2: 327.6
    3/9: 323.1

    Loss/gain for the week: 4.5
    Loss/gain for the month so far: 4.5

    Struggles or successes of your week:
    Successes: I successfully logged all of my food for the week. Most of the time I pre-logged, then when I had a change, I updated. I did some exercise, not as much as I will when I get the food thing down, but I'm fine with what I did. I made good food choices most of the time, hitting my calorie goals all but one day and hitting my goals for protein and fiber most days.

    Struggle: It's really hitting me how different weight loss is now that I'm older. Even 5 years ago if I was eating this many calories, I would have a huge loss. This week I had a big loss days 1-2 of the week, then I actually gained/maintained the rest of the week. It worries me a little - is 1800 calories per day too much for my weight? Sheer math says no, but maybe it is? I know I have a low metabolism. My pulse is in the 58-60 range and my body temperature is always very low, so many that's how I'm going to burn calories - slow, like a tortoise!

    So what do I do? (1) Be happy about the slow metabolism, which actually prolongs longevity (total silver lining), (2) TRY not to weigh every morning. If I only weigh weekly, I can won't be so traumatized by low loss overall. This is going to be hard. (3) Not going to do it now, but once I got the food thing locked down, I need to really focus on strength training which will help the metabolism thing.

  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    The best thing I did was go and get "fitted" for a bike. It's a "comfort bike" and the most comfortable bike I have ever used. You don't feel like you're leaning down or anything, very natural.


    What a cute bike!!

    Hmmmm, I don't know that I can swing a new bike (my husband gets the new bikes, he's a triathlete), but I'll make sure I have Hubby adjust the one I've got.
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    Name: mat
    Height: 6'3
    Starting Weight (3/1): 331
    Goal Weight (3/31): 321


    Loss/gain for the week:
    Loss/gain for the month so far:

    Struggles or successes of your week: I've been off the wagon for a few weeks and when I fall, I fall hard. But I'm back now and gearing up for another run.
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    Name: Matt
    Height: 6'3"

    March Start Weight (3/01): 331
    March Goal Weight (3/31): 315

    3/2: 331.0 lbs
    3/5: 327.8 lbs
    3/12: 326.4 lbs
    3/19: ? lbs
    3/26: ? lbs
    3/31: ? lbs

    Loss/gain for the week: 1.4 lbs
    Loss/gain for the month so far: 4.6 lbs

    Struggles or successes for the week:
    I have been staying up later than I should/intend (later than last week), which has resulted in less sleep and more frantic mornings. I really need to redouble my efforts to go to bed on time.

    Because I haven't gone over my calories, and have exercised (mostly) according to plan, I feel like my reading today was high (possibly due to retained water/food in my system). I ate quite a bit more than normal yesterday (due to eating exercise calories), and drank quite a bit more water too. I'm probably going to weigh again on Saturday, after my body has time to process, and find out if the 1.4 is accurate for last week; if the scale changes much I'll post an update.

    Exercise for the week:
    Since the 5th I've ridden my bike, on a stationary trainer, 1hr43min (28.35 miles equivalent of spinning). This is ~7 minutes less than I had planned because I hiked 1hr44min (4 miles) in ankle to knee deep slop on an impoundment inspection yesterday (impoundments are earthen dams designed to hold water and they must be inspected regularly).
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Okay, Matt, is it weird that I think your hike sounds cool??? :) 4 miles in less than two hours slogging through crud, though? You were MOVING. :)
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    I tell everyone at work that the 5 year old me would have loved this job (heck, the 32 year old me does). I'm tied to my desk most of the time so I don't get to play in the mud/muck much, but I get exercise out of the job when I can.

    I'm thinking, as I lose weight, I'll start telling my guys that I'll walk it every week. I would now, but it's up and down 100' elevation change on a 33% Grade (18½° Angle); bit rough on the knees so I keep it as a "sometimes treat". Plus, we need to move it to Tuesday so it's not wearing me out on my cycling day...
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Holy smokes, that's a severe incline. My treadmill only goes up to 15, and that's a killer that I can only do slowly and for only about 10 minutes. Kudos to you! :)
  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    Name: Jerri Lyn
    Height: 5'4"
    Starting Weight (3/3): 299.2
    Goal Weight (3/31): 295

    3/3: 299.2! Yay me!
    3/10: 299.8

    Loss/gain for the week: +.6
    Loss/gain for the month so far: +.6
  • rdmoore85
    rdmoore85 Posts: 84 Member
    Well I weigh myself tomorrow. I'm not expecting a loss like what I had last week though. Hang in there Jerri Lynn, still 3 more weeks to meet your goal!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Name: Des
    Height: 5'5"
    Starting Weight (3/6): 318
    Goal Weight (3/31): 310


    Loss/gain for the week: lost 3
    Loss/gain for the month so far: 3

    Struggles or successes of your week: I knew what needed to be done, it was just getting my butt to track all my food, and exerting. I am glad I am back doing what really needs to be done
  • stevehendersonjr
    Name: Steve
    Height: 6'1"
    Starting Weight (3/1): 280
    Goal Weight (3/31): 265

    3/1: 280
    3/6: 277
    3/13: 276

    Loss/gain for the week: -1
    Loss/gain for the month so far: -4

    Struggles or successes of your week: Ice Cream is my downfall!!!!