Confused/Frustrated at 5 weeks out!

SkinnyDevi Posts: 92 Member
Hi Everyone,
I'm 5 weeks post op today and I've lost a total of around 20-21 lbs. I know that everyone's journey is different and that we all lose at different rates but this seems really low to me for a VSGer. I also realize that traditional methods of weightloss probably would not have produced this result. That being said, it's still frustrating. I had a big drop of 12 lbs the first week and ~4 the second week. Since then, the last two weigh-ins have been around 2 lbs and this week I didn't lose a single thing. While I logically know that all of have different results, I can't get over the feeling of being frustrated with having a slow loss despite the low intake of calories (500 -700). I'm also retaining water which doesn't make sense to me. I guess I have this fear that I went through all of this and I'm not going to be successful. Did anyone else feel this way? Anyone have similar numbers and see success later?



  • MissMissie1987
    MissMissie1987 Posts: 72 Member
    I totally get how you feel. I am 4weeks out and only lost 16lbs. The first week I lost 13, I thought that was amazing and awesome. Then, I didn't lose anything for the next 2 weeks, I just finally started moving the scale again this past week with 3lb loss. If you think about it, over a term of a yr most of the VSG patients lose around 100lbs, but that is a whole entire yr....I try to think of it that way, we have 111 more months to say we lost all that weight. We will hit many stalls and maybe a gain or two, but we have to stay positive and remember that in the long run only losing 20+ lbs in a month or two is actually still pretty awesome. I am on here almost everyday if you ever want to vent some more or exchange stories. Hope everything else is going good with you!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Things I've noticed-men lose faster than women, tall people lose faster than short, young people lose faster than the rest of us, LOL! AND people who lose a lot the 1st wk usually stall/reset faster. What helped me was recalculating my BMR, subtracting my daily calories from that and dividing that number into 3500 to get the average number of days to lose a lb of fat. For example, my BMR is 1360, if I eat 800cal a day then I burn 560. since a lb of fat is about 3500 it will take me 6.25 days to lose a lb of fat. I know the BMR is our at rest rate, but let's be honest, we all have the metabolisms of slugs at this point. Also, If you are not measuring/weighing your food you could be off by 300 cal a day slowing you down even more. We are genetically engineered to gain faster than we lose anyway. Don't get discouraged, you have already burned 73,500 calories!! Also you will retain water if you don't drink enough water-drink more water and you lose more wt. Make sure your urine is hardly yellow-if it is not, you are likely dry. I stalled at wk 3 so I feel your distress-but now I am normal wt for ht-losing slower forced me to deal more honestly with my food addiction. If you are finished medicating with food, taking your vitamins and hitting your protein and calorie goals you will get there.
  • klcovington
    klcovington Posts: 381 Member
    They say consistency is the key and I have found that to be true. Having said that, I still feel like a turtle but at least a turtle that keeps moving in the right direction --- albeit slowly! I have often wondered if I am the "slowest loser" instead of the "biggest loser". Hang in there --- we will do this! :smile:
  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    At 5 weeks out, I had lost 21 lbs. There are so many variables that is just doesn't help to compare yourself to anyone else. Some people have a higher starting weight (or lower), some are taller/shorter, some were already exercising, and some are men. Yes, when I see people post who seem to be losing more or quicker than I am, I do get envious. But, I am losing and that is the important thing. Don't let you head get into a negative space. You are doing just fine. Keep up with the plan and you will have the success you want.
  • lorilbuckner1
    lorilbuckner1 Posts: 172 Member
    Im 3 weeks out and am feeling the same way. 11 pounds down since the day of surgery doesn't feel like much all things considered. Its nice to know I'm not alone in the slow lane. I was starting to feel there was something wrong with me! I know if I just stick to the program things will work, but I can't help but feel frustrated. I keep telling myself one day at a time!
  • nkac1980
    nkac1980 Posts: 24 Member
    I remember thinking I was failing as weight loss, constantly comparing myself to others success stories. At my 3 month checkup, I had only lost 35lbs. At week 1 it was 11lbs. My body seemed to rotate, 1 week lose a couple pounds, next week lose some inches and so forth. I have had two stalls that lasted 6 weeks each. That was really frustrating. I am 8 months out and have lost 75lbs total. My goal was 80lbs to reach a healthy BMI, these last 5lbs are really holding on for dear life. I have gotten to the point where I just tell myself to shut up and go with the process, as the process is different for everyone and my success is not measured by someone elses. I don't think I will ever be a size 4, but I can totally work with this size 8. In the end, if you follow your plan and get some exercise in there-your body will decide where it will end up and how fast it will get there.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    We all lose at different rates. Mangopickle mentioned some of them. Another truth is some of us just lose slower than others. I have always lost slower than some on here. But as long as you are still losing, that's really what counts the most, you know?
  • SkinnyDevi
    SkinnyDevi Posts: 92 Member
    Thanks so much for all the encouragement! As loribuckner1 said, "it's nice to know I'm not alone in the slow lane." After reading all of your comments, I took a look at my diary and realized that some of what i was eating was high in sodium and fat even though my overall calories was low. I'm going to try to change it up and find some better food options and see if that helps. Thanks again!!
  • ac7nj
    ac7nj Posts: 266 Member
    SkinnyDevi wrote: »
    Thanks so much for all the encouragement! As loribuckner1 said, "it's nice to know I'm not alone in the slow lane." After reading all of your comments, I took a look at my diary and realized that some of what i was eating was high in sodium and fat even though my overall calories was low. I'm going to try to change it up and find some better food options and see if that helps. Thanks again!!

    Just a comment about sodium in our bodies sodium retains water. Water weight is 8 pounds per gallon. Our bodies can retain a half gallon or more.

    Randy RN
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    5 weeks and 20 pounds is amazing. When I started I lost an average of 10 pounds a month,. be patient you will do fine.
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    I know it is easy to get worked up about the weight not coming off fast enough---trust me, I have been there. For me, it helps to focus on the fact the habits I am cultivating I will need to maintain for LIFE... the longer it takes for me to lose, the longer I have for those habits to really get cemented into my lifestyle-- and this is a good thing. Hang in there!
  • imboswell
    imboswell Posts: 104 Member
    I went to my doctor today and I was saying I didn't think that I was losing fast enough (43 lbs in 5 months). She asked me what do I think I could do to change that. I had to admit that I was not exercising like I should be. She also said that I should be doing some weight training and that would also help to kick start the weight loss again. Hang in there. This is a life change and things don't happen overnight.
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    I've lost 88 pounds in 6 months--but I've really had several weeks at a time of very little movement (a half pound here and a pound there) and then bam! a 5 lb drop when I've done nothing different at all. It's hard not to get discouraged (or overly confident!), but it all seems to even out in the end. Speaking of the end--be prepared for <ahem> bathroom issues--to contribute to the whole loss/stall equation more than it possibly did before. Also, if you start working out, be prepared for water retention-related stalls, as well. I pretty much know if I'm sore the next day, I won't have a loss, either.
  • jove102
    jove102 Posts: 68 Member
    It's so nice to hear all of this!!!! I am 7 weeks out and have lost 35 pounds and have not had the ability to excersice and I am getting job is pretty physical and I have a part time job to so it's very difficult to fit it in but I am looking for some options soon! I just also realized I might be eating more calories so I got strict on 500 a day...does anyone else find it hard to get the shakes in? It feels impossible to me sometimes
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    jove102, is your Dr telling you no more than 500 calories per day? Seems low for anyone and SUPER low for someone with a physical job. Take care that you don't reset your metabolism in a place that's unmanagable long term.

    Folks, don't be afraid to fuel your bodies with high quality food! Calculate your BMR and shave off some calories so you're in deficit and can lose slow and steady. You'll heal better, your body will perform better, your skin will thank you and you've a better chance to land your metabolism in a place you can live with long term. If you're really focused on that scale number going down daily, get off the scale! Cut back weigh ins to once per week and set goals around what you can absolutely control... Nutrition, exercise, protein. The weight will follow. Whether you're an exerciser or not, think like an athlete. Athletes eat and train, they do not diet and exercise.
  • mycatsnameisbug
    mycatsnameisbug Posts: 118 Member
    edited March 2015
    bikrchk wrote: »
    Nutrition, exercise, protein. The weight will follow. Whether you're an exerciser or not, think like an athlete. Athletes eat and train, they do not diet and exercise.

    Thanks for this! Love the philosophy of eat and train instead of diet and exercise :) sounds so much more bad *kitten* and it just flipped this whole thing on its head for me :wink:

    Also, I'm 3 days shy of my 1 month surgiversay... Just pluggin along, 16 lbs since surgery. 38 lbs overall. Yup I'm a turtle but I also haven't felt confident before this that the weight would come off and stay off... So that is gold no matter how slow or fast the weightloss happens!
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    bikrchik is spot on (again). I was NEVER given a calorie count by my Doctors. The focus was on fluid and protein intake. Eat high quality, protein rich foods first and make sure you get 60oz of fluid and the rest will take care of itself. Following those guidelines I gradually increased my caloric intake (naturally) until MFP actually stopped sending me warnings. Down 125 pounds and have been maintaining my weight (with normal fluctuations - completely different topic!)
  • jove102
    jove102 Posts: 68 Member
    I honesty cannot remember what thy told me as far as calories...I was eating 1500-2000 before I guess I am paranoid that I won't lose weight...I take prednisone too and I feel like that works against me
  • steph_kunefke
    steph_kunefke Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5 weeks out also and lost 37 the first few weeks. I am now going between 2 and 3 pounds back and forth and it is very frustrating. I'm getting my water and protein in and very low calories.
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    bikrchk wrote: »
    jove102, is your Dr telling you no more than 500 calories per day? Seems low for anyone and SUPER low for someone with a physical job. Take care that you don't reset your metabolism in a place that's unmanagable long term.

    Folks, don't be afraid to fuel your bodies with high quality food! Calculate your BMR and shave off some calories so you're in deficit and can lose slow and steady. You'll heal better, your body will perform better, your skin will thank you and you've a better chance to land your metabolism in a place you can live with long term. If you're really focused on that scale number going down daily, get off the scale! Cut back weigh ins to once per week and set goals around what you can absolutely control... Nutrition, exercise, protein. The weight will follow. Whether you're an exerciser or not, think like an athlete. Athletes eat and train, they do not diet and exercise.

    bikrchk>> Thanks for the post, it is also a good reminder for those of us further out from surgery. Love the eat and train, not diet and exercise. (*)