What vitamins do you take?

I just had my gastric bypass on February 10th, and I was curious as to what various vitamins everyone takes. I take 4 OptiSource Post Bariatric Surgery Multi-Vitamins and 1 Biotin per day.

- Michelle


  • jl191
    jl191 Posts: 33 Member
    I take what my bariatric surgeon provides, Bariatric Fusion 4x a day
  • cabennett99
    cabennett99 Posts: 357 Member
    Bariatric Advantage:
    Multi-Vitamin (2x a day)
    B-50 Complex
    Calcium (500mg 3x a day)
  • lenac87
    lenac87 Posts: 383 Member
    I had the sleeve 12/16. I too take 4 optisource post bariatric vitamins, biotin, and a calcium caramel chew with vit D
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    I hate the multi vitamin so I'll be switching as soon as I'm done with the bottle.
  • LunaGuido
    LunaGuido Posts: 115 Member
    Does anyone take non-chewable multivitamins? I'd like to go that route eventually. I chew four Bariatric Fusion/day and they're really gross. The two I've found are Bariatric Advantage (which would require I take additional calcium) and BariLife, which has everything. Would love any feedback. Thanks!
  • cabennett99
    cabennett99 Posts: 357 Member
    My doctor uses Bariaric Advantage (as I listed above), but never was required to use chewables. I had to crush the solid pills until about 2-3 month post op, the calcium chews are the only chewable vitamins I took and they're a tasty way to get calcium. Once I started drinking Premier Protein shakes (for convenience, rather than mixing my own from powder) they each substituted for a calcium chew because of their high calcium content.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    LunaGuido wrote: »
    Does anyone take non-chewable multivitamins? I'd like to go that route eventually. I chew four Bariatric Fusion/day and they're really gross. The two I've found are Bariatric Advantage (which would require I take additional calcium) and BariLife, which has everything. Would love any feedback. Thanks!

    I take regular One A Day vitamins, I have no problem with them! I also take a regular calcium, and a magnesium gelcap.

  • LunaGuido
    LunaGuido Posts: 115 Member
    Cabennett - good to know! I got the BA non-chewable but have been afraid to take them yet because they're pretty big.

    Garber6th - do you have to take a lot of the One A Day? That would be cool if I could just take those!
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I just take one a day :-) My bloodwork comes back great every time!
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    I take 2 flinstone chewables, b12 subligual, vitron-c Iron, GNC chewable carmel Calcium+D, GNC creatine chews, GNC Glutamine chews
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    2 Centrum Chewables
    2 2000 IU D3
    1 1000 mg vitamin C
    4 Ferro-sequels

    2 Citrical
    1 5000 mg B12

    Before bed:
    2 Citrical

    It's a chore for me to remember all of them. Especially that last calcium dose of the day.
  • idalooses
    idalooses Posts: 30 Member
    <3 I take:
    1 Citracal gummy chewable (must be Calcium Citrate and not Calcium Carbonate)
    1 Biotin (5,000mcg)
    1 sublingual B12 (5,000mcg)
    4 hrs later (must space MVI 4 hrs after Calcium)
    1 MVI (Flintstones Chewable)
    1 Citracal gummy chewable
    I think that is all I take other than GasX dissolvable strips and Colace if I need them.....
    Just in the short time I have been visiting this site, I found that the vitamins and supplements vary greatly from surgeon to surgeon.... just do what your surgeon orders!!
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    edited March 2015
    Opurity (see the unjury.com website) has a WLS surgery optimized one-a-day chewable. I also take calcium and D3 and B12, but have played around with brands on those.

    Immediately post-op, I used Wellesse liquid vitamins to avoid the whole crushing pills thing…but the taste isn't great and per dose it is more expensive, so I switched to chewables.
  • LunaGuido
    LunaGuido Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks for all the great feedback, guys!