Weekly Warrior Mini Goal Challenge 3/08 - 3/14 (2015)



  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    KrisPage wrote: »
    Walked tonight while kids rode their bikes shins are hurting this week from getting back into running.
    I would miss the seasons I hate winter but love spring flowers budding hot summers and a true fall with all the leaves changing. I suffer through Missouri winters. Today reminded me why it was suddenly just beautiful 70s and birds singing happily while the kids rode their bikes.

    1 checking in 4/7
    2 C25k 2/3
    3 logging 4/7

    Good job today Kris :) I'm with ya on the Seasons, in order to have the pretty ones and the lovely Fall we have to deal with some humidity and the ice. Same weather here this week...it's crazy beautiful!!
  • Hi All!!
    Happy Thursday!! Yesterday was a bit busy...but none the less, I worked on my goals!!!
    My goals for the week are:
    1. get to bed by 22:30-latest 23:00 7/7 3/7
    2. drink 3 liters 7/7 3/7
    3. walk 5km 4/7 3/7
    I'm lucky-have my own laundrymat at home! 2 washmaschines & a dryer. The weather was so fantastic yesterday-I could hang up 5 loads outside! Love the smell of wash that was hung outside to dry!!
    Today us my 6th day of fasting. I did very well, didn't have any craves for anything...just drank my teas & broths. Tomorrow I'm going to "break" my fasting-looking forward to my apple tomorrow morning!!
    Smiles across the miles!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    We have two seasons here - hot and not hot lol, but it IS very beautiful
    - s0spc5k43f0e.jpg
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Looks like everyone is doing a fantastic job with their goals - yay warriors!!!!

    Tuesday I did ok but went over my calories ( but healthy food choices at least) Dog class was canceled, so no worries about more back spasms for now lol.
    Wednesday was a very good day - stayed in green, met my protein goal, got in some intentional exercise in spite of a sinus headache from everything blooming like crazy since Spring has Sprung! We do get about 6 weeks of spring - I was just joking about the two seasons :)
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 409 Member
    Have been ok this week. Have slacked on logging my food but at least that is not a goal. Lola

    1. Take pill every day. 4/7
    2. Do zumba 3 times. 1/3. Although I am planning on doing it later. My knee has been hurting.
    3. Drink 64 oz of water everyday. 4/7

    Lets finish this week strong.
  • Lost_it
    Lost_it Posts: 290 Member
    Wednesday and Thursday Check in

    1)Wednesdays - Aqua fit class - 60 minutes- 9:00am to 10:00 am - Didn't make it to class had Dr appointment then work..
    Thursdays - Aqua fit class - 50 minutes OR Water Running- 30 minutes - Won't be making tonight's Aqua class but did a lot of walking at work and still may get out for a short evening walk
    2) Tracked and in the Green 3/7( Wed)

    Since I got home from my holiday I have had to work full time( co-worker quit day a left on holidays) and not used to working 8 hour day on my feet all day. Really tired when I get home but am still trying to get in some other exercise( besides walking) in the evening even if it just a couple of games on the Wii
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hello my friends!

    1. 3 workouts - 2/3
    2. Check in everyday - 3 check ins in a row
    3. 10:30 bed time - 2/7
    Here's to a great Friday!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Getting my check in early today!!

    1. 3 workouts - 2/3 I will get in the last one this week! I WILL have 3
    2. Check in everyday - 4 check ins in a row
    3. 10:30 bed time - 3/7

    Have a great one!

  • forestrose910
    forestrose910 Posts: 688 Member
    Happy Friday, lovely warriors. Have a great day. so very nice to see all of the activity, returning faces and some very hard work and smart choices. we can do this. keep it going all throughout the weekend.

    My goals 3/9- 3/15
    1. Log 4 days
    2. Green 3 days
    3. 3 days of exercise
    4. 60,000 steps

    Weds-Thurs check in
    1. 0/4
    2. 0/3
    3. 2/3
    4. 65,468/60,000
  • dysmart
    dysmart Posts: 36 Member
    TGIF Warriors... This has been a rough week. I'm not sleeping well, waking up late & missing my workouts... Hopefully I can make them up...

    My goals this week:

    1. 5 "green" days of 7 4/7
    2. 4 workouts 1/7
    3. Vitamins 5x 1/5

    Hope everyone has plans for a wonderful weekend!
  • Lost_it
    Lost_it Posts: 290 Member
    Friday check in

    1) Fridays - Aqua fit class - 60 minutes - 9:00am to 10:00am- Schedule changed at work so didn't make it to aqua class
    2) Tracked food in the Green 4/7
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    dysmart wrote: »
    TGIF Warriors... This has been a rough week. I'm not sleeping well, waking up late & missing my workouts... Hopefully I can make them up...

    Sorry you're having sleep issues Dy. Hope that you start getting a good night's sleep soon.

  • dysmart
    dysmart Posts: 36 Member
    seehe wrote: »
    dysmart wrote: »
    TGIF Warriors... This has been a rough week. I'm not sleeping well, waking up late & missing my workouts... Hopefully I can make them up...

    Sorry you're having sleep issues Dy. Hope that you start getting a good night's sleep soon.
    Thank you!
  • dysmart
    dysmart Posts: 36 Member
    Saturday check-in

    1. 5 "green" days of 7 5/5
    2. 4 workouts 1/7. 1/4
    3. Vitamins 5x 1/5. 1/5

    Hope everyone has plans for a wonderful weekend!
  • Hi All!!
    What a wonderful Weekend! We went for a very nice & very hilly hike today - the highlight was as we walked along a babbeling brook! I just love listening to the water as it goes by-and if you listen real good, you can hear the birds calling for a mate!
    My goals for the week were:
    1. get to bed by 22:30-latest 23:00 7/7 5/7
    2. drink 3 liters 7/7 7/7
    3. walk 5km 4/7 6/7
    I'm pleased!
    Smiles across the miles!!
  • forestrose910
    forestrose910 Posts: 688 Member
    Final check in for last week.

    My goals 3/9- 3/15
    1. Log 4 days
    2. Green 3 days
    3. 3 days of exercise
    4. 60,000 steps

    Fri-sat-sun check in
    1. 0/4
    2. 0/3
    3. 3/3
    4. 65,178/60,000***** (65,468/60,000) :s:'( - that was a mistake on fridays's posting. should have been 35,468
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Last check in... or my first? lol

    Well got some groceries, need to finish that up
    Got some laundry done
    did some meal prep
    worked a bit on my computer switch over

    See ya in the new thread :)
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    I'm so bad with weekend check-ins

    1. 3 workouts - 3/3 - got my 3 pat week
    2. Check in everyday - 5 still a work in progress.
    3. 10:30 bed time - 3/7 yeah not even close this weekend

    On to a new week!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Goals finished
    1 checking in 4/7
    2 C25k 2/3
    3 logging 6/7
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