Motivation, Support and Accountability Thread, March 9th - 15th



  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,617 Member
    Well guys yesterday was a hard day for me after the gym because of stupid people. but I didn't go running to food like I use to. instead I vented it out here on MFP and talked with some friends and they really helped me. I'm not going to let some stupid guy get me down when I am trying to get healthy. :) as for today I went back to the gym for a walk and zumba, now I'm going to finish the day off strong with eating healthy food choices.

    @craft don't let that get you down. just learn from it and keep going. we all have days/ weeks/ and as for me months. but I didn't stop coming back here.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,617 Member
    well today I gave my self a cheat day because I been doing a lot of work. it was nice but tomorrow back to normal way of tracking.

    How was everyones day ?
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,617 Member
    Where is everyone?
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Sorry, hon. Had an early start this morning. :)

    • 13,489 steps
    • walked the dog
    • celebrated Pi Day by eating one quarter of an Amy's Apple Pie (only 115 calories)
    • got on my bike and rode around the cul de sac!! First time in over a decade. Now I just need to find my helmet . . .

    Today, I plan on getting my 10,000 steps in and not blow it food-wise, and get some other type of exercise in. I'm off to a good start, I selected breakfast from the "light" menu, so it was only 385 calories. YAY! And then my family went to a trampoline park to play for an hour. SO. MUCH. FUN. I totally did not expect that it would hurt my back so much, though,I was expecting my knees to kill me. Knees are fine, back is dead and plotting revenge.

    But I'm totally going back. And I recommend it a bunch if you have one near you. :D
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Hey, hello everyone!

    I had a bit of an insane weekend.....I got my income tax refund, so usually I try and make one or two larger purchases because that is the only time of year I can afford to lol

    Yesterday went back and forth to Wal-Mart THREE times before finally coming home with a TV. Then was up until 3am with a friend watching a movie on it. (It was a three hour movie we started super late after finally buying and setting up the TV).

    Then today, I slept in until around noon, and then finally headed out around 2pm to the other side of the city, by bus, to buy a tablet that was $299.99 on Thursday and was told it would stay that price for a while. When I got there today, it was $379.99. I was not impressed. Long story short, it is apparently going back to the first price on Wednesday. I do not understand it, but I am obviously going back then. So, I ran to the other side of the plaza to get a few things, and then on the bus ride home, realized my fitbit was missing. I start freaking out inside. My driver calls the other bus, it is not there. I call all three stores I was in, nothing has been turned in. I ride around an extra loop on the bus to check the stops I was at. Nothing. THEN it dawns on me that I was in a rush this morning, and was not sure I put it back on after my shower. I felt stupid, relieved, but stupid. So at this point I have to ride the bus back to where I started, to finally go grocery shopping at 6pm. In total, I spent three hours of my day riding a bus and it was totally wasted time as I accomplished nothing. Plus I lots a few thousand steps counted from my fitbit. :s

    So, now I am playing catch up with my other Sunday chores. Thankfully it is March Break so at least I didn't have to do any baking or anything today....and with that, I am off to fold laundry and have some dinner.....

    Have a good night everyone! I will be back before bed to start next weeks thread!
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    Well well what a week. Did ok on my eating this week. Went overboard a few times, but trying to stay positive. I did go to a Cajun food festival this weekend. Oh wow was that good. Lots of walking, and eating great gumbo. I avoided the funnel cakes and fries oreos so I'm calling that a win! Went out with the wife sat night for some dancing and a few adult type beverages(not too many) and then a day of working with the horses on sunday. We did set ourselves up good by doing some lunch cooking for the week to reduce trips out for lunch.

    See yall next week.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Passing up funnel cake is most defiantly a win, I do not think I could be THAT strong!!
  • seasicksquid
    seasicksquid Posts: 73 Member
    craftscout wrote: »
    Sorry, hon. Had an early start this morning. :)

    [*] got on my bike and rode around the cul de sac!! First time in over a decade. Now I just need to find my helmet . . .

    Yay bike riding!!