March Morning Coffee and Gratitude List



  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Oh how blessed we are to have warm sunshine B) despite it being 50 degrees. Able to get out and have a short walk, now enjoying my "red work" and Masterpiece Theater!
    I wish you all an enjoyable evening !!
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Okay, Wanda, what's red work?
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited March 2015
    I am grateful for my wellness program at work. They offer great classes. Demonstrations. Phone coaching (I'm doing stress relief). On-line healthy self-improvement programs. And with only a little effort, I got a $100 reward that can be redeemed for gift cards or payment at many, many different stores, travel, restaurants, etc. I'm thinking maybe choosing a $100 gift card for for another getaway later in the year! Could be another weight loss goal reward! Maybe my 130# goal reward when I get there!
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    Today I am grateful that the OT assigned to me did not interfere with my granddaughter's Regional Speech Meet this morning. I was able to go and hear her recite her fable and receive a blue ribbon for superior rating. I'm not at all thrilled with the OT--8:00p.m to 1:45 a.m.--that is actually after my bedtime!. I am off tomorrow, so for now, I am going to take an nap, then go to work. Charlie, I just enrolled in Coaching Connection they offered thru work. I think with that and MFP I really will get my act together.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    OK ladies I really do enjoy the college basketball tourneys going on right now. I love it. GO BIG 12
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Hi Sharon, So sorry I did not see your post till now. Red Work is Embroidery with red floss or thick thread. You can use any color if you would like, I am using red because I am making a quilt and some of the blocks are Embroidery with fabric blocks. I just love it!! I wish I could make my RN wage doing this type of work.
    I would love to teach classes for children, maybe when I retire o:)

    I am grateful for the melting snow, the sounds of the geese flying home, the bright sunny mornings! My husband telling me he loves me however I look :)
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Wanda, can I send you some geese permanently? They are a huge, year-long nuisance here. Messy, aggressive flocks of often hundreds in parks, parking lots, golf courses, farmer's fields, and bringing traffic to standstill as they walk across roads and highways. You won't see geese on a grateful list around here. I call them "feathered rats." To my Canadian friends on MFP...please take them back!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Wanda, can I send you some geese permanently? They are a huge, year-long nuisance here. Messy, aggressive flocks of often hundreds in parks, parking lots, golf courses, farmer's fields, and bringing traffic to standstill as they walk across roads and highways. You won't see geese on a grateful list around here. I call them "feathered rats." To my Canadian friends on MFP...please take them back!

    They can have mine as well.

    They poop all over, a real problem when you are trying to walk around a lovely park. My husband and I refer to the mess as land mines. LOL There is a golf course behind our park, so there are around a thousand in the neighborhood. And they also cause traffic jams at inconvenient times.

    I do think they are pretty flying over head, but not so much when eating the new grass sprouts and pooping them out almost as fast as they consume them.

    OK Rant mode off.

    I am grateful we have sunshine and over 60 temps today. Got a 3 mile walk in already, I will do my standard walk in a bit and I should be well over the 12K I need today. I am so grateful my DH is into doing all this walking with me. Makes it more fun. We even walked to the grocery to get bison to grill for supper tonight.
  • Bettikins52
    Bettikins52 Posts: 7 Member
    The old list was getting very long. Time to start a fresh one. I think the idea of doing it monthly is a great one so I named this one for our new month, March.

    I am grateful to start March off with a small loss again.

  • Bettikins52
    Bettikins52 Posts: 7 Member
    grandmothercharlie - I read a garden magazine years ago where a reader wrote in wondering how she could "attract" the Canada geese to her garden! Sorry I don't have her have an "asset" she would be looking for!
    On my gratitude list today is that my daughters size 14 jeans are loose on me! 30 lbs have gone...I tell my colleagues, friends, family that they will be seeing "less of me". Keep soldiering on everyone. .just think of how great we are going to look before summer hits.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Good Morning Friends, I am feeling much better :D Unfortunatly I am working on this beautiful day, it is cloudy but that is fine with me! I will take 50 degrees any day !
    I am very gratful for my continued desire to "lose weight & feel great". I am looking forward to seing some Rubarb pop through the ground soon.
    About the GEESE, I enjoy listing to them fly over, I agree they can be a real pain in the butt! They chase and bite also :s Have a fantastic day!!!
  • mangotango
    mangotango Posts: 64 Member
    Like so many, I am grateful that spring has sprung - hooray! Also grateful for the continued motivation to stick with working on losing weight. It really is a thousand small choices day by day that add up to a big difference. Glad that MFP and technology really spell out so much for us.
  • ashkinb
    ashkinb Posts: 18 Member
    I am grateful that I am finally heading in the right direction, that I have a supportive doctor who's a cheerleader not a nagger, and for this community of cheerleaders and wonderful examples!
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    I am grateful that the mall is 2.5 miles away and that here in Lynn Haven I no longer have to deal with the traffic that I had in Raleigh. The exercise bike was just not getting it for me so I took my fitbit and went back to the mall. The walking just seems like better exercise, I suppose because it is weight bearing.

    Learntolive I have to ask, you have an OT assigned to you who comes from 8 pm to 1 am? Is this home health? I have never heard of such a thing and I was is home health from a very long time so curiosity drives me to ask about these hours!

    I have to admit that spring is not quite as thrilling to me as it is to people in the north. The spring here is nice but very short - we are already jumping into the 80s and Florida summers are not my idea of fun. My dh loves them (he is a native) and he works outside about 50% of the time. I have no idea how he stands it. Speaking of dh, he also has a fitbit and eats what I make for us and all I am doing is finding light versions of all of the things we like (I made a light key lime pie this weekend that was wonderful and almost fat free!). Needless to say, he losing weight about twice as fast as I am! lol But even if I am losing slowly, I am losing so I am not complaining.

  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    I'm grateful there are ways to lighten our recipes and increase nutrition while still catering to what hubby will eat. I'm grateful I've found nutritious ways to cope with cravings while husband eats snacks all evening. He needs the calories and it's what works for him.
    @dreamon145 Yes, surely the weight bearing exercise is good for our bone density, according to one of my doctors.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I am grateful for my convertible. It gives me much joy and a sense of freedom! My one extravagance! (We all deserve at least one!)
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    edited March 2015
    @Charlie I can so see you riding your convertible. Go girl!

    I am especially grateful that today some very special friends arrive for a few days. We have been managing to get together for a few days twice a year lately which is more often then we see most friends who live far away.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Charlie, what brand of convertible?? I love thinking about you riding in your convertible!! That is how we feel about our Corvette - love it!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Today I am very grateful that we live in a country where we have super doctors and fantastic medicine!! I can't believe how much better I feel!
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    I don't read this sight every day, so I'm late with a couple of replies. DreamOn, I work for an airline, the OT was closing bags! Ugh! The most dreaded shift! Rebamae, I live in Kentucky. We love college basketball in this state. My husband is a UK fan, I am a UofL fan.
    We both pull for the other team when they are not playing each other.
    Today I am grateful for the ability to increase my walk to 40 minutes without any complications! I have joined a Wellness Challenge at work which qualified me for a program called Coaching Connection. I feel certain that will help me stay on track and reach my goals. The scale is trying to move down, praying Tuesday I will go down a pound or two. If I do, that will put me into another "decade".