What's Your Weakness?



  • duichaser
    duichaser Posts: 174 Member
    Pizza and beer. Pizza is definitely my cryptonite. I can't stop at a slice or two. As for beer, I love it and will be happy to put a few down at any given time.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Wine and anything salty or starchy, breads and cheeses. Yikes!
  • Dead_Mans_Party
    Dead_Mans_Party Posts: 891 Member
    Pizza and cheese.

    Just found this group. Looking for freinds in the 40's clan. Add me if you like.
  • maestraortiz05
    maestraortiz05 Posts: 4 Member
    jackiebh42 wrote: »
    Mine: Wine. Weekends.
    I do SOOO well working out daily, eating right & adhering to my target calories all week & then the weekend rolls around & everything I've worked hard on all week goes out the window. Sigh!
    A glass of wine (OK, I lie... 2, maybe 3) on Friday, a beer (or 2) Saturday etc... Lots of snacking here & there & almost always exceed my max calories.
    I'm catholic so I'm HOPING to give up

    Weekends are the hardest for me too! The structure of a workday Mon-Fri helps. But when the weekend is here all bets are off! I'm just starting to log EVERYTHING and I'm hoping the fact that others will be looking at my food log wil make me be more self-aware of what I eat.
  • azneee
    azneee Posts: 25 Member
    Anything in arms reach between 10-11 p.m. I hit the sack to avoid this witching hour of snack craziness.
  • jlewisrn74
    jlewisrn74 Posts: 94 Member

    Weekends are the hardest for me too! The structure of a workday Mon-Fri helps. But when the weekend is here all bets are off! I'm just starting to log EVERYTHING and I'm hoping the fact that others will be looking at my food log wil make me be more self-aware of what I eat. [/quote]

    This does help! I doubt people really care what I eat but knowing I have to log it for everyone to see makes me more accountable. If you are honest with the logging it helps!

  • 503ecc
    503ecc Posts: 82 Member
    Baked goods. Especially cinnamon rolls pulled out of the oven right before I walk into my fav coffee shop... Ugh... And no time for the gym today.
  • cmsa3
    cmsa3 Posts: 2
    Me too
  • cmsa3
    cmsa3 Posts: 2
    Cheese and chocolate. I gave up bread and butter, but I'm still gaining. Maybe this buddy system will help.
  • kareneastwood865
    kareneastwood865 Posts: 132 Member
    Pizza! Living in NY is tough because there is temptation on every.single.corner. Literally!
  • kareneastwood865
    kareneastwood865 Posts: 132 Member
    503ecc wrote: »
    Baked goods. Especially cinnamon rolls pulled out of the oven right before I walk into my fav coffee shop... Ugh... And no time for the gym today.
    Cinnamon rolls in any venue is a weakness! I get that!
  • Cheese and cookies and cake.
  • wannabthin1831
    wannabthin1831 Posts: 31 Member
    cmsa3 wrote: »
    Me too
    I my gosh you guys must be long lost siblings!!!! I do Log everything I eat including those sweets ! If I didn't eat them I know I'd lose faster but to be honest if feel deprived and resentful. Better to have one kiss or one candy and keep it real as far as I'm concerned !
  • rbmcc
    rbmcc Posts: 3 Member
    Sweets for sure (mmmm....chocolate). But I tend to stress eat, so all those snacks at work are fair game! It's the worst, especially when it's not even something that I really love, but I eat it anyway.
  • rbmcc
    rbmcc Posts: 3 Member
    Oh, and restaurant food, of course. We eat out frequently (esp. weekends), and trying to find something delicious that's not a calorie bomb is tough! Los Angeles restaurants are so delicious
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    Getting hungry - I'll do great all day, and then the evening hits and I shouldn't eat anymore and I get hungry and BAM, eat way too much, usually craving fat and sweet at the same time.
  • hezemakiah
    hezemakiah Posts: 157 Member
    sugar, salt, pizza, bread, coffee creamer.
  • papayahed
    papayahed Posts: 407 Member
    Pop and candy!
  • mominstands
    mominstands Posts: 83 Member
    BEER!!!!! oh and food, but mainly BEER!!!!
  • klsonelove1
    klsonelove1 Posts: 3 Member
    Chewy candy like gummy worms, gummy life savers, jelly beans, and omg chips.
  • Rogsman
    Rogsman Posts: 106 Member
    Ice cream. Daily. It fits my macros. :smile:

    Everyone 3 months or so I crave cake. White cake with white frosting is the only thing that'll do. So my wife makes me a cake and I eat the entire thing in two days, snarling at anyone who approaches it. Then I'm tired of cake and can refocus until the next cycle. I also log that I had two pieces when in fact it was more like 6.

    Sometimes I take it a step further. Sometimes the cake stares at me, damning me with guilt over it's high caloric content and zero nutritional value. So I cover it with ice cream. Problem solved.
  • LilIslandGirl
    LilIslandGirl Posts: 6 Member
    My weakness is large dinner then evening snacking. The bad habit started when I worked nights and caused a 15 lb weight gain this past holiday season. Working hard to break both of these. :p
  • smilelaughlove17
    smilelaughlove17 Posts: 134 Member
    hollia13 wrote: »
    Noodles, oodles and oodles of noodles! It doesn't matter what you put on them, I'm going for the noodles. Chips, and chocolate too....

    Me too! Noodles of any kind are my downfall
  • alesaux1867
    alesaux1867 Posts: 15 Member
    Chocolate , Beer and more Chocolate with some Red Wine thrown in for good luck.

    On a normal day I can't walk past the fridge without stopping off to get a Chocolate fix

    And I wish the local Kebab and Pizza joint didn't deliver
  • cancervixen
    cancervixen Posts: 34 Member
    I love candy! Especially sour candy. Oh, and carbs! Haven't met a carb yet that I didn't like!
  • mominstands
    mominstands Posts: 83 Member
    boz2004 wrote: »
    BEER!!!!! oh and food, but mainly BEER!!!!

  • retailwizard1
    retailwizard1 Posts: 84 Member
    I love to eat everything including veggies but my weakness is sugar:( sometimes half my calories for the day goes to chocolate. .. I know bad but I also have night eating issues. .. I try to stay out of my house as much as possible! ! So I don't eat what's in the house but I think I'm improving. .. going out is hard and I usually do once a week so I try not to go to crazy and use it as my cheat day for the week... usually doesn't hurt me as long as only the once
  • chandramiller68
    chandramiller68 Posts: 189 Member
    Cheez-Its and potato chips. I can't buy them and have them in the house.
  • Feistychick68
    Feistychick68 Posts: 301 Member
    Pasta, chips, chocolate and men!
  • retailwizard1
    retailwizard1 Posts: 84 Member
    Last I looked men are calorie free so have all you want