March Challenge #2 Check-In starting Tues, March 17

ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
Happy St. Pat's Day!! irish-080.gif
Before you go drink all that green beer, how about sharing how you're doing on your March challenges?


  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    GREEN BEER Oh my that does not sound too good!!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    animated-eating-smiley-image-0023.gifI will log everything eaten every day!!!
    ==>Met goal

    t31135.gifI will bike instead of drive
    ==>Biked/walked 6 out of last 7 days

    animated-computer-smiley-image-0031.gifI will "step back from the computer" and spend more time just moving!!
    ==>Reduced computer time but now finding myself reading trashy novels more!!


  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    I set my goals and I'm sticking to them, unless I get to play tennis on my rest day! I'm walking the 10000 steps, doing 300 minutes a week toning exercises and/or tennis, and taking rest days. The rest day this week included tennis, but that counted toward the 10,000 steps, right?
    I splurged on chocolate at an interactive play one day, and yesterday did quality control to make sure my attempt at making my grandmother of Irish extraction's soda bread cookies passed muster before I take them to the bridge group, but I stayed pretty much within my calorie limits.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited March 2015

    No green beer for me! Two days a year I definitely don't go out for a drink: St. Paddy's and New Years Eve. Too many amateur drunks who get sloppy, careless, and dangerous!

    My week is totally the same as last (except for one more Tai Chi):

    Started: 147.5
    Weigh-In #1: 147
    CW: 147
    Goal: 145

    Other challenges: Meditation: 2x out of 3x.
    Strength training: 0x out of 2x.
    Tai Chi: 2x out of 2x.

    Used the rowing machine again this week when it was available. Seemed to be working out "late" this week, too. Not great for falling asleep at a reasonable hour though. Did get to walk outside some! That is good.

    Not going to change much. When I hit these plateaus, all I can do is wait it out! It will come.

    Have a great week!

    PS: Wooken! Love your alternative to screen time. I always have my Kindle with me. When people ask what I am reading, I answer, "Trash." What I read will never be on any required reading list, but I like my books like I like my movies -- entertainment that just washes over me and makes me feel good! Nothing wrong with that!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    edited March 2015
    Happy St. Patrick Day to each of you.

    I have had a great week except for this *** cold! I just can't shake it.

    232.0 ~~~Starting weight on March 3
    225.4 ~~~Current Weight
    7/7 ~~~ I will stay on the Paleo plan 100%
    yes ~~~ I will log daily
    no ~~~ I will start walking again.
    6.6 ~~~ I will shed -4.5 = 227.5

    I am not walking as this cold has absolutely left me with zero energy.
    I am going to give up and go to the Dr. today although I don't think there is much he can do for me. But, we will see!

    Have a happy day!!
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    WOW - looks like we are all doing pretty well (WTG on your weight loss, Reba!!!)
    - I'd say my accurate logging is 85% there (which is a whole lot better than 10%!
    - Doing well on my walking - lowest day was over 17,000 and I've averaged more than 20,000 steps per day for the last week.
    - Bought my ONE box of skinny cow frozen treats yesterday, and still have most of them. Will see how that goes.
    - Didn't do so well on the protein bars :cry: I guess I just can't have them around the house.
    - I keep gaining and losing the same two or three pounds lately. Very frustrating. Have tried a variety of approaches - increased calorie burn, thrown in a low calorie day here and there, trying to stay on plan. Hoping that if I just stick with it, my scale will cooperate one of these days... (Better be really soon if I have a chance of losing another two pounds this month!!!)

    Charlie - Too many amateur drunks ... LOL LOL! My hubby is planning on stealing that phrase :smiley:
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Great work, folks - this is very encouraging to read about your progress.

    As for me, I have officially fallen by the wayside. I am supposed to exercise a minimum of 40 minutes a day but... I didn't do it. Oh, I have lots of good excuses: (1) our spin instructor was out last week so I missed my mainstay of weight loss, spin class; (2) I have been working many hours to get my bookkeeping for my business tied up to get our taxes completed; and especially (3) the fact that I broke my toe last week and have not been able to do my usual exercise routine.

    As a result I have already gained back two pounds. Grrr! So yesterday I did some stair-climbing here at home. Today I am cramming my foot into a shoe and getting back on that ski machine. (Is there anything more aggravating than having to lose again, two pounds you already lost???)

    One goal met: dh & I finally moved the ski machine up from the basement into the bedroom, and set up the second tv with the new cable box. That was something of a workout in and of itself - but I did not work up an actual sweat doing it. :) Now I will be able to stay on the machine longer and not die of boredom.

    I have no doubt getting back into my usual routine will remove those extra pounds in short order. So I am not giving up on this challenge --- March is only half over, and this week I am going to meet that goal!! ~ Kathy
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Thanks to record high temps around here, I am easily going over my 12K steps each day.

    As far as cutting back on screen time, all the walking is working and if I listen to the cable music channels, DH doesn't put on some program to catch my attention. Also found out our smart tv has a screen saver that comes up after 10 mins of inactivity, the programs are still on but there is a slide show that just repeats. That should help too, gets boring after the first go around, LOL.

    I have also dropped more weight (not part of my challenge, so I am pretty happy with March this year.

    Today is DH's birthday and he wants fondue for dinner, so my meals will need to be extra light today, to make up for that. At least I have veggies & apples that I can have with it, not just the crusty bread that he so loves with the fondue.

    Make great choices today everyone, they add up to great results!

    Happy St. Paddy's Day.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Oh such good day ! I lost another pound :) My goal was to lose 0.5/week, I am going to continue my 4 days/week of 30 minutes of exercise. When I work my 12 hr. shifts I will not exercise! I will follow my 1500 calorie plan. I chose that range because I can not seem to lose if I'm in the 2000's Thank God for each new Day and to help me with my journey!!!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited March 2015
    Great job, Wanda, and everyone else showing losses and meeting goals this week. We rock!

  • Myrtbbk
    Myrtbbk Posts: 33 Member
    My challenge was to eat lunch, or something I could call lunch, every day. I did miss a few days, but have made sure to carry a protein bar in my purse. Now, I have to learn that I need to eat them, not just carry them.
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    It's fun and encouraging to read this everyday. Joni p.s. no weight loss for me last week, Bummer!