


  • jrhagenn
    jrhagenn Posts: 4 Member
    edited March 2015
    Alright that makes a bit more sense now, thanks. So when i do any exercise other than walking (which fitbit tracks the steps then syncs into mfp) should i be entering those in fitbit or mfp for better accuracy? For example - if i am lifting weights should i be tracking that in which app or is it even necessary to track?
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    JHagenD wrote: »
    Alright that makes a bit more sense now, thanks. So when i do any exercise other than walking (which fitbit tracks the steps then syncs into mfp) should i be entering those in fitbit or mfp for better accuracy? For example - if i am lifting weights should i be tracking that in which app or is it even necessary to track?

    The general consensus is to track exercise in FitBit, food in MFP.

    Your weight lifting - since it is not step based - needs to be entered manually. I'm no expert on weight lifting, but if you're really working at it then you're going to be burning extra calories and you should account for that.

    Most people prefer to do manual exercise entry in FitBit and then let FitBit combine those calories with the other calories it thinks you've burned (from being alive, daily activity and step-based exercise), which it will then send to MFP. MFP will then take the calorie count that it got from FitBit, compare it to what it expects you to have burned so far, and generate an exercise calorie adjustment.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Non-step exercise (like swimming or biking) can be logged either in Fitbit or in MFP—never both. Exercise logged in MFP overrides your Fitbit burn during that time, so I log in Fitbit.

    It'll take trial & error to find what works for you.
  • cspence12
    cspence12 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a follow up question. I use RunKeeper to track my runs. It is linked to MyFitnessPal. I also have Fitbit Flex, which is linked to MyFitnessPal. RunKeeper and Fitbit are NOT directly linked. Do I need to take my fitbit off during my runs so I don't "double count" activity?
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    cspence12 wrote: »
    I have a follow up question. I use RunKeeper to track my runs. It is linked to MyFitnessPal. I also have Fitbit Flex, which is linked to MyFitnessPal. RunKeeper and Fitbit are NOT directly linked. Do I need to take my fitbit off during my runs so I don't "double count" activity?

    No, you should be fine. If RunKeeper sends an exercise log to MyFitnessPal, MFP should then send that record to Fitbit and the data will over-write what Fitbit detected for that time. It's generally pretty easy to see it if you look at your Fitbit Dashboard and/or Fitbit Activity Log.