Is drinking ok while you are on a workout program?

Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
I love wine and I like to have a bottle in the fridge for when I would like a glass. When I decide to have a glass I cut a carb out of my diet for that day and this takes the place of it. I love the articles Beachbody puts out because they are funny as well as informative. Hope you enjoy the read.


  • mallen40
    mallen40 Posts: 119 Member
    Funny but very informative!! Thanks! Good thing I have backed down a lot over the past couple years. Now it only takes one glass of wine to make me giddy LOL :p
  • Julie20fan
    Julie20fan Posts: 361 Member
    Me too Melissa. It's so funny how when you drink a cup a day for instance and then you quit drinking it for awhile how much it changes.