Just starting my journey....... again

Hi all, I just joined MFP last week to see if i can get healthy. I hope I can support you all in your challenge and I KNOW I will need support, as well. So far i have found the site easy to use and just tracking my food has helped me to lose 5 lbs in 1 week. Week one is usually the easiest for everyone else, but I have always been a slow starter; so 5 lbs is exciting! Follow through is my downfall. I will do great for a month even 2, but without support,( or results) I will get discouraged and taper off. If you guys see me "slacking" jungle my chain and I should pep back up. K? I will do the same for you.


  • Stenobun
    Stenobun Posts: 166 Member
    I hear you, and I have the exact same problem. I stay motivated for a little while, then I lose that motivation and gain it all back and then some. Congrats on the five pounds! That's a great start!
  • kcakja
    kcakja Posts: 4
    I too struggle with motivation and hope to get some from having a platform like this to meet people who are in the same boat. It makes a huge difference having a buddy to go to the gym with. I can work out for 45 minutes and it will only feel like 15!
    I believe that first and foremost I have to start with the self talk aspect. Instead of "losing" weight, I am getting rid of it! Say it and believe it. I have to then watch what my internal talk is. If I miss a day, or three at the gym, or feel like eating junk all day 2 days a week, or do anything outside of what people deem as healthy I feel guilty as hell. Why? I shouldn't compare my own progress and method with those of "everyone else". It's my life, my body and I choose to not constantly beat myself up for every slip up I might have. Thats self defeating to constantly think of what I am not doing right. I must remember everything I do healthy, is one more thing I wasnt doing before, yay! Progress!
    Stenobun wrote: »
    I hear you, and I have the exact same problem. I stay motivated for a little while, then I lose that motivation and gain it all back and then some. Congrats on the five pounds! That's a great start!
    Hi all, I just joined MFP last week to see if i can get healthy. I hope I can support you all in your challenge and I KNOW I will need support, as well. So far i have found the site easy to use and just tracking my food has helped me to lose 5 lbs in 1 week. Week one is usually the easiest for everyone else, but I have always been a slow starter; so 5 lbs is exciting! Follow through is my downfall. I will do great for a month even 2, but without support,( or results) I will get discouraged and taper off. If you guys see me "slacking" jungle my chain and I should pep back up. K? I will do the same for you.
    Stenobun wrote: »
    I hear you, and I have the exact same problem. I stay motivated for a little while, then I lose that motivation and gain it all back and then some. Congrats on the five pounds! That's a great start!

  • hisangelsong
    hisangelsong Posts: 6 Member
    I feel like I have been "dieting" my whole life, and it has gotten old. I can relate to the beating yourself up that Kcakja mentioned. I do the same thing. I KNOW what is healthy and what I SHOULD be doing, but just don't always do it. I will try to not let it stop me, this time.
  • hisangelsong
    hisangelsong Posts: 6 Member

    I am feeling discouraged. Yesterday afternoon I weighed myself because I just "couldn't" wait 1 more day. I was excited to see another 3 lbs come off. But when I got on this morning for my official weekly weigh in, The scale said that I had actually GAINED.4 lbs. What happened! 3 lbs plus gained back in 1 day? And I didn't over eat even. Just reweighed and it looks like my "official" weigh in results will be a .8lb loss. I will take it. Grudgingly. I struggle to stay under calorie and push my self to exercise, for that!? Very confusing. Any suggestions?
  • amylynnharp
    amylynnharp Posts: 24 Member
    Weight fluctuates during the day. I am sorry that you are discouraged, but know that your good choices WILL make a difference. It is best to take your weight about the same time each time. I have a hard time waiting as well. So I weigh myself every day. (at least for now). Some people would find that frustrating (to weigh every day) but I like the feedback that it gives me. Also, depending on workouts, muscle weighs more than fat. So as you lose fat and replace it with muscle, you might see some interesting fluctuations. Measuring waistline and such will give you another feedback marker. Just some thoughts!!!
  • hisangelsong
    hisangelsong Posts: 6 Member
    You make some good points. I have been measuring, and am seeing positive results. I am also feeling better. I appreciate the encouraging words, so much! That is what makes this type of support system so important. We don't even have to know each other, we can still know their struggle. I was down.... But I am not out!