Eliminating (Not losing) 100lbs +

Designed this group to add people who are in need of support, information, and advice. The idea here is to eliminate weight, not "lose" it. There is no desire to find i.e., gain the weight back! Join this group and provide honest and polite support, legitimate links to educational resources for weight control, and wisdom to those of us starting out this new journey of healthier living. Add any info, such as recipes, networking and community resources, ideas and product info, and motivational inspiration to get rid of weight. Feel free to input!!
Why?...Ridding 100+ lbs is a huge goal to meet and any of the above mentioned will help people needing to tackle that goal. Post away! (Anyone post even if trying to rid 5lbs!)
Owner: kcakjaLeaders: kcakjaCreated on March 10, 201513 membersPrivacy: Public



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