What's On Your Grocery List?

Braincatcher Posts: 66 Member
Good morning! The grocery ads came in the mail yesterday, so I'm sitting down to make a meal plan for the week. What meals do you all have planned? Do you pre-log anything?


  • tinascar2015
    tinascar2015 Posts: 413 Member
    I pre-log most days, mostly dinner and breakfast and then I check my macros to see what I should have for lunch, and maybe a snack. Some days I don't snack at all. Yesterday....well, yesterday was kind of a washout. I call it a "craving day", and I kind of blew it. Back on the wagon today though.

    I have two apps, one for my specific grocery store and another called Our Groceries. It's Android, and I had to populate the entire database of food selections, which was a pain. On my old iPhone, I had one called Awesome Shopping List that already had an extensive database of foods, so I didn't need to add many more. But it isn't available for Android. I use it religiously, and wow, I never forget to buy anything unless I forget to add it to the list.

    The sale items list at our grocery store can be pretty depressing. I was scrolling through it last weekend and got a little nostalgiac. Almost everything was rich, sweet, starchy foods, and many of them were things that USED to be regular purchases. They don't put my staples on sale often enough.
  • Rampant328
    Rampant328 Posts: 134 Member
    I normally pre-log dinner only. I try to, "build my dinner" with the calories I have left and sometimes will add more cardio to make the numbers work. What kicks me in the pants is the sodium and I don't add salt. I used to cook the way a restaurant chef would or the way they do on the Food Network but since cleaning up my diet, I'm continually over in sodium. Here was my lunch...2 cups of broccoli florets, 1/2 cup of baby kale, 1/2 of baby spinach, one medium tomato (on the vine that I took off the vine and chopped), 1/3 cup of black beans (yes, I know that they have sodium), 1/2 of a medium sweet potato, sliced, and microwaved with a few drops of EVOO and fresh ground black pepper. To finish that off I drizzled 2 TBL of Wegman's Organic Ginger Miso Vinaigrette on top. It's not like I'm eating a lot of processed foods. The only things I eat that are, "processed', are the aforementioned vinaigrette, salsa (I know about salsa too and will normally use only 2 to 4 TBL's), 0% fat, plain Greek yogurt, natural peanut butter (only 1 to 2 TBL's per day), 6.7 grams of Lindt 85% cocoa dark chocolate (a little smaller than a rectangle in a Hershey bar), P90X Energy & Endurance, P90X Repair & Recovery, Musclemilk (powdered whey protein), and Wegman's Garlic Ginger Sauce (2 TBL's at a time). Every other thing that I eat is a whole food. Of the processed food that I listed, not all of them are consumed everyday. Alas... argh...I still go over.
  • tinascar2015
    tinascar2015 Posts: 413 Member
    I wouldn't worry about the sodium if you are eating that cleanly and don't add a lot of salt. Look at the sodium in one egg -- something like 70mg? Crazy. If the only thing you go over on is sodium and you're drinking enough water, you're doing great!

    I envy that you are harvesting and eating your own tomatoes this time of year. Mine are only 2" seedlings at the moment, and snuggled in under lights in the basement.
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    On my shopping list every week:
    Beef mince
    Almond butter
    Rice cakes
    Goat cheese

    I don't tend to pre log as I like some flexibility in case I change my mind!
  • rendress269
    rendress269 Posts: 90 Member
    I try to plan my menu around the items on sale each week and what's in season locally. We generally by our meats from direct sources here in NC. I deal directly with the farmers for our beef and pork. Hoping to have a regular chicken source this fall.

    We seem to have fallen back on a few favorite cook once, eat twice recipes like Cilantro Lime Chili made with lean ground turkey, Crockpot pulled chicken(great for making homemade stock, stirfry, chicken pizza, soups, chicken n rice, etc.) I also try to fit in a fish or seafood once a week.
    My weekly trips to the store basically include a quick zip around the outer aisles for fruits, veggies, cheese, dairy. I do buy quinoa and Ronzoni Healthy Harvest pasta, canned tomatoes ( hoping to do my own this season).

    Best wishes!

  • gash14
    gash14 Posts: 63 Member
    Shopping List:
    Bell pepper
    Onions - all varieties
    bok choy
    Sugar snap peas
    Baby carrots
    Zevia soda

    We eat lots of venison, chicken & pork. we bulk buy most everything else besides veggies.

    Dinners this upcoming week:
    Stir fry using coconut aminos
    Bbq pulled pork with paleo bbq sauce
    Brats and sauerkraut and sweet potato tots
    Cashew chicken
    Venison loin with sugar snap peas and broc
    Chef salad with cauliflower "breadsticks"

    Breakfast is always a smoothie

    Lunches vary
  • 1briannamom
    1briannamom Posts: 16 Member
    I try to emphasize whole, unprocessed foods such as bananas, avocados, peppers, berries - and I buy a container of pre-washed salad greens every week (otherwise I'd never eat my lettuce!) I keep some frozen veg and fruit on hand as a backup.

    For protein - fresh fish, chicken, turkey, pork tenderloin and lean beef (usually stir fry strips for homemade fajitas). Also beans, natural peanut butter (for smoothies) and protein powder (also for smoothies). I also keep a couple of protein bars on hand for emergencies (better than the drive-thru!)

    I read labels on any prepared food (cereal, tortillas, almond/soy milk) and avoid anything with lots of sugar, or ingredients I don't recognize or can't pronounce. Most of the stuff in the breakfast cereal aisle should be reclassified as dessert!

    I also indulge in fancy waters, like Perrier, which I've come to enjoy more than wine. They feel more special than tap water (even if sometimes they aren't).

    I avoid juice, sodas, and any prepared foods that I could make at home (soup, salad dressing). And I generally shop the outer aisles of the grocery store - the inside aisles is where the bad stuff lurks.
  • 1briannamom
    1briannamom Posts: 16 Member
    We seem to have fallen back on a few favorite cook once, eat twice recipes like Cilantro Lime Chili made with lean ground turkey, Crockpot pulled chicken(great for making homemade stock, stirfry, chicken pizza, soups, chicken n rice, etc.)

    I'd love to have your recipe for a Cilantro Lime Chili!
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    edited March 2015
    I don't personally log because I am in the middle of EDNOS treatment.

    I always shop at the local farmstand store, everything is clean there! I usually grab a cart and go ham and figure out the meals later, I live alone so Im prefectly happy having an avocado and a banana for dinner, I have no expectation to present a "meal"

    my list always has
    chicken breast
    fish (salmon or tilapia)
    Orange juice (I'm iron deficient so I have a cup of OJ every morning with iron supp, otherwise I'd never buy it)
    Frozen broccoli
    green onions
    Canned salsa

    stuff I buy if the price/quality is right
    snap peas
    fresh broccoli

    I eat alot of stuff with salsa, haha sometimes I make fresh pinco de gaio, alot of salads or chicken/fish on a bed of spinach, eggs every morning, thick frozen banana smoothie when I want icecream hehe lovin the clean eating lifestyle.
  • rendress269
    rendress269 Posts: 90 Member

    I'd love to have your recipe for a Cilantro Lime Chili!

    Recipe makes about 13/ 1 cup servings:

    2 lb lean ground turkey
    1 large (40 oz) can kidney beans, drained
    2 (28 oz) cans diced tomatoes
    1/2 cup chicken stock
    Large onion, diced
    Bell pepper, diced
    2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
    Jalepeno pepper ( optional)
    about 1 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
    Juice of 1 lime
    1 Tbsp Chili powder
    1 1/2 tsp cumin
    1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
    1/4 tsp black pepper
    1 tsp salt

    I make this recipe in a crockpot, but sauté ground turkey first, then add raw veggies, seasonings, and diced tomatoes. Cook on high for 4 hours, add beans about an hour before you want to eat. (We don't like mushy beans.)

    We like a strong lime cilantro flavor, so I will often add more as I taste. Top with your favorite cheese and a lime wedge!

    Note, I tried just adding everything together on crockpot once in a rush and the meat basically boiled, so I recommend frying meat up first to hold its form and texture.
