My goal for the week :)



  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Oh! Forgot to add, dinner was yum. I had enchiladas (actually we all did). Didn't even finish because I was full. Think I'm just going to log it as 1000 cals and be done with it.
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    Had another great night last night! Ready for a third! =)
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    You go girl!!
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Right, my goal for this week is to move more!! I knew I'd be slacking on exercise the last few weeks, but just looked at my graph from when I started MFP until now, and yep, I'm clocking only about half of what I was (which wasn't excessive). Exercise is pretty important for PCOS (, so I need to commit to moving my butt more before whining about weight stalls.

    It is an absolutely miserable day here (curse you Autumn!!), but I'm going to rug up warm and get out for a walk. Which reminds me, need to charge my iPod!!
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Right, my goal for this week is to move more!! I knew I'd be slacking on exercise the last few weeks, but just looked at my graph from when I started MFP until now, and yep, I'm clocking only about half of what I was (which wasn't excessive). Exercise is pretty important for PCOS (, so I need to commit to moving my butt more before whining about weight stalls.

    It is an absolutely miserable day here (curse you Autumn!!), but I'm going to rug up warm and get out for a walk. Which reminds me, need to charge my iPod!!

    That is a great goal Nony. I know what you mean about the weather. Living in the Portland, Vancouver area is hard with all the continuous rain and gray. Let us know how you do for the week. One more thing, what do you do for exercise? Just curious.

    To recap on last week, I had bouts of making my goal. Yesterday I did eat before bed, not during the night, but pretty late. I just wanted to much. So my new goal is to non eat after nine. I am going to just up my goal from last week a bit. Also, no night eating, but that has been much better. I will check in tomorrow and let everyone know how the night went.

    We can do it!!! =)
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    I walk and do yoga (though haven't done yoga in over a week, not even my bedtime routine :( ). Really need to do some every day this week, cos I'm doing a little overnight yoga weekend this weekend and don't want to be stiff as a board! So, going to do a BIG walk this afternoon, then a yoga practice. I'm going to restart the 30 day challenge I did in January and commit to doing it every day again.

    We're catching the edge of the cyclone that devastated Vanuatu at the weekend, so it's cold and windy out there. Not raining though, and meant to stay dry till this evening, so as long as I'm wind-proofed I'll be fine out there.
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    Spring is around the corner! I love yoga!
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Haha, autumn here!! We're still getting a lot of really lovely sunny warm days, but definitely cooler in the evenings.

    10km walk achieved :D. Have wounds for my efforts (slipped on some gravel, aided by a strong gust of wind, so have a bit of a bruise where I landed on my hand and probably one on my butt too).
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    9.5km walk today (same route, but corrected the bits where I took wrong turns).

    I thought I'd set another goal of managing PMS munchies, but obviously not! Anyway, PMS munchies did not happen, so I guess those lime and black pepper rice crackers can wait another couple of weeks for ovulation (an entire packet is only 440 cals, so they are perfect for grazing on when your body insists that's what it needs to do).
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    I hate slipping or falling. It feels so weird as an adult and kind of scary. Hope you didn't hurt yourself too bad. Lime and black pepper? Those sound amazing!!! I just bought black pepper popcorn and was surprised at how good it was. I like that strategy of planning for the munchies. I'll keep that in mind.
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    My goals are going pretty well. I'm about to settle own for another night of sleep and no eating!!! Thanks everyone for the great daily chats. It really helps to talk to those who understand.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Well, sad to say the PMS munchies eventuated as MS munchies instead :\. Oh well, could have been worse I guess.

    No real injuries from the fall. I was mighty glad the weather was lousy enough that there was no one playing golf at the time though!

    I didn't go for a walk yesterday or today, but I did do yoga today (first time in two weeks), and spent the afternoon putting in a little winter veggie garden.

    Glad your goals are going well MP :)
  • alskarani
    alskarani Posts: 83
    I finally cooked! Over the next week, or so, I'll try to eat it all. It's just veggies, so I should make rice to go with it or find some other food groups to include (I'm supposed to shoot for 4 each meal). I'm not sure if I'm ready for rice or other grains! But I'll try.

    I don't know what new goal to make for myself..everything is changing and becoming new at the IOP, it's hard to imagine setting goals outside of that. So maybe I'll just stick to trying to do all they ask of me at the IOP.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    alskarani wrote: »
    I don't know what new goal to make for myself..everything is changing and becoming new at the IOP, it's hard to imagine setting goals outside of that. So maybe I'll just stick to trying to do all they ask of me at the IOP.

    I think that is a perfect goal :). There is no need to overwhelm or put too much pressure on yourself.

    Do you like couscous? From what you described to me that would go really well with what you made, and it's a bit lighter than rice etc, so might be an easier reintroduction for you.
  • alskarani
    alskarani Posts: 83
    I can't eat wheat products, I have an adverse reaction to them...(except spelt flour). Maybe I'll do rice, but only a really small portion, like a couple spoons, and see how that feels.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Sounds good :)
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    Guys I need help!!! I can't or have not been able to stop my night eating for more than two days straight. I have some suspicions as to what triggers it. Tell me what you think. 1. I only feel like eating when I get home. I have trouble stopping after dinner. Even though I'm full and have eaten what my nutritionist says, I feel like "I need a sweet treat.' So I try a diet hot coco but I think that activates the sweet tooth in my brain and then I want more. So I pop some sugar free gum into my mouth. I end up eating like the whole pack. So now I have lots of fake sugar on board and my body doesn't want to stop. It wants more sweets!!!!! Then I try a little cocoa powder with stevia....still not enough. Do you think the fake sugars are setting me up for failure? At the most during the day I'll have a mint piece of gum and do notice then that I want more and more gum, but don't because I'm at work and have no time to get more out. The end of the story always ends up in eating popcorn etc. and then I feel bad about myself.

    What are your ideas for breaking this cycle? It is making me feel like I don't have control over it, which I know I do. Something is triggering the addictive part of my mind, where it becomes stronger than my will power and goals.

    It's almost as if I need to sit still after my dinner meal and meditate and slow down and just learn to be comfortable with myself after dinner. I think also I go go go go go all day long. I get up early, teach all day, go straight to my gym class, do errands, make dinner and finally sit down about 7ish or sometimes 8. I think I still eat my dinner with that same go go go energy.

    Okay.....analyze away!!!!! All criticism and thoughts welcome. I need to change things. This is really lowering my self esteem. Thank you everyone for reading my loooooon post. Hugs to you all who are struggling with your own day to day stuff. Glad we have each other for support.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Hmmm, I think if you feel like those sweet things are triggering, then maybe not having them around for a while is a good idea. As you know, I am an adamant believer in not cutting things out unnecessarily, but at the same time I know there are things that I just can't have in the house because I will eat them all. Those peanuts my Dad gave me last weekend when he was here? Yep, prime example.

    I also think your idea of doing something to slow your mind when you get home is a good one - meditation, yoga. Doing something with your hands?
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    I talked with my nutritionist and we came up with a few things. 1. Don't have my trigger foods in the house for a while. 2. Have regular check in with her before I go to sleep, even it that means midnight. 3. She wants me to pick a goal, an athletic goal that will help me think twice before eating unhealthy. I thought that was a great idea. Then I won't eat stuff because I will want my body to perform the best. I think I might do this biking trip with a friend called "Reach the Beach." You can do a 25, 40, or 100 mile ride. I think I'm going to do the 40. =)
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Awesome :)

    Yesterday it rained cats and dogs in the afternoon, so only got in the walk for my weekly foraging trip to the veggie market and food porn palace. Oooh, used my new 'granny trundler' and omg soooo much easier than backpack and shopping bag laden with stuff! 10km walk today that included about a 250 metre climb (doesn't seem like it because it's a very windy track, but you're basically walking up hill for an hour).

    Oh, and remaining four bags of peanuts are still in the cupboard :)
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    Nice work nony. I love nice grocery stores! :)
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    First, where is everyone??

    Okay so not quite the new week, but I have friends arriving for a visit from the US on Monday. Fun!! (actually last time they were here was when I was recovering from my last restrictive phase four years ago). So, my goal for the time they are here (three days), is to have fun, be mindful of what I eat, but not sweat it. So I'm essentially looking at it to probably be three days of maintenance.
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    That is a great goal. I find being moderate is much harder. I did great last night on my night eating. I tried a new strategy that worked. I kept a tiny amount of snap peas by my bed and I did wake up once and want to eat so I had sap peas. Then I fell right back to sleep. I'm so so happy. This issue has been very frustrating for me .
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    First, where is everyone??

    Okay so not quite the new week, but I have friends arriving for a visit from the US on Monday. Fun!! (actually last time they were here was when I was recovering from my last restrictive phase four years ago). So, my goal for the time they are here (three days), is to have fun, be mindful of what I eat, but not sweat it. So I'm essentially looking at it to probably be three days of maintenance.

    It does seem like we are the most active on here. I am finding the support tremendously helpful. Maybe I'll add a link from another forum to see if others warn to join. Right now I'm getting g ready for my first instructor training for an exercise class. A little nervous. I'm going to rock it though! I'll let everyone know how it goes tonight!!
  • KA___
    KA___ Posts: 71 Member
    Hi, I've been lurking from the beginning. Very nervous about posting but know I could do with the support( and willing to support where I can)
    My goal is pretty simple in idea but hard to follow. I had a bulimia relapse on Wednesday. My goal is no compensating behaviour and stick to my food plan...

    Btw, all you posts are very inspiring
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    KA___ wrote: »
    Hi, I've been lurking from the beginning. Very nervous about posting but know I could do with the support( and willing to support where I can)
    My goal is pretty simple in idea but hard to follow. I had a bulimia relapse on Wednesday. My goal is no compensating behaviour and stick to my food plan...

    Btw, all you posts are very inspiring

    Hi KA, welcome aboard!! That sounds like an excellent first goal :). My original ED was bulimia, many, many years ago.

    minipony wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    First, where is everyone??

    Okay so not quite the new week, but I have friends arriving for a visit from the US on Monday. Fun!! (actually last time they were here was when I was recovering from my last restrictive phase four years ago). So, my goal for the time they are here (three days), is to have fun, be mindful of what I eat, but not sweat it. So I'm essentially looking at it to probably be three days of maintenance.

    It does seem like we are the most active on here. I am finding the support tremendously helpful. Maybe I'll add a link from another forum to see if others warn to join. Right now I'm getting g ready for my first instructor training for an exercise class. A little nervous. I'm going to rock it though! I'll let everyone know how it goes tonight!!

    A moved house recently so her internet access is sporadic. We keep in touch though and she is making progress :). I've been posting the link for the group anytime I see posts from people in recovery, but I'm thinking some shameless self-promotion would be a good thing too (will start a new thread on that, probably after I've been for my Sunday foraging mission cos I think it's going to rain soon!).

    Excited to hear how your training goes MP!!
  • alskarani
    alskarani Posts: 83
    Yes, mp, how did it go? How courageous of you to pursue your dream!

    I have moved recently, and am w/o wifi...and for some reason, the forums don't like to load on my phone's data...sorry I've been MIA.

    My goal for this week (yay for Mondays!) is to be aware of what I'm feeling when I really want to give into behaviors. I don't know that I'm strong enough to stop them yet, but I'm telling myself "that's ok." But I can try to understand them more, and maybe that will lead me to a place where I am better able to replace or stop them.

    Looking forward to hearing from everyone else! Here's to hope for the week!
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    KA___ wrote: »
    Hi, I've been lurking from the beginning. Very nervous about posting but know I could do with the support( and willing to support where I can)
    My goal is pretty simple in idea but hard to follow. I had a bulimia relapse on Wednesday. My goal is no compensating behaviour and stick to my food plan...

    Btw, all you posts are very inspiring

    Ka we have similar goals. My problems are night eating which can turn into binges and bulemia. I've had two great nights. Looking forward to a third!!! Glad you are posting here.
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    alskarani wrote: »
    Yes, mp, how did it go? How courageous of you to pursue your dream!

    I have moved recently, and am w/o wifi...and for some reason, the forums don't like to load on my phone's data...sorry I've been MIA.

    My goal for this week (yay for Mondays!) is to be aware of what I'm feeling when I really want to give into behaviors. I don't know that I'm strong enough to stop them yet, but I'm telling myself "that's ok." But I can try to understand them more, and maybe that will lead me to a place where I am better able to replace or stop them.

    Looking forward to hearing from everyone else! Here's to hope for the week!

    You could just discuss your behaviors on here. I feel like talking about it takes the power out of whatever behavior it is and let's me look at it in an analytical way instead of a judging way.
  • KA___
    KA___ Posts: 71 Member

    minipony wrote: »
    Ka we have similar goals. My problems are night eating which can turn into binges and bulemia. I've had two great nights. Looking forward to a third!!! Glad you are posting here.
    Hope you got a third good night :-)

    Unfortunately I relapsed again yesterday morning- along time since it happened twice in a week. But I did get back on my food plan by the end of the day. And today I actually feel better than a while- no compensating thoughts/actions! Back on working towards my goal

    btw, I started to see a psychotherapist four weeks ago, the first time I have had any professional help, is it usual to struggle more to start with?