clean condiments by brand name help please

cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
Hi am new to clean eating... like 4 days new. I am trying to purchase clean foods and make yummy stuff with my veggies and meats from the perimeter, but I don't know which condiments are "clean" I looked at a ton of labels and everything had stuff I didn't recognize..i.e. xanthum gum in my french's worcestershire sauce... another i.e. is absorbic acid in say applesauce or how about cane sugar in almond butter..
seriously I need some guidance... point me to some websites, some blogs, or some former post links or just provide me with your sound advice... Thanks.

I did manage to find one clean canned product so far...

Smuckers natural peanut butter chunky


  • MonsoonStorm
    MonsoonStorm Posts: 371 Member
    What is it that you are looking for condiment wise?

    Salt, pepper, fresh garlic, fresh ginger, all herbs, vinegar, honey, molasses, etc etc. If you really want to avoid even minute amounts of chemical additives you can make your own flavourings from what's above.

    Ascorbic acid is basically Vitamin C, I wouldn't worry too much about that one. Cane sugar is natural, how 'clean' are you going? Unless you are trying to completely eliminate sugars then I wouldn't worry about that one either (unless the calorie count is enough to put you over your daily need in a way that you can't compensate)

    Essentially, at the end of the day, anything in a tin is going to have some kind of element of chemicals in it, they have to to prevent spoilage.

    'Clean' means different things to all of us, so we need to know what you are aiming for to give a clearer idea.
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    I like homemade salsa, fresh herbs and salt and pepper. My personal clean eating plan rules out anything in a bottle
  • tinascar2015
    tinascar2015 Posts: 413 Member
    Considering the small amounts of condiments we use, I wouldn't be concerned with them being clean-clean-clean. I mean, how much Worcestershire sauce can someone consume?

    I stood in the peanut butter section of the grocery store the other day, reading labels. There were top shelf brand name peanut butters, like Smuckers, in regular and natural formulations. There were store brands and common brands like Skippy and Jif -- in regular and natural formulations. There were lowfat peanut butters.

    There were no more than 20 calories separating any of them -- even the lowfat peanut butter! The sugar numbers were all the same. Some of the "natural" ones had added sugar. I concluded that they were all the same and bought the one for $1.59 rather than the $3.59 jar. I probably eat a total of 4 Tbls a month of peanut butter. The rest goes into my baked dog treats.

    And I am certainly not going to start making my own peanut butter. That's one food-processor cleaning I don't want to deal with.
  • happyhealthywealthywise
    I agree, having a list of condiments would be good as I don't want to home make everything. For fish sauce I use red boat as they only have two ingredients, anchovies and salt. No sugar!
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    thank you for the clarification on the cane sugar and absorbic acid.... Its not that I want to eat ultra clean... I just am in learning mode and don't want to buy something I think is good for me but isn't... especially when spending extra money on a product that isn't clean. I guess I am thinking too hard.
    I will definately have to get some fresh ginger, and I have mollasses... that would be good in my steel cut oats.
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    tina... its not about the calories for me, I have been there and done the calorie counting... that is why I am trying clean eating... trying something new... away with the low cal, chemical laden food and in with fresh, whole goodness.... Not saying its gonna work...but I am to the point where my old way (counting calories) always ending in failure and rebounding to my original weight... I need a more substainable plan.
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    edited March 2015

    I will try the redboat... I had some fish tacos once and they were delicous... I hope I can find some whole wheat tortillas.

  • devoslosingit
    devoslosingit Posts: 48 Member
    I personally stay away from the brand name peanut butters because even the natural has additives i look for peanut butters that have one to two ingredients (peanuts less then oil.) My favorite is adams. The kids love it, but they also have never eaten anything else. The other thing you can do is get the kind you grind yourself. Its usually located in the bulk foods at a winco or other large store. I try to stay with organic sauces or no perservative because they tend to stay away from to much processed stuff. My number one when looking for sauces though is no high fructose corn syrup. It is difficult to find at first but when you do find the ones you like it gets easier. Good luck!

    I also dont worry so much about counting calories but i will suggest that you try it while learning how to clean eat. I think that you will find that it will be easier to do now that you are eating clean. Also it will help to steer you in the right direction on choices for everyday eating because there are so many options out there now for people eating clean. I hope that you stick with it, soon you will feel ten times healthier.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    cosmonew wrote: »

    I will try the redboat... I had some fish tacos once and they were delicous... I hope I can find some whole wheat tortillas.

    Greetings from Mexico and, please , please no fish sauce in Fish Tacos, unless you want them to taste of Thai or Vietnamese
    Also, fish tacos are traditionally made with corn tortillas ( less calories and more nutritious ) and only in tourist areas are made with flour tortillas, because the tourists are used to them.

  • healthyfitme12
    healthyfitme12 Posts: 50 Member
    I swear by this--Try pinterest it has helped me so much and finding clean, healthy foods to eat.
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    I personally stay away from the brand name peanut butters because even the natural has additives i look for peanut butters that have one to two ingredients (peanuts less then oil.) My favorite is adams. The kids love it, but they also have never eaten anything else. The other thing you can do is get the kind you grind yourself. Its usually located in the bulk foods at a winco or other large store. I try to stay with organic sauces or no perservative because they tend to stay away from to much processed stuff. My number one when looking for sauces though is no high fructose corn syrup. It is difficult to find at first but when you do find the ones you like it gets easier. Good luck!

    I also dont worry so much about counting calories but i will suggest that you try it while learning how to clean eat. I think that you will find that it will be easier to do now that you are eating clean. Also it will help to steer you in the right direction on choices for everyday eating because there are so many options out there now for people eating clean. I hope that you stick with it, soon you will feel ten times healthier.

    nice words and advice. thank you
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    I swear by this--Try pinterest it has helped me so much and finding clean, healthy foods to eat.

    I have checked pinterest... i guess I need to be more diligent.. I see lots of good recipes...but don't know what ingredients they are using... I am totally new to words such as gluten free, and don't want to spend money on everything organic.. just the things that will really matter.. I have heard apples, spinach, lettuce are major pesticide carriers

  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    Ang108 wrote: »
    cosmonew wrote: »

    I will try the redboat... I had some fish tacos once and they were delicous... I hope I can find some whole wheat tortillas.

    Greetings from Mexico and, please , please no fish sauce in Fish Tacos, unless you want them to taste of Thai or Vietnamese
    Also, fish tacos are traditionally made with corn tortillas ( less calories and more nutritious ) and only in tourist areas are made with flour tortillas, because the tourists are used to them.

    haha... I am a total fish taco tourist. I will have to see if I can get some authentic ones.
  • beachhouse758
    beachhouse758 Posts: 371 Member
    I agree with buying the individual spices and then make your own blends. You can store them in those tiny Pyrex containers. Or buy empty spice bottles from places like Bed Bath and Beyond.

    You can Google things like "DIY Seasoned Salt", "DIY Taco Seasoning" and you will get a lot of recipes that avoid things like MSG, anti-caking agents and preservatives.

    I was recently reading about a very popular emulsifier (I can remember its name) that has been linked to digestive ailments like Celiac. It seems like this product is added to breads (to make them "fluffier"), and to creamy sauces like mayonnaise and salad dressings to emulsify them. This chemical causes havoc on those people that have a genetic predisposition to gastrointestinal issues.

    Thankfully, I don't like mayonnaise much, but I've been using Greek Yogurt instead. I bought a bread maker (If you must have gluten free, please note that not all bread makers can make gluten-free bread) and I started making my own vinaigrette with fresh lemon. seasoned rice vinegar and spices.
  • Notreadytoquit
    Notreadytoquit Posts: 234 Member
    Environmental Working Group


    Search frozen and many processed food for nutritional value. Homepage has downloadable list of produce ... Best 15 & dirty dozen. For those unable to read labels you'll find ingredient list, too.
  • tinascar2015
    tinascar2015 Posts: 413 Member
    Not a fan of Environmental Working group at allL. I think it's a real fearmongering site (with a legit sounding name) that promotes a lot of misinformation. There are thousands of such sites on the internet. Take all that with a huge grain of salt.
  • tinascar2015
    tinascar2015 Posts: 413 Member
    Forgot this link:

    Why You Shouldn't Buy Organic Based on "The Dirty Dozen"

    Very flawed studies. Bad science.
  • beachhouse758
    beachhouse758 Posts: 371 Member
    I just found a fantastic Pinterest board that has a ton of pins of spice blends and sauces made from scratch!
  • cynhkr1300
    cynhkr1300 Posts: 14 Member
    Peanut butter -- Laura Scudder is the brand I eat. Nothing in it except peanuts and salt. You do have to stir it up, because the oil separates out since there's no "emulsifier." I keep mine in the fridge after the initial stir, which keeps it from separating, and then I make my sandwiches with toast, so the PB can get warmed back up a bit before I eat it.

    I made my own salad dressing the other day, from a recipe in "The Food Matters Cookbook," by Mark Bittman. Page 153, "Easiest Bean or Grain Salad on the Planet." Combine juice of 1 lemon, or to taste (I used 1.5, because the original dressing was a bit too oily for my taste -- maybe my lemons were extra small!), 1/4 cup olive oil, 1/4 cup minced red onion or shallot, and a bit of salt & pepper. Very easy, and from this base you can add things like herbs, or change the lemon juice to a vinegar or other "acid" ingredient, for different flavors. Use on beans, grains, greens, veggies, as a marinade, etc. I'm glad to get away from the bottled dressings, which are made with soybean oil (Omega 6's) and sugar. (I keep the dressing in an old Laura Scudder jar, which is glass, since the acid in the lemon juice made me think a plastic container might leach into the dressing.)

    Good luck with your clean eating plan! I'm only about 2.5 months into mine, and my blood pressure has come down several points already.
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    thanks again for the contributions. I am taking all the advice and sites in. I do appreciate it.
    I think I am definitely into the make my own version of things and will definately have to delve back into pinterest.