Daily Check-In



  • BadgerFaced
    BadgerFaced Posts: 66 Member
    Finally feeling good today after a few months of funk! Whoo! Got a bunch of housework done today, and cut my hair (the spring shearing). Maybe spring will happen soon in Canada. :lol:
  • Scudder76
    Scudder76 Posts: 108 Member
    Mornin' all! I'm up, and ready to attack both my day, and the rest of the week. (I had a really weird/stressful weekend that kinda left my head spinning. Shaking it off and moving forward!

    A lot to look forward to: Lifting today, old friends visiting town, and meeting them for dinner (and meeting their baby for the first time!). And maybe, someday, I'll get to ride my bike. Please, please, let it get over 30 degrees so I can ride my bike!
  • Scudder76
    Scudder76 Posts: 108 Member
    Is a motorbike the same like a motorcycle? Or ist a motorcycle like a regular bicycle just with an additional supporting electric motor (we have those here)?

    Yes. Generally, motorbike is UK, and motorcycle North American.

    Bicycles with assisting motors are new enough not to have a standard reference, but are generally called electric bikes, or just e-bikes.
  • b_ray_73
    b_ray_73 Posts: 110 Member
    Ugh, still wet here. The only consolation is that it's deadlift day and toting the lifting belt and gym bag on the motorcycle is a pain. Guess I'm driving today.
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    cut my hair (the spring shearing)

    Lol im stealing that, because I had my spring shearing the other day and it was desperately needed.

  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    Good morning everyone! Today seems like a good day, I remembered everything I needed to bring to work, having a big fruit bowl for breakfast, someone gave me a bright red dress and it fits and I am just very very happy.
  • ryanp_942
    ryanp_942 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi all, been absent a few days with a pretty bad case of flu. Feared it was tonsillitis but everything's the normal colour besides the inflammation. Finally starting to clear up (thank god for lemsip!) I've been trying to eat normally over the last few days but my appetite has been non existent
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    ryanp_942 wrote: »
    Hi all, been absent a few days with a pretty bad case of flu. Feared it was tonsillitis but everything's the normal colour besides the inflammation. Finally starting to clear up (thank god for lemsip!) I've been trying to eat normally over the last few days but my appetite has been non existent

    Hope you start feeling better soon! Chicken soup is your friend except for the sodium content.
  • HedgeHaug
    HedgeHaug Posts: 223 Member
    Hi All! just checking in to see what's going on today. ryanp, feel better soon! Scudder, hoping for good cycling weather and fun with friends for you! Cograts on the little red dress, Guinevere! And b_ray, happy deadlift day!
  • schneizilla
    schneizilla Posts: 66 Member
    Good morning everyone! Almost lunchtime here already...not so sure what I'm going to cook...kinda craving some pasta ;o)

    Today's going to be a relaxed workday...didn't go to the library for study too..so i guess after finishing my work, I will go out and enjoy some fresh air!
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    Good morning! I put in my notice of resignation at work today. I feel free and awesome and have a pharmacy job lined up and I will be a customer service agent no longer after Friday.
  • rebolaugh
    rebolaugh Posts: 125 Member
    I finally made it to the gym this morning! Lately, it has been so hard for me to get up and go! But if I don't go early (around 5:30 AM -- I need to be back home around 7 to get my kids up for school and myself ready for work), it's hard for me to find time during the day. Anyway, I worked hard on the elliptical. I also went to a yoga class yesterday for the first time in probably a month, which felt great.
  • KaryLoaiza88
    KaryLoaiza88 Posts: 106 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good morning!!

    Well, first of all, let me introduce myself: I'm Karen, 27 years old from sunny Colombia. :)

    Today is a wonderful day for me! Just hit my second goal, which was 251, and my starting weight was 273; I'm feeling very happy and optimistic!! Tonight I'm going out to celebrate with some yummy korean food (all in moderation and of course, keeping the calories down).
  • rebolaugh
    rebolaugh Posts: 125 Member

    Today is a wonderful day for me! Just hit my second goal, which was 251, and my starting weight was 273; I'm feeling very happy and optimistic!! Tonight I'm going out to celebrate with some yummy korean food (all in moderation and of course, keeping the calories down).

    Congratulations, Karen!
  • HedgeHaug
    HedgeHaug Posts: 223 Member
    Good morning, Folk! Had a very good night of sleep! Good evening, schneizilla, I'm hoping you had time to enjoy being outside today.

    Have a terrific day, everyone!
  • b_ray_73
    b_ray_73 Posts: 110 Member
    Good morning!!

    Well, first of all, let me introduce myself: I'm Karen, 27 years old from sunny Colombia. :)

    Today is a wonderful day for me! Just hit my second goal, which was 251, and my starting weight was 273; I'm feeling very happy and optimistic!! Tonight I'm going out to celebrate with some yummy korean food (all in moderation and of course, keeping the calories down).

    Congrats!! That's awesome progress!
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Yes, great job Karen!

    I'm back from New York, had lots of fun but unfortunately arrived back to the news that the job I had semi-started has fallen through :-(
    Have been regathering myself and will restart the job search tomorrow,
  • therealpatrick
    therealpatrick Posts: 14 Member
    Just spent the first half of my week at a trade show for my job.

    I travel for work a lot, and I find it especially challenging to effectively track my food intake -- let alone maintain a healthy balance of nutrients.

    I think it goes without saying -- conference center buffet food is evil.
  • schneizilla
    schneizilla Posts: 66 Member
    @KaryLoa Wow, nice job! Congratulations to your weight loss!

    @Sappho12 Actually....right after work I went to the sofa to "just rest my eyes for 10 minutes..." 3 hours later I wake up in shock (but rested ^^) because I had another appointment ;)

    @electriq Oh no, sorry to hear that! Good luck for the job search!

    @therealpa I can imagine that it is always hard to track your food while traveling for work...I always have a hard time to guess the exact amounts when I'm eating out. I always to try to round up more, to be safe. Or avoid eating out...especially right now, since I'm still a beginner and need to get used to MFP. I hope in time and with experience, I can easily guess the amounts...
  • Scudder76
    Scudder76 Posts: 108 Member
    Today's going to be a relaxed workday...didn't go to the library for study too..so i guess after finishing my work, I will go out and enjoy some fresh air!

    A relaxed day here too. Off to the gym. Then some errands. And if the rain comes as predicted, this afternoon might be perfect for a nap! ;)