Let's Get to Know You



  • energy820
    energy820 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm new to groups, and love this idea!

    1. 39, happily married, no children yet (but hoping!), San Francisco Bay Area
    2. CW: 270, SW 329, long-term GW ~140. But, I will be trying for pregnancy in several months, so there will hopefully be a weight loss 'detour' along the way to goal weight. :)
    I've been on MFP actively for about four months.
    3. Mid-term goal weight is 250. Currently doing meal replacements - HMR (shakes & prepackaged meals) - because of the urgency to lose quickly for better changes of pregnancy. But, I will move on to 'real food' in the summer. And, my long-term goal is a healthy relationship with food, mindful/intuitive eating, and watching calories and macro balance. And, of course, lots of exercise and an active lifestyle in general.
    4. I currently consume 1200 cals or less a day, and exercise about 5 x week (burn about 3,000 calories a week). For now, I do mostly cardio (zumba, swimming, treadmill, outdoor walks). And, I will start weight training in a few weeks.
    5. I log in mostly on the phone, but occasionally on the computer, too.
    6. Wednesday weigh-ins
    7. Definite yes to mini-challenges.
    8. The HMR program I'm on requires that anyone planning on becoming pregnant not use their food at all for at least three months prior to *trying* for pregnancy. So, my transition off of that diet come June will be challenging. I'll be back to 'real' foods and the main goal at that point will be to just to maintain the loss and not gain any weight back. I would stay on the program longer, but I'll be turning 40 in late Aug and am balancing the risk of morbid obesity with aging. I'd love to hear from any older moms out there, and those of you who have had kids while being over ~250 lbs.

    I'm super excited for this challenge! Good luck everyone.

  • towngirl772
    towngirl772 Posts: 16 Member
    1. My name is Krista, I am 44 years old and I live in Virginia.
    2. I joined mfp 3 weeks ago, weight is currently 156.
    3. Goal weight is 130
    4. I currently consume 1200 calories each day.
    5. My exercise habits are awful at the moment but I'm determined to exercise 3 times a week.
    6. Any day works for me for weigh in.
    7. Definitely want to participate in mini-challenges.

  • kathers01
    kathers01 Posts: 164 Member
    1. Hi I'm Kath. I am 29 and have an 8 week old daughter. I live in Souther California.
    2. Current weight is 174.5. I have been on MFP for a few years but have not been active since late in my pregnancy.
    3. Goal weight is 150-155. I just got cleared to start exercising other than walking. I plan on cleaning up my diet and I like doing circuit or bootcamp type workouts.
    4. Right now I spend all day with my baby girl. In June I will be going back to work, and I already know it will be hard to keep up with the workouts. Right now I am just trying to get her on somewhat of a schedule so I can workout while she naps.
    5. I do both...
    6. Any day works for me.
    7. Sure. I can't promise I will complete them but I will try!
    8. Just trying to get back in shape after baby #1. Looking forward to working out hard again! Good luck everyone :)
  • cds_momto3
    cds_momto3 Posts: 316 Member
    1. Hi! I'm Christi. I'm 33, married to my high school sweetheart. We have three kids, ages 7, 5, & 2. I live in Texas.
    2. I currently weigh 174; I started at 192 back on January 5. I've been "on" MFP for several years, but that includes a start and stop in both 2013 & 2014.
    3. My goal weight is 152, for now anyway. I may add an additional goal once I hit that, though. I'm just calorie counting and loosely following IIFYM. My husband and I are doing 30DS together but have off nights a couple of times a week. I try to go walking too - I use a Fitbit flex which has been really motivating.
    4. On weekdays it's waking up, rushing to get everyone ready, going to work, then either baseball practice, family night or church. Weekends vary a lot!
    5. I log in on the computer at work and on my phone when out & about. I'm on my phone right now!
    6. Tuesdays are my weigh in day, so I have one day to "recover" from any extra sodium I may have consumed over the weekend.
    7. I'm new to this but yes totally open to mini challenges!

  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Hello, I'm Kim, I'm 47 married. We have four boys all over 18. My son just completed his Eagle Scout project.
    I weigh 147 and I need to be 135 for my health. I have high blood pressure and that weight works well for me. Getting to that weight is another story. I have been on myfitpal for 51 month and have lost over 65 pounds. Not including the pounds I have gained and repost... lol I am a baker at DD and I volunteer a lot. I love the challenges and I need a lot of support because I am easily distracted.
    We can do this!!!
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    1. I'm 25 years old. I'm not married, but been with my boyfriend for 5 years now.
    2. I am 5'8" tall, and currently 163 lbs. My highest ever was 199 lbs - I lost the first 7 lbs, and then happened upon MFP. I started on MFP two years ago at 192 lbs.
    3. My ultimate goal weight is 65 kg (143 lbs). I stick to calorie counting, and hitting my macros and micros. As for working out, I haven't done anything worthwhile since I joined grad school. When I was a regular at the gym, I used to lift (compound) thrice a week, and do HIIT/cardio when I was in the mood.
    4. I'm a Masters student (getting an MBA), so my daily routine consists of working on assignments pretty much 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I barely get any sleep, eat really unhealthy (in terms of hitting my macros) cafeteria food, and get almost no exercise - all of which has been showing on my waistline lately.
    5. I log in from my laptop and phone, both.
    6. Thursdays are ideal for weigh-ins.
    7. I'm neutral on mini-challenges.

    I have let myself go in the past 5 months. As it turned out, moving to a completely new place and being surrounded by completely new people led to a complete change in my lifestyle, and not for the better. I'm getting back to my old (healthy) lifestyle, which I'd cultivated after so much effort. Will not see all of it go to waste!
    All the best to all of you!
  • Rdean04
    Rdean04 Posts: 14
    edited March 2015
    1. Age, marital status, children, where do you live.
    - 22 years old, in a relationship and have a 2 year old son. From Malta.

    2. Weight and how long you have been on MFP
    - 53kgs. Have been on MFP for a week.

    3. What is your goal weight and method of diet and exercise you are using
    -Don't have a particular goal weight, just whenever I get rid of the extra unwanted fat in my tummy & thighs. I have 2 meals a day, do crunches & squats daily and 90 minutes of zumba circuit weekly.

    4. What is your daily routine
    -A housewife, taking care of my son.

    5. Do you log-in on the computer or the phone (this is useful information so I know where to post)
    -Both of them.

    6. What day is the best weigh-in day for you

    7. Do you want mini challenges?

    8. Any other information you might think we need to know.
  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    1. 59, married, 4 children 5 grandkids, Northern CA.
    2. Currently 195, On MFP since 2011 I think. On and off
    3. GW 135 I'm ok with 145 and 135 is hard for me to maintain. I'm watching what I eat, logging here, planning to get back to 300-500 calorie burn 5 days a week. I eat Gluten Free (issues not choice) just now trying to get away from dairy as I notice I bloat and my joints hurt. So far only successful at avoiding cheddar cheese which is making it much easier for me to stay within my calorie range.
    4. Wednesday will be day 1 of my retirement so I will be starting a new routine. One that includes exercising to my wii zumba and body weight exercises. I really want to be able to do a burpee.
    5. Log on computer- occasionally ipad
    6. I weigh in daily. Problem for me is to remember to add to spreadsheet.
    7. Neutral on mini challenges.
    8. I had lost 35 lbs and then gained nearly all of it back. Been reading posts (elsewhere) by retirees that health costs are their biggest drain on finances so I really want to get healthy and not need any medications for the rest of my life.
  • ellechim1
    ellechim1 Posts: 74 Member
    1. I am 43, married, 3 grown kids and a 1 year old granddaughter :) and 6 dogs. I am in Taylor, Michigan.
    2. I am currently 185, I started at 214. I have been on MFP for just over 1 year now.
    3. I am trying to get in more activity and reducing my calories and junk food. My GW is 150.
    4. I spend my day keeping the house presentable,6 dogs are as bad as 6 toddlers sometimes. My husband is disabled so I am his caregiver.
    5. I am usually logging in to read to boards on my iPad but I use my phone to scan and log my food.
    6. I weigh daily so any day is fine
    7. Mini challenges are good. I just feel overwhelmed if they are to hard.
    8. Even though I have been plugging away at this for a year I feel like a beginner. I still can't do as many reps or go as long as others. This last 8 months have been rough and I kind of lost my motivation. I am here to get back into the swing of things again. I really want to get healthy and not be in so much pain everyday.
  • mylifeasoliveoil
    mylifeasoliveoil Posts: 151 Member
    1. I am 22, single, no children! Currently a senior in college, graduating in May and will be a secondary math teacher :D! Live in South Dakota
    2. Current Weight: 226 lbs, I've been on MFP on and off for a few years
    3. Goal Weight: 150 lbs
    4. Right now I am student teaching, so I am at school from 7:25-4:15 ish. I have found it hard to have the motivation to work out after school. I am hoping that this group keeps me accountable! After school I am involved with a campus ministry job, which keeps me busy most nights.
    5. I use both, the computer to read message boards, phone to log usually.
    6. Any
    7. Maybe a few, just not so many that I will get overwhelmed.

  • noelani123
    noelani123 Posts: 23 Member
    1. My name is Noelani. I am 49 as of this Tuesday. Happy Birthday to me! I live on a farm in Richlands North Carolina with my husband and a yellow lab. I am an assistant prison administrator.
    2. Current weight: 148 lbs. I've been an on again, off again MFP member for approximately 4 years. But I have never been more dedicated to self improvement as I am now.
    3. Goal Weight: 140 (would love to see 138 but trying to keep attainable small goals)
    4. Daily routine: Up at 5:30, fruit smoothie & coffee and off to work. My work commute is 1 hour. Work day ends at 5 pm then to the gym by 6ish to walk or HIIT on the treadmill for 30-45 minutes. (I go to the gym about 4 x week)
    5. I use both phone and pc to access MFP
    6. I weigh each Sunday (just because I think it keeps me from overeating on Friday night and all day Saturday in hopes of seeing a lower number on the scale.
    7. I am constantly giving myself mini challenges. In Jan, I gave up ALL caffiene for 30 days. February, I made it to the gym at least 95 percent of the month's days and currently, I am in my 2nd week of no wheat. Yes, mini challenges help you see success on small scales.
    8. Thank you loves_choc8 for organizing this April Challenge!
  • ahanksa
    ahanksa Posts: 10 Member
    Hey everyone...this is the first group post for the Life's New Journey 2015. I put these out every weekday to all who are friends with me. Please friend me if you want to see it. Regards,

    FOOD: Today is the start of the April Life's New Journey 2015 challenge. So I would like to take this week to review a few food basics. If you want to lose weight or adopt a healthier lifestyle, then the most important first step is to remove or reduce sugars and simple carbs from your diet. These foods stimulate the secretion of insulin the most. If you didn’t know already, insulin is the main fat storage hormone in the body. So, your food challenge this week is to reduce your carb intake especially refined carbohydrates like sugar, white rice and flour, etc.
    EXERCISE: Though the general advice is to do at least 30 minutes of exercise 3 to 5 times a week, it is best to incorporate exercise into your life....take a walk during lunch, if you have a desk job get up every 15 to 30 mins and stretch or walk a few steps (see if your employer will pay for a stand up desk)...simply just move!! Your challenge today is to look for at least 3 ways to incorporate movement into your life. If you have an active job then amp up your intensity!
    INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE: It’s not that some people have willpower and some don’t. It’s that some people are ready to change and others are not. ~James Gordon **Hope you all have a fantastic Monday everyone!!**
  • paddgirl21
    paddgirl21 Posts: 154 Member
    luvs_choc8 wrote: »
    Hello Everyone,
    As some of you may know I was away on holidays for a couple weeks and have been struggling to find my motivation.

    This morning I have been reading lots of forums and figured it was time to get serious again. In saying that, I think it is also time to get to know everybody in the group. I have some pretty basic questions that will help us move forward. All answers are voluntary.

    1. Age, marital status, children, where do you live.
    34, married, no children, buffalo ny
    2. Weight and how long you have been on MFP
    224 and I've been on mfp for several years.
    3. What is your goal weight and method of diet and exercise you are using
    Ultimate goal weight is 150. Diet is low calorie more geared toward low carb. Running has become my passion.
    4. What is your daily routine
    Snacks, run to my zombie 5k app, low calorie dinner. Get some work done in there. :-)
    5. Do you log-in on the computer or the phone (this is useful information so I know where to post)
    6. What day is the best weigh-in day for you
    Don't matter.
    7. Do you want mini challenges?
    Sure would like to know about what this entails
    8. Any other information you might think we need to know.

    You are all wonderful

    See answers above. Nice to be here!
  • DLynn127
    DLynn127 Posts: 30 Member
    1. I just turned 49, I'm married and do not have children of my own. I do have 3 grown steps that I barely know. I live in western Washington.
    2. I weigh 255 and have recently discovered MFP through my Windows phone because they are one of the few that actually have a Windows app. LOVE that little app!
    3. Goal weight is 130 but my doctor would be overjoyed with 160. Currently I'm logging my calories and trying to eliminate as much processed food from my diet as reasonably possible. Exercise is a back and forth between the eliptical (my fav) and the recumbent bike because my knees can't take a steady diet of eliptical training. I just discovered Jessica Smith and I plan to incorporate her routines to break up monotony.
    4. My daily routine, Get up feed the animals (dogs, cats, chickens, parrots and fish (I have lots), get a bite then workout, then I shower and walk to my office (in my home) and work until my husband comes home. Then we get chores done, work on dinner, and watch TV for a few hours before bed.
    5. I log my calories from my phone but use the desktop for the forum area.
    6. I'm flexible on weigh-in day.
    7. Do you want mini challenges? As long as they are mini.
    8. My husband is one of those guys that can eat pretty much anything and work it off. Yeah he can gain weight but just cutting soda out of his diet and he'll drop 10 pounds in a week or so (ticks me off that I have to work so hard at it and he doesn't.) He says he wants to support me but lately I've been noticing, he really doesn't. Not because he doesn't want to but because he would be a terrible dieter. He eats a lot of processed food which we're slowly changing (got him off soda) but he frequently brings things into the house that I need to exercise willpower not to eat or drink. So I frequently have to remind him that "xyz" is not supporting me. We're getting better at this but I told him "jokingly" that if he can't get it squared away, one of us is going to have to move out until I lose this weight. We joke around a lot.
  • Tracy2126
    1. I am just about to turn 33, married, 7 yo and 1 yo children, Spokane, WA.
    2. I am 150 lb currently. Have been on MFP for a few years but never used it regularly until now.
    3. Goal weight is 135 lb. Just starting out by paying attention to calories, portion size, and logging everything I eat and drink.
    4. Adjusting to being a stay at home mom. :wink:
    5. I use both my phone and the computer
    6. I am good with whatever day you choose for weigh-ins
    7. Mini challenges sound good
    8. I'm finally starting to wean my 1 yo and we are done having children. I decided its time to get my body back! (It's been awhile...haha). Also, I love food...
  • LindseyRenee1
    LindseyRenee1 Posts: 34 Member
    edited April 2015
    1. 28, Married, 1 child (Benjamin), Pittsburgh PA. I work from home teaching Kindergarten online for an online charter school.
    2. 240 and been on mfp for several years.
    3. My goal weight is 150-160 (haven't decided yet). I am currently just trying to focus on calories and portion control. I aim to exercise 30 minutes a day 4-5 days a week. (I just joined planet fitness, so i am hoping to get up early in the morning or go in evening)
    4. I get up at 6:30 am with my son, get us ready for the day. My husband takes son to babysitters. I work from home teaching from 8-4:00. I go get my son, get home around 5, and start dinner. Give son bath, and he goes to sleep at 8. By this point I am usually exhausted.
    5. Both
    6. I would say Sunday. (only because if i know i have to weigh in on a Sunday, I will be good all weekend. I think it would be a good motivator).
    7. Sure!
    8. I am ready to be healthy and get my body back. I don't remember weighing less than 190 at any point in my adult life. I cannot wait to be less than that. I just know i will feel 100x better. :-)
  • ttruhol
    ttruhol Posts: 4,326 Member
    1. Hi My name is Tian, and I just turned 50 in Ocotber 2014, I am married and live with my husband in Mount Clemens MI
    2. I currently weigh 131 lbs and having been doing MFP for about 2 years
    3. My Goal weight is 125 and I do some form of exercise daily, I have been jogging and working out with a trainer at the Y, I would like to be stronger.
    4. Daily I try to get 10,000 steps and I weight train 3 days a week along with jogging 3 miles 3 times per week
    5. I log in on both depending on where I am
    6. I have been weighing in on Fridays, seems to be working for me
    7. I am open to mini challenges they sound fun!
    8. At 50 I am probably in the best shape I have been since I was in my early 20's! It is so great to have a group that is so motivating to me!!
  • greens72
    greens72 Posts: 3
    1. I'm 42 yrs old, happily married, 3 children, Toronto, Ontario.
    2. I'm 213 lbs and have just started using MFP.
    3. My goal weight is 165lbs and I plan on keeping my calories in check with MFP and I am starting a Learn-to-run 5K next week, with a little bit of yoga on the side.
    4. Walk/run 3 times a week, try to plan my meals for the week. Being prepared seems to work well but with 3 kids and a crazy schedule, I have a habit of leaving myself last. Tracking food has really helped my accountability.
    5. I log in from a computer.
    6. Any day.
    7. Maybe.
    8. Thanks to all who run this group!!! :)
  • riveragirl15
    riveragirl15 Posts: 48 Member
    1. I am 22 years old, not married and now kids. I live in Detroit, MI.
    2. My last weigh in was 135. I first got MFP before you could even scan in your foods! I redownloaded it about a year ago because my friend showed me how cool it was now!
    3. My goal is to lose five pounds of fat, while keeping/growing muscle still, so it's hard to pinpoint a weight for me now. I TRY and count my macros. I do cardio every day and lift different parts of my body every day.
    4. I work from 7-4, spend time with my boyfriend/eat, then we head to our respective gyms. Then more food then bedtime.
    5. Computer during the day, to add food I use my phone.
    6. Sunday or Monday morning.
    7. Yes yes yes yes
    8. If you have around the same goals/weight as me feel free to add/message/talk!
  • kfetterman1
    kfetterman1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi... I'm one of the few men on this challenge.

    1. I'm 51, will be 52 on 4/14. Married, 3 grown children and 3 grandchildren. I live in Indianapolis, IN.

    2. My current weight at weigh on on 4/3 was 221 and I've been on and off MFP for about 2 to 3 years.

    3. My goal weight is 200-202. I like to see I can get below 200, but haven't seen that number since I was 30. I'm using MFP to track my calories and protein. I also wear a fitbit and try to have a goal of 10,000-11,000 steps per day.

    4. I work at a desk all day. In the evening I try to get to the gym to do some cardio and/or weight training exercises.

    5. I use my phone for MFP and my computer to update the google spreadsheet.

    6. Friday is the best weigh-in day for me. I use a weekend day as one of my cheat days as a reward if I meet my weekly goal.

    7. It will be nice to see mini challenges. Depending what they are I might not be able to do all of them.