Daily Check-In



  • Doublemeasure
    Doublemeasure Posts: 83 Member
    HI, had a good day yesterday. Discovered the Indoor Rower and rowed for 25 mins yesterday and 20 minutes on reclining bike. Feet good today, pity about the cramp in the night though!!
  • wikpix
    wikpix Posts: 31 Member
    Hi all, I've had a big weekend!
    Pizza on friday night (but I had done a decent bike ride to offset it)
    Last night I went to see my brother and sister in law playing with a mariachi band and the meals were huge! (again, had done a decent amount of training but I think I still went over)
    And today we had the left over pizza for lunch but I did manage to get the mrs out on a bike ride with me so I think I've saved myself with my goal calorie intake.

    I'm looking forward to tomorrow - get back to my normal routine!

    Have a great one everyone!
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    edited March 2015
    Scudder76 wrote: »
    Ugh! I'm having one of those days where I want to eat EVERYTHING. TWICE!

    Pretty sure it's anxiety/stress. My first big bike event of the season is next Sat, and the endless winter has kept me from training like I should/want/need. It's snowing again today!

    I'm trying to funnel the anxious energy into chores, but what I really want is a dozen donuts.

    Oh my goodness, I can so relate to those days when my inner ravenous monster comes out. It's not the case today thank goodness but I did have one very delicious donut the other day and I keep thinking about it. That experience will keep me going on donut fantasies for some time!

    Whats the bike event?
    Best of luck to you

    I got in my 14.5km/9 mi run this morning, feeling very pleased with myself :smiley:
    How is everyone else getting on?
  • HedgeHaug
    HedgeHaug Posts: 223 Member
    Good morning! Having a good day here!
  • schneizilla
    schneizilla Posts: 66 Member
    Good morning! I wish you all a nice start in the new week! Weather is crap here in the Czech Republic right now...but I'm about to go to the library and study there for the rest of the day anyway...and with all the rain and grey outside, I'm less tempted to go outside ;)
  • sweetleilanimae
    sweetleilanimae Posts: 17 Member
    Hi all! I had a busy weekend of mixed results. My first weekend watching my calories. The alcohol did me in! The dancing doesn't make up for it. But I did do a 3 mile run and I was decently ok with the food so I call it a win. Went to see Garth Brooks in concert last night. It was awesome. That was a workout for my lungs!
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Good morning, or afternoon

    Nice job with the running @sweetleilanimae

    its grey and overcast here in Toronto today too @schneizilla‌

    I'm trying to concentrate on doing some work at home but its not going so well so far, my concentration levels are down and all I feel like doing is eating a horse ...made out of chocolate.

    I have my dance class tonight which I am looking forward to at least. Bring on 7pm!
  • steelaxitute2127
    steelaxitute2127 Posts: 159 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Just saw this thread going and I got excited.

    Case of the Mondays here at the firm, but at least I get to go to the gym after work with one of my coworkers. I think we're doing our usual 5-10 minutes of cardio (because she refuses to do more than that) and either abs and *kitten* or legs and abs. Not sure which yet. Then I'll be heading home to start my first day of classes. Woohoo!

    -- Stephanie

    P.S. Feel free to add me; I'm always looking for new fitness people to talk to :)
  • rebolaugh
    rebolaugh Posts: 125 Member
    Hi all! I had a busy weekend of mixed results. My first weekend watching my calories. The alcohol did me in! The dancing doesn't make up for it. But I did do a 3 mile run and I was decently ok with the food so I call it a win. Went to see Garth Brooks in concert last night. It was awesome. That was a workout for my lungs!

    Sounds like a fun weekend! I have to work to watch the alcohol too. It is way too easy for me to drink a glass of wine, which turns into a bottle of wine, which turns into bad food mistakes!
  • Scudder76
    Scudder76 Posts: 108 Member
    @electriq‌ It's my first brevet of what I hope to be a full season. (Including passing through your town quickly) http://bicycletimesmag.com/beginners-guide-randonneuring/
    Hope you enjoyed your dance class.
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    @Scudder76 Wow! That looks really cool. I want to do that! How did you train? I've always liked cycling but the exclusive feeling radiating off road cycling clubs put me off, this sounds much friendlier and I like endurance sport. Did you mean that you will be riding through Toronto?
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Dancing was awesome, always so much fun.

    I just got back from my morning run, felt like I was dragging myself along a bit today but now I feel great. Hope everyone has a good day :-)
  • Peanut_321
    Peanut_321 Posts: 21 Member
    Glad everyones day is going well! I have been having a pretty good week. Watching calories, working out fun stuff. Has anyone ever tried Paddle Board Yoga? They are offer it at my University sometimes and I have always wanted to try it.

  • rebolaugh
    rebolaugh Posts: 125 Member
    Made it to the gym this morning! It is so hard when my alarm goes off at 5:15, but I did it and got in a light cardio workout (20 min. stationary bike and 15 min. arc trainer) and did circuit training. In about an hour I'll get to head outside for a nice long walk on my lunch break -- I try to get at least 2.5 miles. The weather is beautiful, so I'm looking forward to it. I hope everyone is enjoying the day.
  • sweetleilanimae
    sweetleilanimae Posts: 17 Member
    Everyone is doing great!
    Today was my cross-training exercise day. I did 15 minutes on a bike and my first ever try of 15 minutes rowing. I like the rowing! Wow, that works out my back and stomach more than I thought! Definitely will be doing that more often. It's way more fun than planks and crunches. haha
  • Scudder76
    Scudder76 Posts: 108 Member
    So great to hear everyone's optimism!

    I cranked out a longer (but not long enough) bike ride today. It's still cold to be comfortable for too long; so hard to figure out the layers in these temps.
  • Scudder76
    Scudder76 Posts: 108 Member
    electriq wrote: »
    @Scudder76 Wow! That looks really cool. I want to do that! How did you train? I've always liked cycling but the exclusive feeling radiating off road cycling clubs put me off, this sounds much friendlier and I like endurance sport. Did you mean that you will be riding through Toronto?

    @electriq I started riding seriously a few years ago with a 3 day AIDS ride. (Boston to New York), so my road riding has mostly been endurance based. I feel under-trained for Saturday's ride, a result of the late spring. (I'm not going to *kitten* about today's snow. I'm not. I refuse.) But I know I'll be able to slog through it. A lot of the distance riding is tactics/skill as much as training for fitness. In training for centuries (100 miles), they say to find your base, and add 10 miles every week. Then, if you can ride a century, a 200k brevet is an easy evolution.

    Yes, the longest ride I'm planning/hoping/wishing to do this season is a 1,000 kilometer lap of Lake Ontario, starting and ending outside of Rochester, NY. All in 3 days! (My best friend thinks I'm crazy, my boyfriend just doesn't get it, and I'm not telling my mother till it's over and done.)

    It's tough to find roadies that don't put off a 'too cool for school' vibe, I know. But don't give up. I'm sure there are a load of clubs there, and eventually you'll find the one you click with, and will help you grow.
  • kraigiark
    kraigiark Posts: 27 Member
    Psyched about my latest skin fold caliper test. Body fat percentage down to 10.6%
    AWESOME, congratulations!
  • JsnRbrt
    JsnRbrt Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, MFP friends! Today I have a long work day so, I've only been able to sneak in a mile walk during my lunch period. I am hoping to get out to the park this evening for a nice jog before doing some grocery shopping. I need to stock up on fruits and veggies in order to start my April weight loss challenge off right! Xx.
  • bhagarmckee
    bhagarmckee Posts: 31 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good morning from Massachusetts! I joined this group several months ago, but haven't been checking the forum. Love the idea of this thread, so joining in now. I'm pretty excited about the progress I've made (34 pounds since last August) - and have had some amazing help from a nutrition coach and now a trainer I work at the gym. The best thing that's happened so far was last week's check-in when the pound number did not go down, but the waist measurement did. Which means, I think, that I'm starting to regain some of the muscle I've lost.

    Today is my long workday and I'm planning to go use the spin room at the gym (classes don't meet when I can go until summer vacation) before going home.

    @Scudder76 - I did the Boston NY ride about 15 years ago. It was fun! Haven't been on my bike in recent years (long story) - miss it.
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    @bhagarmckee welcome and great job with your weight loss and fitness :smile:

    I just got back from my morning run. It was the warmest it's been since I arrived here 5-9 degrees Celsius so that's pretty exciting. My energy levels seem a bit down though and I've been wondering whether I am fighting off a bug the last few days, if so hopefully I'll win quick smart.

    It turns out the workplace that offered me job then had to close down the program have now returned to me with something part time which I am taking them up on so that's good news and will keep me not quite out of the red but at least not deeper into it.

    Tomorrow my wife and I move house so there's plenty to be done. Catch you all later and have a good day
  • HedgeHaug
    HedgeHaug Posts: 223 Member
    Hello, all! I have had a terrific day! Mostly resting,,,but have a nice supper planned. Have a wonderful evening!
  • sweetleilanimae
    sweetleilanimae Posts: 17 Member
    Hello all. Today I feel good but full of complaints. Feeling negative. Feeling physically stiff and in a bit of pain. Headache. Back pain. I still worked out a good bit. But, going out to dinner tonight so I don't know how I will do then. :open_mouth: I'm glad everyone else is doing well!
  • notyetsuperman
    notyetsuperman Posts: 9 Member
    First check-in. First post on this group, too! Hi all.

    Today is doing well, although I showed up for a 7.30 PT session this morning only to find the gym very dark and very closed!

    I did just order a whole bunch of healthy things to eat this week. Bring it!
  • rebolaugh
    rebolaugh Posts: 125 Member
    Happy Friday! I went to see "Kinky Boots" last night -- has anyone else seen it? It's a very fun musical full of high energy performances and gorgeous drag queens. :)
    My plan is to go to a pilates class and do some time on the elliptical at the gym today during a long lunch break from work. And I'm hoping I can avoid too many Easter candies and treats this weekend.
  • schneizilla
    schneizilla Posts: 66 Member
    oh my...last three days were waaaay over my calorie goal :-/ I was weak because of my birthday and my best friend is also visiting me...back on track starting tomorrow :-D
  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    rebolaugh wrote: »
    Made it to the gym this morning! It is so hard when my alarm goes off at 5:15, but I did it and got in a light cardio workout (20 min. stationary bike and 15 min. arc trainer) and did circuit training. In about an hour I'll get to head outside for a nice long walk on my lunch break -- I try to get at least 2.5 miles. The weather is beautiful, so I'm looking forward to it. I hope everyone is enjoying the day.

    I am impressed with anyone who can make themselves exercise that early in the morning.

    I'm glad everyone is doing well. And welcome to bhagarmckee and notyetsuperman.

    My week started off really good, but I have been stressing over work and then I sort of got sick. Not sure whether I have a cold or really bad allergies (it's my first spring in Spokane and all of the trees started blossoming this week). As a result I've had a pretty hard time eating healthy and honestly probably won't bother logging today.

    But, I survived my aerobics class yesterday even though the instructor has really been ramping it up on us lately.
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Hello all. Today I feel good but full of complaints. Feeling negative. Feeling physically stiff and in a bit of pain. Headache. Back pain. I still worked out a good bit. But, going out to dinner tonight so I don't know how I will do then. :open_mouth: I'm glad everyone else is doing well!

    Hope you're feeling better today

    First check-in. First post on this group, too! Hi all.

    Today is doing well, although I showed up for a 7.30 PT session this morning only to find the gym very dark and very closed!

    I did just order a whole bunch of healthy things to eat this week. Bring it!


    Oops re the gym, sounds like you're all ready to rock and roll though.
    oh my...last three days were waaaay over my calorie goal :-/ I was weak because of my birthday and my best friend is also visiting me...back on track starting tomorrow :-D

    At least you've had some good reasons, I seem to be going over a lot myself at the moment and no celebrations in sight. Time to regroup I think

    @nuttyengineer nice job with the aerobics!

    I went for my long run this morning. I ran along the lake which was very nice, felt a bit of stiffness in one of my ankles so I'm hoping that's just a temporary niggle.
  • bhagarmckee
    bhagarmckee Posts: 31 Member
    Hi @electriq! A nice run along a lake sounds restful to the soul! Today, being Saturday, I chose to walk to my favorite eatery for a salmon burger. It's a two-mile saunter that goes through some conservation wetlands. The trees still look bare, but if you look close you can see the buds starting. Still snow on the ground in the shady places and the piles in parking lots, but so much of the unbelievable glacier that was dropped on us is gone.

    Since my last post above I have indeed done the solo spin and yesterday resistance training. Had a little muscle pull in my back (and I'm guessing it was a right-side iliocostalis based on what went "ouchie" when I twisted right) that was giving me an issue; but that is easing up nicely now. The trainer gave me a good stretch to do and some alternate exercises so as not to aggravate it while it healed up.

    Body really seemed to need a rest day today, so I'm letting it nap when it wants to. In fact, I sense another one coming on shortlyzzzzzzz...
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    @bhagarmckee it's so great to be welcoming spring isn't it! It's also a slow process here but oh so exciting when it starts to happen

    Must me the day for salmon; I made smoked salmon pasta for dinner just now. My wife loved it ...yusssss!