Come on UKers - Are you up for this?



  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I have lost 9lbs so that means it the total up to 502.2lbs
  • SamanthaFay1970
    SamanthaFay1970 Posts: 8 Member
    4 lb off this week.
  • jessocoaks
    jessocoaks Posts: 9 Member
    Historic losses again? I can't keep up with this group, numbers seem to go everywhere
  • Sweepypie
    Sweepypie Posts: 161 Member
    I have lost 1st 12lbs so far. Tomorrow is weigh-in day! Here's hoping I have lost something!
  • denvoyager
    denvoyager Posts: 30 Member
    14.8 frm Aug until now March 18
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    Absolutely - no counting historic losses, only from when you join the thread 637.4lbs it is, he says disappointingly

    quite right.your rules were crystal clear.please take note all.
    hi just seen this group - I have lost 2lb this week. Are you all weighing in on a set day? I will go back and read some of the posts.

    637.4 plus sams 2lbs =. 639.4 new running total.
    please take time to add ,and leave a clear to read running total folks.
    4 lb off this week.

    639.4 plus 4 == 643.4.
    cw106 wrote: »
    now 12 s 3 ,so 3.5 llbs to add.
    new total 485.2

    wheres everyone gone?

    now 11st 11 since i last added.
    so 643.4 plus my 6 lost =. 649.4 running total as of 30th march.
    Yes!!! 8lb lost = 645.4 thread total.

    8lbs lost since when? added to total or not?
    not included as unclear.
    Shouldn't it be 645.9?

    please add NEW losses clearly to running total thanks.

    hopefully thread back on course to achieve mrwobblys initial goal and keep us all motivated !

  • honeynutloop
    honeynutloop Posts: 271 Member
    It was not unclear. It was 8lb lost since i last added to the thread and the thread total was the previous thread total plus 8lb.
    The 2nd comment of mine that you objected to was simply asking for clarification regarding the constantly changing running totals.
    Since i last posted on this thread (I'm sorry i don't know the exact date and time of that post) i have lost another 3lb. After adding this to the previous thread total which i think is 649.4 (it was a bit unclear i thought) the new thread total is 652.4 assuming that my previous 8lb loss is still been ignored by this *kitten*.
    cw106 wrote: »
    Absolutely - no counting historic losses, only from when you join the thread 637.4lbs it is, he says disappointingly

    quite right.your rules were crystal clear.please take note all.
    hi just seen this group - I have lost 2lb this week. Are you all weighing in on a set day? I will go back and read some of the posts.

    637.4 plus sams 2lbs =. 639.4 new running total.
    please take time to add ,and leave a clear to read running total folks.
    4 lb off this week.

    639.4 plus 4 == 643.4.
    cw106 wrote: »
    now 12 s 3 ,so 3.5 llbs to add.
    new total 485.2

    wheres everyone gone?

    now 11st 11 since i last added.
    so 643.4 plus my 6 lost =. 649.4 running total as of 30th march.
    Yes!!! 8lb lost = 645.4 thread total.

    8lbs lost since when? added to total or not?
    not included as unclear.
    Shouldn't it be 645.9?

    please add NEW losses clearly to running total thanks.

    hopefully thread back on course to achieve mrwobblys initial goal and keep us all motivated !

  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
  • honeynutloop
    honeynutloop Posts: 271 Member
    Thank you for illustrating my point.
  • jonyb1919
    jonyb1919 Posts: 15 Member
    1 lb this week, so 651.4
    Hope that's right as I'm easy confused :wink:
  • kirstfk
    kirstfk Posts: 21 Member
    I just joined last week and have completed my first week and lost 6lbs to add to the total so thats now 657.4

    (Im glad you posted first jonyb1919 as you are less confused than me - I wouldnt have known what I was at lol)
  • melmckitten
    melmckitten Posts: 4 Member
    Joined last week, first weigh in and 9lb down, I make that 648.4
  • oneunfitdad
    oneunfitdad Posts: 911 Member
    hehe im trying to gain weight atm but as its deliberate we can turn it into a negative 1kg in 3 months :D
  • kirstfk
    kirstfk Posts: 21 Member
    I'm down another 6 after the next couple of weeks so we can go down to 642.4
  • Pelamblue
    Pelamblue Posts: 177 Member
    Joined last week, first weigh in and 9lb down, I make that 648.4
    kirstfk wrote: »
    I'm down another 6 after the next couple of weeks so we can go down to 642.4

    Add it on, not take it off guys
    Running total with both yours added on is.. 672.4 + mine of 4lbs...
    New total is 676.4
  • helsch007
    helsch007 Posts: 9 Member
    Fair enough project. I am on here to keep my weight stable and get down to my racing weight. Lost 1.1lbs last week.
  • GlennWhitehouse
    GlennWhitehouse Posts: 7 Member
    Meanial loss of 5 lbs so that makes it 673.10
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,542 Member
    Thank you CW106 and many others for keeping this on track. As I started the thread I thought it was down to me to back through and add up all the losses EXCLUDING losses before you join the thread and adding back for my recent debauchery. The running total to date is 657.4 lbs. That is quite some achievement so far. The weather is fine, the nights are lighter, lets get out there and shed a few more...
  • ch10e88
    ch10e88 Posts: 34 Member
    2lbs thus week for me! :smiley:

    Group total 659.4!

    Come on UK! :smiley:
  • ch10e88
    ch10e88 Posts: 34 Member
    -1 more lb for me! :smile:

    Total 660.4

    (Rules, minus your weekly weight loss onto the total (not total weight loss) until we reach 1 tonne!)