March 2015 Weight Loss Challenge



  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    WOOT! Go Skittles!! :D We all need to kick our own butt every now and then.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Name: Shannon
    Height: 5'6"
    Starting Weight (3/1): 281
    Goal Weight (3/31): 275

    3/1: 281
    3/6: 278

    Loss/gain for the week: -3.8
    Loss/gain for the month so far: -.8

    Struggles/Success: Had a few high sodium days and some other outside factors are making me retain water so I'm hopeful that this will all drop off in the next few days. I'm pretty confident it will. My ankles are so swollen from all the water can't wait to get back to normal.
  • rdmoore85
    rdmoore85 Posts: 84 Member
    Name: Robert
    Height: 6'0"
    Starting Weight (3/1): 302
    Goal Weight (3/31): 287

    3/1: 302
    3/6: 287
    3/13: 290

    Loss/gain for the week: +3
    Loss/gain for the month so far: Loss of 12

    Success/Struggles: Really stressful week at work with today being the worst. Stayed within my net calorie intake, but still more calories than I wanted. I think I'm just going to blame the weight gain on weighing on Friday the 13th. New week starting to get those 3 back off again.

  • lillie917
    lillie917 Posts: 60 Member
    Name: Lil
    Height: 5'7"
    Starting Weight (3/7): 388
    Goal Weight (3/28): 382

    3/7: 388
    3/14: 382.9

    Loss/gain for the week: 5.1
    Loss/gain for the month so far: 5.1

    Struggles or successes of your week: I am so proud of myself this week! I actually tracked my food each day this week and practiced delayed gratification on occasion (one of my difficulties). I also waited till today to weigh myself instead of jumping on the scale each day like I wanted to. Went to aqua zumba two times this week.

    But it's not the first time I started off strong, the struggle is continuing. So I am praying that next week I can continue to track my food intake to be aware of the calories I am taking in.
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Name: Scout
    Height: 5'8"
    Starting Weight (3/1): 293 lbs.
    Goal Weight (3/29): 283 lbs.

    3/1: 293
    3/8: 292.5
    3/15: 289.5

    Loss for the week: 3 lbs.
    Loss for the month so far: 3.5 lbs.

    Struggles/ Successes: Ugh. I was well on my way to having lost maybe 7 pounds, and then I went out to eat. At a Filipino buffet. And then finished the day at an Indian restaurant. And then went out the next day, after having some apple pie. Jeez. I need to stop agreeing every time my husband says, "Let's go out for dinner." Especially when I have a healthy meal planned.

    I did succeed in getting my butt moving, though, which was part of the reason I joined the MFP Groups. I needed some accountability, and I think this is working for me. :)
  • seasicksquid
    seasicksquid Posts: 73 Member
    Name: Lauren
    Height: 5'6''
    Starting Weight (3/2): 323
    Goal Weight (3/31): 310

    3/2: 323
    3/9: 318
    3/17: Tomorrow!

    I'm going to go ahead and wait until tomorrow to weigh in, for...reasons.
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    Name: Matt
    Height: 6'3"

    March Start Weight (3/01): 331
    March Goal Weight (3/31): 315

    3/2: 331.0 lbs
    3/5: 327.8 lbs
    3/12: 326.4 lbs
    3/19: 324.2 lbs
    3/26: ? lbs
    3/31: ? lbs

    Loss/gain for the week: 2.2 lbs
    Loss/gain for the month so far: 6.8 lbs

    Struggles or successes for the week:
    I've tracked everything I've eaten accurately, with the exception of Saturday night. We ate out at a Greek resturant, and estimating the serving sizes and calories (based on food in the database) was not as accurate as I would prefer. I ate over my calories 1 night; after patching my wife's tire in the rain from 10PM to Midnight to get her to a tire shop we stopped for a McDonald's shake. I don't regret it, but wish I had known to save calories earlier in the day.

    Exercise for the week:
    Since the 5th I've ridden my bike, on a stationary trainer, 1hr21min (19.37 miles equivalent of spinning). This is ~40 minutes less than I had planned because I had 2 impoundment inspections resulting in hiking 3 hours (7 miles) in ankle to knee deep slop (impoundments are earthen dams designed to hold water and they must be inspected regularly). I've also walked approximately 7 miles (bent at the waist for ~½) underground for work; my desk job has been more mobile the last two weeks...
  • seasicksquid
    seasicksquid Posts: 73 Member
    Name: Lauren
    Height: 5'6''
    Starting Weight (3/2): 323
    Goal Weight (3/31): 310

    3/2: 323
    3/9: 318
    3/19: 314

    Moving in the right direction, but have fallen prey to having adult beverages and snacks, which I shouldn't be doing. It's just been a stressful week. My SO got some good news about a big raise and promotion...hopefully this means I can leave this job and look for something more within my skill set and not having to deal with bratty children anymore.
  • rdmoore85
    rdmoore85 Posts: 84 Member
    Name: Robert
    Height: 6'0"
    Starting Weight (3/1): 302
    Goal Weight (3/31): 287

    3/1: 302
    3/6: 287
    3/13: 290
    3/20: 295

    Loss/gain for the week: +5
    Loss/gain for the month so far: Loss of 7

    Success/Struggles: Well, the stressful week continued from last week and I see the results. However, I did notice small measurements around my waist than last week. I wasn't able to be active and log meals and exercise like I wanted to, but I'm home now for 3 weeks and in total control of what I eat now! Even though I had a gain again this week, I did see my waist size shrink some. I know this next week will be much better though.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    Name: Des
    Height: 5'5"
    Starting Weight (3/6): 318
    Goal Weight (3/31): 310

    3/20: 315

    Loss/gain for the week: lost 0
    Loss/gain for the month so far: 3

    I didn't track every day this week, got super busy and I didn't eat well. so I know where I messed up. but today is back at it. I am tracking and going to get back into what I know is right
  • lillie917
    lillie917 Posts: 60 Member
    Name: Lil
    Height: 5'7"
    Starting Weight (3/7): 388
    Goal Weight (3/28): 382

    3/7: 388
    3/14: 382.9
    3/21: 381

    Loss/gain for the week: -1.9
    Loss/gain for the month so far: 7

    Struggles or successes of your week: This week I struggled with staying within my daily calorie goals. Most of the days I went over. I did well on logging each day and that helps me stay aware.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Name: Shannon
    Height: 5'6"
    Starting Weight (3/1): 281
    Goal Weight (3/31): 275

    3/1: 281
    3/6: 278
    3/21: 277.8

    Loss/gain for the week: 4
    Loss/gain for the month so far: 3.3

    Struggles/Successes: I've been sick all week so my focus has been more on getting well, but I was able to avoid my normal sick high sodium junk foods.
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Name: Scout
    Height: 5'8"
    Starting Weight (3/1): 293 lbs.
    Goal Weight (3/29): 283 lbs.

    3/1: 293
    3/8: 292.5
    3/15: 289.5

    Loss for the week: 2.3 lbs.
    Loss for the month so far: 5.8 lbs.

    Struggles/Successes: Going back to work after Spring Break sucked. I'm only part time, but that part time usually ends at 5pm, and I am generally too exhausted to start cooking dinner when I get home. Crockpot helps, but I can't use it every day . . .

    Did not move my butt nearly enough this week.
  • chris2365
    chris2365 Posts: 76 Member
    Name: Chris
    Height: 5'7"
    Starting Weight (3/2): 327.6
    Goal Weight (3/29): 314

    3/2: 327.6
    3/9: 321.5 (much water weight)
    3/16: 327.5
    3/23: 317

    Loss for the week: 10.5
    Loss for the month so far: 10.7

    Struggles/Successes: It's been an interesting month. I kicked things off planning on a plain Jane plan on counting calories, giving myself a reasonable amount of calories, etc. What I found was that even with counting calories stringently, weighing everything, I have a difficult time losing weight unless I drop really low. I have a very low metabolism (even the doc agrees), am post-menopausal, etc. It's frustrating. And I get very grumpy trying to subsist on 1200 calories a day, day in and day out.

    Did more research, looking into issues I have with inflammation, etc. and decided to give intermittent fasting a good try. (And no need to be worried - fasting has a bucket load of studies about its efficacy, no, you don't go into starvation mode on fasts under 72 hours, etc.) I had tried this about 1-1/2 years back and it was too tough for me. But this time, I'm not sure what the difference is, it was easy. Like, really easy. I did 0 cal fasts Mon/Wed/Fri and ate normal otherwise. I didn't binge on my eating days and didn't have cravings on my no cal days.

    Frankly, I'm delighted so far. But the proof will be in whether I can maintain this goodness. Today is another fast day, so far, so good.

  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    Name: Matt
    Height: 6'3"

    March Start Weight (3/01): 331
    March Goal Weight (3/31): 315

    3/2: 331.0 lbs
    3/5: 327.8 lbs
    3/12: 326.4 lbs
    3/19: 324.2 lbs
    3/26: 321.6 lbs
    3/31: ? lbs

    Loss/gain for the week: 2.6 lbs
    Loss/gain for the month so far: 9.4 lbs

    Struggles or successes for the week:
    I've tracked everything I've eaten accurately, and the weather's been great so I've been getting out more often. Also found a neat app that connects my phone to my ANT+ Heart Rate and Bike Speed sensors (Wahoo; that's the name of the app, not an expresson of elation).

    Exercise for the week:
    Since the 19th I've ridden my bike 2hr11min (28.67 miles). In addition I've walked approximately an hour (approx. 3 miles) for exercise only (walking for the sake of walking).
  • lillie917
    lillie917 Posts: 60 Member
    Name: Lil
    Height: 5'7"
    Starting Weight (3/7): 388
    Goal Weight (3/28): 382

    3/7: 388
    3/14: 382.9
    3/21: 381
    3/28: 381

    Loss/gain for the week: 0
    Loss/gain for the month so far: 7

    Struggles or successes of your week: Reading my struggle posted from last week and this week was worse! UGH! I didn't simply "struggle" to stay within my daily calorie range - each day I went over it. Some days more than others. I stayed the same weight as last week. I am only getting on the scale once a week - so it's so sad when it doesn't change. Luckily, I had a strong first week - so I did meet my month goal.
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Name: Scout
    Height: 5'8"
    Starting Weight (3/1): 293 lbs.
    Goal Weight (3/29): 283 lbs.

    3/1: 293
    3/8: 292.5
    3/15: 289.5
    3/22: 287.2
    3/30: 286.6

    Loss for the week: .6 lbs.
    Loss for the month so far: 6.4 lbs.

    The stress of the Campout really killed me this past week. I didn't make the best decisions, foodwise. I had hoped for a big loss this morning, after hiking and camping all weekend, but I literally weighted the exact same amount as I did Friday before I left. 23+ miles of hiking, the equivalent of 36 flights of stairs climbed (some literally stairs, some just hills) - bupkis.

    But I keep reminding myself of the trip I took over Christmas. I tried hard to eat well and stay active as we road tripped across the Southwest US and back, but when we got back, I had gained a half pound. I was not disappointed because I knew that a half pound gain over the course of 10 days on the road, eating in restaurants the whole time, meant I did AWESOME. Then the next day, my body said, "Oh, we're home again? You want to get back on the whole losing weight thing? Okay!" and I lost like 5 pounds.

    I'm hoping for something similar tomorrow.

    But you know what? 6.4 pounds in a month is not bad. It's slower than I have been going, but it's still more than 1.5 pounds per week. And I am still down more than 25 pounds for the first quarter of this year, which keeps me on track for my personal goal of losing 100 pounds this year. Definitely not complaining. :) Here's to better numbers next month.
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    What's the protocol for this thread; are the final weigh ins on April first, then that weigh in starts next month's? That's probably going to be my approach unless there's anything different...

    @craftscout‌ I think it takes a few days to burn calories after an exercise session and found the day after a lot of cardio that there isn't an effect, but a few days later there will be. I'm sure you'll get the bump, just not when you are wanting it (now).
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    End of Month Update

    Name: Matt
    Height: 6'3"

    March Start Weight (3/01): 331
    March Goal Weight (3/31): 315

    3/2: 331.0 lbs
    3/5: 327.8 lbs
    3/12: 326.4 lbs
    3/19: 324.2 lbs
    3/26: 321.6 lbs
    4/2: 317.2 lbs

    Loss/gain for the month: 13.8 lbs

    Exercise for the month:
    7hrs38Min of Cycling (110 Miles, 10,178 Calories Burned)
    4hrs20Min of Walking (12.1 Miles, 3,176 Calories Burned)
  • gshillitani
    gshillitani Posts: 19 Member
    Name: Gina
    Height: 5' 6"
    Starting Weight (4/5): 295.9
    Goal Weight (4/30): 285

    OK, I started a little late.. a month is a little, right?

    Loss/gain this week: 6.7 lbs
    Loss/gain this month: 6.7 lbs

    Struggles or successes of the week: Finally finished assembling my treadmill, and walked for 2000 recorded steps, but I walked for a good while before I realized my fitbit wasn't tracking the steps. Figured out why, and it took 17 min. to walk 2000 steps so the 12 min. I walked before it started counting steps I'm estimating 1000 steps. I'm trying to do the 10,000 steps walking challenge that was posted on the MFP blog at the beginning of this month, so I met my day 1 goal of 2000 :)

    4/5 295.9