Away for Easter

slikorify Posts: 130 Member
Hey all,

Just to let you all know that I'm heading home to visit parents for a few days over Easter. Leaving today and will be back on Wed/Thurs. Not sure if I'll be able to use a desktop / laptop while I'm home so may not be able to post the thread for next weeks weigh in on time since I don't think I can from my Ipad. Will make sure I put it up as soon as I get back though so don't worry

Going to be a reeeaaally bad week for me I think since I won't be able to go to the gym while I'm home and my Mum seems to think I don't eat so she'll cook loads of big meals and do loads of baking for me haha. Also will probably get a few easter eggs and be going out for meals with relatives. Not going to worry too much about what I eat this week since I won't be home again until after my exams, so mid Jude, hopefully that will give me time to lose everything I gain :P

Hope everyone else is doing well and hope you all have a good Easter!



  • jasonraygagnon
    jasonraygagnon Posts: 86 Member
    Have a great holiday, Jamie.
  • Survivorstartingover68
    Have a great visit!!!!!
  • xtina40
    xtina40 Posts: 22 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,408 Member
    slikorify wrote: »
    Hey all,

    Just to let you all know that I'm heading home to visit parents for a few days over Easter. Leaving today and will be back on Wed/Thurs. Not sure if I'll be able to use a desktop / laptop while I'm home so may not be able to post the thread for next weeks weigh in on time since I don't think I can from my Ipad. Will make sure I put it up as soon as I get back though so don't worry

    Going to be a reeeaaally bad week for me I think since I won't be able to go to the gym while I'm home and my Mum seems to think I don't eat so she'll cook loads of big meals and do loads of baking for me haha. Also will probably get a few easter eggs and be going out for meals with relatives. Not going to worry too much about what I eat this week since I won't be home again until after my exams, so mid Jude, hopefully that will give me time to lose everything I gain :P

    Hope everyone else is doing well and hope you all have a good Easter!


    Have a great time. You won't be the only one falling off the wagon lol