Weekly Weigh In - 12 Week Goals!

Starting on February the 18th and ending on May 13th!

This is a group where people will set goals they want to reach within the next 12 weeks. For myself I will be setting one goal for the 4th, 8th and 12th week, to try to keep on track for the entire duration, but you are welcome to set whatever goals you want.

I will create a post for people to add their weights for each week (you can also message them to me if it's easier) and I will add the results of each week to a spreadsheet so we can all see how everyone is doing.

I decided to do this now since I was in a similar group last year and found it really useful. It's also good timing since it's just before summer and I'm sure everyone wants to look the best they can ready for the beach!
Owner: slikorifyLeaders: slikorifyCreated on February 10, 201519 membersPrivacy: Public



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