Keto Friends Wanted!

LisaM0973 Posts: 3 Member
Started Keto on March 13th and down about 10lbs. 41 yo F from the Midwest just looking for some other Ketoers to take this journey with. Thanks! Feel free to add me ;)


  • hi i just started again three days ago, down 3 lbs. im looking for support and friendship as well. :)
  • LisaM0973
    LisaM0973 Posts: 3 Member
    Nice! You're at the same pace I was after 3 days:) will add
  • RadRac01
    RadRac01 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm suuuuuper slow in losing weight. My body wants to hang on to the weight for deal life. Also I whine a fair amount...but I'm encouraging! I suppose that's not the most winning endorsement bu if you'd like more friends please add me.
  • Need keto friends too. I'll be your friend! Just re-started yesterday. Used to keto back in 2012.
  • LisaM0973
    LisaM0973 Posts: 3 Member
    Need keto friends too. I'll be your friend! Just re-started yesterday. Used to keto back in 2012.

    Welcome back! This is my first time with Keto and loving it so far :)
  • avemariajoy
    avemariajoy Posts: 3 Member
    Tried low carb, nothing happened. Just started with keto, down 2 lb. Easter is coming, planning a keto quiche for brunch with the family.
  • Sarasayshi
    Sarasayshi Posts: 12 Member
    edited April 2015
    You can add me. This is week 3 for me and I am loving it! I have lost 16 pounds since I started it. Also if anyone is on Instagram, you can add me sarasayshi76
  • bekdavis
    bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
    feel free to add me as well!
  • TeamHayden
    TeamHayden Posts: 1 Member
    New to mfp and Keto. Still trying to figure out my macros...kinda lost. Too many sites on fb.
  • TeamHayden wrote: »
    New to mfp and Keto. Still trying to figure out my macros...kinda lost. Too many sites on fb.

    Perhaps too obvious, since this is the r/keto group on mfp, but take a gander at the reddit sidebar. There's a site for generating your macros (first link under Useful Links), a faq, and links to related subs.

    For me, my second try (started in November '13 and was great guns until I fell off it in September) began on March 20th with the decision to eat maintenance calories until the carb craving crazies fled. That took about five days and I've been eating at a steady thirty percent deficit since then, lost more than an inch off my waist with a delicious and easy transition back in.

    My priorities: protein is non-negotiable, figure out that goal and hit it every day - not really a keto-specific thing. Obviously carb limit. Water, drink a lot (I drink at least 60%, in oz., of my body's weight in lbs. every day). Get 3.5g of sodium (not salt!) a day, and some recommend adding a gram and a half more. Track potassium and magnesium. Enjoy your saturated and mono fats to satiation/calorie limit, increase the omega three polys, limit the omega six polys.

    And again, there are some very sensible people over at r/keto - I didn't know about that place when I started out and I learned a lot lurking in-between my keto stints. There are more than a few good books out there too, I reference Phinny and Volek's "...Living" a lot. Lyle McDonald (The Ketogenic Diet) is more of a skeptic but the book is rigorously researched and he makes a lot of good points.

    There are quite a few benefits to limiting carbohydrate, more to eating ketogenically. You may find, as I hope to, that eating this way helps a lot more than your waistline. But probably the most important thing to remember is this: no diet works for everyone. Hopefully this is a great fit for you, but you probably have to do it, and properly, for at least six months to find out. The first four to eight weeks see a lot of energetic changes, as your body produces more fat-digesting enzymes and mothballs the carb-digesting ones. Anyone who tells you they tried keto for less than three months didn't do their homework and didn't really test the diet. Which isn't to say there may not be reasons why some can't, but there's a distinct there.

    Good luck!

    P.S. Sorry about the wall of text, hope something helps.
  • Serious1n2015
    Serious1n2015 Posts: 5 Member
    Started 1/15 down 37lbs no appetite loving this woe feel free to add me for support
  • FitMommaD
    FitMommaD Posts: 15 Member
    I was keto for MONTHS actually almost a year ..... I shed 100 pounds because of this lifestyle and was in the BEST shape of my life ..... life happened and I fell off for about 9mo and now am trying to ease back into it .... would love support!!
  • aaroncirilo
    aaroncirilo Posts: 23 Member
    feel free to add my wife @jencirilo and I. We love this way of life.
  • wildgator
    wildgator Posts: 11 Member
    Feel free to add me! Keto for life :)
  • unmemorableusername
    unmemorableusername Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on day 4, would love some friends!
  • mlschuetz
    mlschuetz Posts: 5 Member
    add me too please! running out of meal ideas
  • kerrihwilson
    kerrihwilson Posts: 30 Member
    Hey - I've lost 10 lbs doing ️Keto. It's been a very slow process compared to most. Here are my specs.:
    -40 year old female,
    -desk job that is high stress and required VERY long days - 10-16h regularly.
    Start weight was 160 ( estimated because I was in denial). I got down to 156 .... ( is because I was still trying to convince myself the scale was wrong and that I was only 146 lbs). I found ️Keto at this point!
    - current now 139 lbs
    - Height 5 foot 1
    - Goal is 125
    - Fitness goals: 1. Lift 4 days a week. 2. Set up an outdoor "gym" to do boot camp work during the summer ( but not handy :() 3. Eventually run a 10km run ( long term goal)
    - Current nutrition target ( while sedentary). 1060 cal. 5% carb 5% prot. 90% fat ( note very sedentary!!!!) water 12 cups / day.
    - Future nutrition goal - to increase cal and macros to find the balance once I get active again ... Slowly.
    - Biggest challenges:
    - 1. Work / stress / time
    - 2. I spend every other weekend with my guy - who is incredibly active ( runs) but also follows the canada food guide - aka high carb low fat and medium protien...

    Looking for friends to encourage me as I encourage them.
  • MFP_Rob
    MFP_Rob Posts: 4 Member
    Also starting keto. Feel free to add me!
  • 2wierd4u
    2wierd4u Posts: 1 Member
    About a month and a half in, feel free to add me!
  • mrpierreboudreaux
    mrpierreboudreaux Posts: 18 Member
    Have dun with this style of eating! The food is so tasty!
    Oh, add me too!