Ad Lib April {April 8th}



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    gsp90x wrote: »
    I find it interesting when you say "all your nutrition". Given that some people eat only meat, some meat, eggs and cheese.... what does that even mean any more?

    I did try this thing called Soylent a while back and the non keto version was pretty darned good IMO if you get a good recipe. I may look into the keto version.

    I am amassing fat bomb recipes though and your bacon and egg one is intriguing! Do tell!

    I meant nutrients/macros - essentially anything you need to function, rather than just excess junk that to me doesn't So to me it really means the same thing it always has, it is just a relative term - it means something different in actual nutritional value to each person.

    I remember the jokes about Soylent green from that movie, but didn't know there was a real deal.

    As for the recipe, it was just one I found on one of the normal fat bomb searches. Basically, you make kind of an egg salad out of the middle, but using cream cheese instead of sour cream so that it'll hold it's shape, and then you roll it in bacon bits/crumbled bacon. LOL I don't remember the details, but I'll see if I can find where I saved it tonight. :)
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    4/1: 196.6lbs
    4/8: 198lbs

    Gained 1.4lbs, which I consider pretty good since I ate some crazy carbs during my vacation last week.

    This is a good experience since I wanted to try to eat at a maintenance level for a while, but I do miss the discipline enforced by logging. Or is it the illusion of control? I think I'll go back to logging after this even if I lose a bit of weight without logging.
  • gsp90x
    gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    gsp90x wrote: »
    I find it interesting when you say "all your nutrition". Given that some people eat only meat, some meat, eggs and cheese.... what does that even mean any more?

    I did try this thing called Soylent a while back and the non keto version was pretty darned good IMO if you get a good recipe. I may look into the keto version.

    I am amassing fat bomb recipes though and your bacon and egg one is intriguing! Do tell!

    I meant nutrients/macros - essentially anything you need to function, rather than just excess junk that to me doesn't So to me it really means the same thing it always has, it is just a relative term - it means something different in actual nutritional value to each person.

    I remember the jokes about Soylent green from that movie, but didn't know there was a real deal.

    As for the recipe, it was just one I found on one of the normal fat bomb searches. Basically, you make kind of an egg salad out of the middle, but using cream cheese instead of sour cream so that it'll hold it's shape, and then you roll it in bacon bits/crumbled bacon. LOL I don't remember the details, but I'll see if I can find where I saved it tonight. :)

    thanks! I'm sure I can figure some thing out along those lines. Yeah, that would be a good option.

    I didn't mean to sound challenging at all with my nutrition comment. It was more a rhetorical question. :smile:

    The soylent, for anyone who's interested has no relation to the soylent green most people know about. The inventor guy chose an unfortunate name based on an inside joke involving soy and lentils.... but alas, it's like a diy nutrition shake. I don't think it's as good as eating real food, but it helped me out at the beginning.

    There's a whole site dedicated to being able to make it yourself instead of having to buy expensive mixes.

    the second recipe listed is a keto version.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    edited April 2015
    gsp90x wrote: »
    The soylent, for anyone who's interested has no relation to the soylent green most people know about. The inventor guy chose an unfortunate name based on an inside joke involving soy and lentils....

    Soylent FAQ:
    Our name was inspired by Harry Harrison's 1966 science fiction novel Make Room! Make Room!, which explores the impact massive population growth could have on world resources. In the book, "soylent" is made of soy and lentils and is a new food source used to accommodate overpopulation.

    Make Room! Make Room! [Wikipedia]
    The novel [Make Room! Make Room!] was the basis of the 1973 science fiction movie Soylent Green, although the movie changed much of the plot and theme and introduced cannibalism as a solution to feeding people.

    It has "some" relation to the soylent people know. They share a common inspiration. It's not based on the movie "Soylent Green is People!" soylent. But, it's based on the same book that the movie soylent is based on.
  • wrkm2038
    wrkm2038 Posts: 7 Member
    4/1/15 - 299
    4/8/15 - 299
    No change but feeling great and noticing changes in how my clothes fit.
  • stillonamission
    stillonamission Posts: 140 Member
    4/1 --142.4#
    4/8 -- 143.8#
    Loss -- +1.4#

    Carbs under 20g Net

    Not too bad considering I went over my calories 4 days - significantly, like up to 2200. The rest of the days I was under my 1310 goal, not by trying, just not caring.

    I did keep my Carbs under 20 net all except Easter, they creeped up to 33.

    Still having trouble with the snacking thing. I know its not hunger related, I try to drink tea or something instead, but it is very trying.
  • gsp90x
    gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
    And we'll take FIT_goat for the win ;)
    That's not what I read, but I can't source where I read it, and that seems pretty official so. I'll go with that. :) I stand corrected.
  • gsp90x
    gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
    wrkm2038 wrote: »
    4/1/15 - 299
    4/8/15 - 299
    No change but feeling great and noticing changes in how my clothes fit.

    I'm intrigued by this phenomena. I'm noticing that as well. I actually went up a pound (consistently) but my clothes feel noticeably bigger and people are suddenly noticing weight loss. Even though my (recent) total is only about 10lbs. Weird.

  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    gsp90x wrote: »
    And we'll take FIT_goat for the win ;)
    That's not what I read, but I can't source where I read it, and that seems pretty official so. I'll go with that. :) I stand corrected.

    You're right though. It is an inside joke... a reference to the book and the original soylent which was based on soy and lentils. The movie changed it into people. And that's the one most people think of.

    Frankly, if I had to pick between the movie soylent or the book soylent, I would trust the movie one first. I'm fairly confident that people contain all the nutrition I need. I am not that confident about soy and lentils. ;)
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Plus people are a sustainable food source whereas farm fields destroy the natural ecosystem.
  • KeithF6250
    KeithF6250 Posts: 321 Member
    Plus people are a sustainable food source whereas farm fields destroy the natural ecosystem.

    I hope you don't mind if I steal that quote.

  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Wondering why I haven't been able to see this thread until now, I've been looking for it [rather obsessively lol] since Wednesday morning! I felt so excited to report in all through Wed but have to admit to feeling very over it now. Has it honestly been hidden, or am I a blind idiot??? However, to put away the childish behavior, this is what I wrote to myself on Wed when I did still feel enthusiastic...

    Carb Goal - under 15g (going to have to change that to 20 because I've somehow had a 19g and a 17g day) so...
    Amended Carb Goal - under 20g

    Challenge Start Weight 84.6 kg Current Weight 83.5

    I had to look up a product in my diary while I was at the supermarket today [that being Wednesday] and saw that on Saturday I was 200+ calories under goal, but I got out of the app fast so I didn't see any other results. I've lost at least 100 grams *every day* of this challenge. There was a 400g and a 200g as well. Firstly it was weight I'd put on suddenly, just in time for the first day of the challenge, but the last 3 mornings it's been 100 grams of new weight loss. Very thrilling! I'd always been afraid of eating 'too little' (whatever that means), so hiding the calories has been a blessing, even though it took some bravery to begin with. If I've been genuinely hungry in the late evening I've just had one tiny bit of food - a macadamia half and a walnut half or something to *just* keep me comfortable. It's very interesting.

  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Maybe next week, I will pin the check-in thread to the top of the group for the first 48 hours or so. That way it doesn't sink so fast and get lost. That's pretty awesome results. Not just yours, but it seems like everyone has had great results so far.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Thanks Goat. It seems you're being proved right, big time, so far. It's win-win to date. For myself, it's the first time on LCHF that weight has fallen off me. I've truly had to work every ounce until this past week.
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    I am just going to pop in here and say that I am going to try this little experiment for this weekend, just to see 1) How many calories I actually will eat if I eat til Iam not hungry and 2) If I can do it without freaking out
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Good luck IaUC. I only found it scary until I started, then it was good. I hope you find the same!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    I'm scared about what I'm eating now b/c it's not saying I'm eating under my calories anymore and I haven't lost new weight in quite a while. I'm about to lift the blind so I can see what I'm doing. :s The last thing I want to do is gain weight.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    gsp90x wrote: »
    Interesting note: I had zero emotinal response to any of the foods. I didn't particularly like or enjoy the chocolates but some how was possessed and had to keep eating them. Weird. I did enjoy the cake and ice cream and wine though I don't feel any cravings or the need to eat them again.

    I dealt with that on Sunday, too. It was like I was compelled to eat more of the peanut butter M&Ms, even when I didn't want any other food (at least I actually wanted the Reese's eggs and stopped eating them). It's actually what I've dealt with for about as long as I can remember, but that LCHF has largely fixed for me. Before LCHF, I would have to fight to not eat, say, the cake, bagels, donuts, or candy that were a fairly regular thing at work in those days. I did better if I avoided that area altogether and didn't get a whiff of them, but once I started, it was downhill from there.

    I'm still dealing with the water weight from that, since my body's slow to let go of that kind of thing, but I'm at least down from the 257 high I was on Tuesday, down to 254 this morning and yesterday morning. I've been walking as much as I can and reigning my carbs back in to help that along. Hopefully, I can at least get back down to my 252 pre-Easter weight before long.

    Thankfully, the next big candy holiday is more than 6 months away, and this year, I'll be handing out something other than candy (I'm planning on glow sticks).
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I'm scared about what I'm eating now b/c it's not saying I'm eating under my calories anymore and I haven't lost new weight in quite a while. I'm about to lift the blind so I can see what I'm doing. :s The last thing I want to do is gain weight.

    Hang in there, you can do it! Also, don't stress out about it. Trust the system and trust your hunger levels (and listen to your hunger signals). Stressing about it is counterproductive. Take a deep breath and relax. You're doing better than you think, and you haven't gained weight, so you're still doing something right.