A reminder of why I choose low carb



  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,049 Member
    Oh gosh, now you mention it, I had gastric issues that had reached the point where I was afraid to go anywhere that would involve standing up in public, like going shopping or social events. If I was sitting down I was fine, but to stand for any length of time I began to get horrific issues with (shall we call it) excess air. It was not only cripplingly painful trying to keep that air to myself, but always felt as if worse, and I mean **worse** would happen if I did fail. It felt as if it would be mop and bucket time, and never go to that shopping centre again. I'd reached the point of wearing panty liners and taking spare underwear and wipes with me. Though it never came to that, it was only a matter of time... I'm 58. I wouldn't have expected that from anyone under 90. I never got it diagnosed and it doesn't matter, its *truly* gone now. This is the first time I've mentioned it to anyone except my husband. That would have been the most humiliating thing imaginable.
  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    My whole body used to feel heavy. My arms, my legs. It was an effort to do anything at all. That feeling is gone. That awful, heavy lethargy is gone.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    This is a great thread, really good for keeping motivation up after a while on this WOE.

    I love being able to eat the foods I truly enjoy (I miss big piles of veggies though - when I used to think I was eating healthily) like cheese and butter and eggs and, my new discovery, the ultra decadent clotted cream. To eat red meat without thinking I am doing harm to myself. My heart palpitations that I used to have in the night have disappeared, although this took a while - I am starting to sleep better. Now I have dropped some pounds, I am able to face the thought of exercise. I am really grateful my trousers (pants) aren't so tight and I feel better and have more energy. Much less lethargic in the afternoons at work: this increased productivity is offset by the amount of time I spend on MFP reading success stories to keep my motivation up.

    PS *whispers* @GrannyMayOz I also used to have really bad wind which has significantly reduced on this WOE... a bonus for the whole family!
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    Oh gosh, now you mention it, I had gastric issues that had reached the point where I was afraid to go anywhere that would involve standing up in public, like going shopping or social events. If I was sitting down I was fine, but to stand for any length of time I began to get horrific issues with (shall we call it) excess air. It was not only cripplingly painful trying to keep that air to myself, but always felt as if worse, and I mean **worse** would happen if I did fail. It felt as if it would be mop and bucket time, and never go to that shopping centre again. I'd reached the point of wearing panty liners and taking spare underwear and wipes with me. Though it never came to that, it was only a matter of time... I'm 58. I wouldn't have expected that from anyone under 90. I never got it diagnosed and it doesn't matter, its *truly* gone now. This is the first time I've mentioned it to anyone except my husband. That would have been the most humiliating thing imaginable.

    My lament .... Never trust a fart...
  • mebeep
    mebeep Posts: 38 Member
    Twibbly wrote: »
    My wrists don't hurt. I'm not constantly nauseated, on the pot, or listening to my stomach rumble. I don't get heartburn I can feel in my ears anymore. I have more energy.

    Nobody in my family dies of heart issues. If they don't die from cancer, they die from old age. However, EVERYBODY has digestive issues, but nobody thinks it's anything to worry about.

    This is one of the first symptoms to return if I cheat, I thought I was just weird? Gues it's just inflammation from grain.
  • ruthieo7
    ruthieo7 Posts: 12 Member
    I guess for me it's d headaches and the back pain. I feel much better on low carb and my brain functions better. No going back.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    edited April 2015
    LOL I did realize, when I experienced a bit of gas the other day, that it was the first time in over a month.
  • Liftin4food
    Liftin4food Posts: 175 Member
    LOL I did realize, when I experienced a bit of gas the other day, that it was the first time in over a month.

    I had that realisation yesterday. Felt sorry for anyone near by!!

    Not sure what caused it - but I now know that I'm not lactose intolerant - which is what I suspected before this WOE.

  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,049 Member
    Thank you @totaloblivia @Lrdoflamancha and @octobubbles for your camaradarie <3 It's not something we normally discuss is it :# But yes, it truly is heaven to have a comfortable gut with no fear of being banished from the kingdom ;)
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    I always thought the ban-worthy offenses I emitted after Ben & Jerry's was from the high-fat cream used in the recipes. I thought I was lactose intolerant. Now I'm eating cream cheese off a spoon without fear.
  • kbxiii
    kbxiii Posts: 865 Member
    Whenever someone says they keep losing and gaining the same 3 to 5lbs.
    Whenever someone says they have been eating everything in site and they need to get serious.

    Right there!
    I couldn't have said it better..

    I'll add the bloat carbs give me and the postprandial CRASH I get after lunch.. Kills my productivity and all I want is just a nap!

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    My XL size clothes, that I was proud to fit in, are getting loose! So many more styles to choose from too!
  • bridget454
    bridget454 Posts: 7 Member
    I do not obsess over food anymore. I am finally satisfied. When I think about food now I am actually hungry. I can eat and go about 12 hours before feeling the need to eat again. This is liberating I feel free to enjoy life without worrying about what I will eat next.
  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    We had pizza last night. My sister and her hubby ate their pizza and then complained about being bloated, full and uncomfortable. They had dessert on top of that and complained some more. I ate the toppings of mine and was full but not bloated and not uncomfortable. ;) Totally worth it to leave the crust in the box.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Just made the "Holy Grail" or "Fathead" pizza for the first time !
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Yesterday, I ate things I should not have eaten. Within 15 minutes, the heartburn so bad my ears hurt had started. Within 30 minutes, my joints started aching. Within 2 hours, I was ready for bed.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Oh gosh, now you mention it, I had gastric issues that had reached the point where I was afraid to go anywhere that would involve standing up in public, like going shopping or social events. If I was sitting down I was fine, but to stand for any length of time I began to get horrific issues with (shall we call it) excess air. It was not only cripplingly painful trying to keep that air to myself, but always felt as if worse, and I mean **worse** would happen if I did fail. It felt as if it would be mop and bucket time, and never go to that shopping centre again. I'd reached the point of wearing panty liners and taking spare underwear and wipes with me. Though it never came to that, it was only a matter of time... I'm 58. I wouldn't have expected that from anyone under 90. I never got it diagnosed and it doesn't matter, its *truly* gone now. This is the first time I've mentioned it to anyone except my husband. That would have been the most humiliating thing imaginable.

    My lament .... Never trust a fart...

    This sentiment is SOOOO true for someone without a gallbladder. On this WOE, particularly, I would personally recommend not having pickles/vinegar within and hour or two either side of having coconut oil. Turns on the "DUMP EVERYTHING" setting.... *sigh*
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Twibbly wrote: »
    Yesterday, I ate things I should not have eaten. Within 15 minutes, the heartburn so bad my ears hurt had started. Within 30 minutes, my joints started aching. Within 2 hours, I was ready for bed.

    Me too. I 'cheated' quite a bit this weekend. Yesterday was the worst--ate half a Red Baron pizza and had heartburn again for the first time since starting this WOE. I also had more gas than usual and had forgotten what that felt like. Today it's back on plan... I feel so much better on it. Plus the scale bounced back up a couple pounds this morning (I knew it would because of the pizza).

  • supergirl6
    supergirl6 Posts: 224 Member
    edited April 2015
    I have two big reasons that keep me motivated.

    1. I have rosacea, which means my face reacts strongly to almost anything (makeup, lotions, cleansers etc) as "invaders." I get what looks like an allergic reaction - little red bumps and itchiness. Before keto I had to take daily antibiotics to control this and use medicated lotion, neither of which worked that well. On keto my face NEVER breaks out in bumps or flushes red. I haven't taken the medication in almost 2 years since being on Keto and only use the lotion sometimes because my skin is never dry anymore.

    2. I have a terrible sensitivity to gluten. I would usually get nausiated and throw up within 30 minutes of eating gluten heavy foods. Sadly this reaction did not always deter me from eating pizza, pasta, cupcakes, etc because of those insane cravings. I would often get sick 3-5 times a week from eating carby gluteny food. On keto this NEVER happens. I haven't felt sick in almost 2 years. I never get sick, never FEEL sick, never experience weird bloating, and best of all never experience those crazy cravings that defied logic.

    And yay for never having to obsess over the scale numbers! Trusting a WOE to work and actually SEEING it work is pretty awesome.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    supergirl6 wrote: »
    I have two big reasons that keep me motivated.

    1. I have rosacea, which means my face reacts strongly to almost anything (makeup, lotions, cleansers etc) as "invaders." I get what looks like an allergic reaction - little red bumps and itchiness. Before keto I had to take daily antibiotics to control this and use medicated lotion, neither of which worked that well. On keto my face NEVER breaks out in bumps or flushes red. I haven't taken the medication in almost 2 years since being on Keto and only use the lotion sometimes because my skin is never dry anymore.

    2. I have a terrible sensitivity to gluten. I would usually get nausiated and throw up within 30 minutes of eating gluten heavy foods. Sadly this reaction did not always deter me from eating pizza, pasta, cupcakes, etc because of those insane cravings. I would often get sick 3-5 times a week from eating carby gluteny food. On keto this NEVER happens. I haven't felt sick in almost 2 years. I never get sick, never FEEL sick, never experience weird bloating, and best of all never experience those crazy cravings that defied logic.

    And yay for never having to obsess over the scale numbers! Trusting a WOE to work and actually SEEING it work is pretty awesome.

    Your 1 may actually be a result of your 2. There a type of dermatitis called dermatitis herpetiformis that's associated with gluten sensitivity. It looks like what you're describing.