Daily Check-In



  • HedgeHaug
    HedgeHaug Posts: 223 Member
    Hi, starsonly! I had a nice day gardening. How was your day?
    @rebolaugh How was your hot stone massage? That was a terrific gift from your wife. My wife seems to always know what I really want/need. Cheers to a relaxing day!
  • bhagarmckee
    bhagarmckee Posts: 31 Member
    @nuttyengineer - I feel your pain. I have a sinus thing starting up right now... hate the way they throw a wrench in the monkey works (or is that a monkey wrench in the works?) And just when I was making some really good progress at the gym, too.
  • notyetsuperman
    notyetsuperman Posts: 9 Member
    Hello all, just checking in for the day. Feeling very confident & strong today so YAY! Gym tonight will be shiny.
  • brettle1
    brettle1 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, I joing MFP back in 2012. Had great success for about a year, losing about 80lbs. Had some life altering events happen and I took it bad...gained it all back and then some. I'm back now, motivated and will try my best not to let anything keep me down this time. Cheers and good luck to y'all!
  • rebolaugh
    rebolaugh Posts: 125 Member
    sappho123 wrote: »
    Hi, starsonly! I had a nice day gardening. How was your day?
    @rebolaugh How was your hot stone massage? That was a terrific gift from your wife. My wife seems to always know what I really want/need. Cheers to a relaxing day!

    It was AWESOME! I'd never had a hot stone massage before, and it felt incredible. I was so sad when it was over!

    Brettle1, welcome back and best of luck to you!
  • bhagarmckee
    bhagarmckee Posts: 31 Member
    jus' checking in... gym on hold until I'm feeling a little bit better. Saw my physician today and he gave me a prescription. While I was there I asked if we could check my cholesterol levels. Last time I had a physical (two years ago) he told me they were high. They were able to test right there in the office, turns out everything was back in the healthy/satisfactory range. Hooray!
  • starsonlyone
    starsonlyone Posts: 25 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hey guys, It has been a weird day for me.. I kinda passed out in the bed not meaning to.. I think it is because normally by 3pm i have eaten atleast 1000 calaries and i barely hit below 600.. So I think I am feeling those effects. Its Grocery day is why.
  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    jus' checking in... gym on hold until I'm feeling a little bit better. Saw my physician today and he gave me a prescription. While I was there I asked if we could check my cholesterol levels. Last time I had a physical (two years ago) he told me they were high. They were able to test right there in the office, turns out everything was back in the healthy/satisfactory range. Hooray!

    Sorry that you are still not feeling better, but I'm glad that your cholesterol levels are down.

    I am still not up to par, but I am determined to at least try to go to my fitness class tomorrow. If I have to stop halfway through, so be it. I also managed to eat healthier today than I have in the last week, but it's still a far cry from "healthy". I don't know how I haven't gained weight.
  • HedgeHaug
    HedgeHaug Posts: 223 Member
    Good morning, All! Welcome back, Brettle! Gosh, this place really works for support!
    @starsonlyone Yikes! Get some groceries in your belly, girl!
    @nuttyengineer Eat your greens, mister!!! Did I sound motherly? o:)
    @ the rest of you, wish me luck with my EMS shift today and night. I volunteer with our local Corp, but these folks love their food! Catch yall later!
  • starsonlyone
    starsonlyone Posts: 25 Member
    It is a very interesting day today. I didnt get much sleep. Been up since 9am EST... and eatten two nice meals today.. I feel really good.
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I've been off track the last week but getting myself together again now. At least I have been able to maintain my running training and I'm looking pretty good for the half marathon I have in 6 weeks.

    We've entered what seems like the rainy season here, Spring, which I am finding a bit trying but looking forward to things getting nicer in the hopefully not so distant future.

    That's all from me for now. Have a good weekend everyone :-)
  • starsonlyone
    starsonlyone Posts: 25 Member
    So i inputted my last meal and thought i calculated the calories right. I didnt so i went over about 400 points but didnt take in considertion that i spent over 4 hours spring cleaning the kitchen.. So i put it in for half the time.. for breaks and rests.. to be on the safe side. I am good but i need to pay more attention
  • PoohBelly
    PoohBelly Posts: 39 Member
    Have three days off from work...but I'm sick. ;-< Oh well, trying to stay on track. Been doing well with tracking everyday (Getting to see where I'm spending all those calories!). Have a great day everyone.
  • starsonlyone
    starsonlyone Posts: 25 Member
    NEW HAIRCUT!!!!!!!! qpwzsjpgm3p6.jpg
  • HedgeHaug
    HedgeHaug Posts: 223 Member
    Terrific picture, starsonly! Spring cleaning, ugh! Reminds me that I need to dust the ceiling fans! Surely no one looks up there, right?

    Well, hello to you all, and have a super day!
  • PoohBelly
    PoohBelly Posts: 39 Member
    Great haircut Stars! Today I bought a whole bunch of good, healthy food.
  • bhagarmckee
    bhagarmckee Posts: 31 Member
    Howdy! energy levels coming back - made it to the gym yesterday and did a moderate workout, took advantage of lovely spring weather and went for a walk today. yay!
    Thanks for the encouragement!
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Welcome back to the world of the living @bhagarmckee
    I had a really fun weekend, party on Saturday night and 16km (10 mile) long run on Sunday which was the best weather we've had here in many months, sunny and beautiful.
  • Joliekay1582
    Joliekay1582 Posts: 75 Member
    I've had a couple of pretty unhealthy days. My co-workers like to bring in desserts and other snacks for everyone and leave them sitting on the table in the break room. The last couple of weeks I've been pretty good about avoiding them but I gave in on Thursday and Friday and am too afraid to actually log the calories.

    Hopefully I will do better next week. I will at least probably be right at my calorie goal today.

    Co workers with deserts are the worst!!! So hard to pass up during the monotany of reg work day.
  • starsonlyone
    starsonlyone Posts: 25 Member
    Today has not been a good day so far. I went to the hospital to get a bone scan.. Well its one thing that I weigh too much for the machine but when the tech found out about me being called a female name his attitude and everything changed. I felt so humiliated and he just seemed to have a complete loathing to me. While i was walking out of the hospital i was in tears. a nice lady took me down to the Quality office and they took my complaint but I should never have had to deal with that,