Apr 2015 Challenge ~ Apr 13th - Apr 19th

cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
edited April 2015 in Social Groups
Just in Time For Spring: Arm-Sculpting Challenge

Week 5

Getting started: The challenge consists of five basic exercises that help to target all the areas of your arms. Over the course of the challenge, you will increase the number of reps you're doing of each exercise, eventually working up to three sets of 15 reps for each exercise.
Below is an explanation of how to do each of the five exercises, followed by the plan itself.

Choosing the appropriate size weight is key here — you want one that fatigues your muscles by the end of the three sets. If the challenge ever feels too easy, that's your cue to increase the weight of the dumbbells (and if you find you are fatiguing too early, decrease the weight amount). Beginners should start the plan with five-pound weights, and for you more-experienced lifters, make this challenge work for you by grabbing a heavier set.

Bicep Curl

• Start by holding a dumbbell in each hand at the sides of the body.
• Keeping your elbows close to your side, slowly raise the dumbbells to the chest.
• Moving with control, lower back to the starting position.
• This counts as one rep.

Upright Row

• Place a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing your body, shoulders over the pelvis, and a slight bend in the knees.
• Keeping the dumbbells close to your body, raise them to your shoulders, bending your elbows out to the sides. Slowly lower them to the starting position.
• This counts as one rep.

Triceps Kickback

• Holding a dumbbell in each hand, hinge forward from your hips, bending the knees slightly. Bend your elbows behind you.
• Straighten your arms behind you with your palms facing in. Your arms should be parallel to the floor. Squeeze your triceps, and then return to the starting position.
• This counts as one rep.

Overhead Shoulder Press

• Hold a dumbbell in each hand just above the shoulders, palms facing in.
• Straighten the arms above you.
• Bend the elbows coming back to the starting position to complete one rep.

Bent-Over Reverse Fly

• Holding a dumbbell in each hand with your closed palms facing out, stand with the knees slightly bent. Keeping your back flat, bend forward at the hip joint.
• Lift both arms to the sides, maintaining a slight bend in the elbows, and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Then, with control, lower the dumbbells back together.
• This completes one rep.

Week 5 of our Arm Sculpting Plan

Choose an appropriate size dumbbell (three to eight pounds) and follow the plan below. Every other day is a rest day to give your muscles a chance to rebuild and become stronger.

Day 29 14 reps of each (3x)
Day 30 Rest
Day 31 15 reps of each (3x)
Day 32 Rest
Day 33 15 reps of each (3x)
Day 34 Rest
Day 35 15 reps of each (3x)

Let us know how you are doing. Have FUN!!!



  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    Paula bending your knee is your workout! ;)

    Kathy sorry about the losses. I hope you made that team work for every point! Ouch, time to ice the foot. :'( Glad you have a week off.

    My arm is feeling better. I am taking over the counter meds for allergies and putting the cream on. I will avoid that coral next time. I am just really sensitive to them. They do not bother most people. B)

    Chris love the increases. I am going to cover most of them in my gym. Testing out a DVD tonight. :)

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,759 Member
    edited April 2015
    Shelley, I actually did the challenge last night after all, at 3am, did I mention I'm a night owl? :laugh: So sorry that you, who love coral, are so sensitive. That just isn't fair!

    Chris, I'm going to freeze at 12 reps and just increase the weight for now. Noticed they're getting easier. :ohwell: I'm doing dips too, since I need the stairs to get up and down from my floor workout, it's just an easy time to put in a couple dozen reps. Feels good too. :smiley:

    Kathy, Hope your foot heals quickly. Looks like you're getting a lot of rain!?? Good time to have a week off!! :cold_sweat:

    :flowerforyou: paula
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    Well there has been a change in my plans. I was on my back to work when I was involved in a crash. I am ok, stiff and sore is all. But my vehicle, well I do not know yet. A young woman did not see me as I was just entering the intersection from the North. She was headed South and also entering the intersection, but turned directly in front of me. So while I tried to stop, there just was no space or time. I crashed into the passenger doors, yep took them both out. The passenger had to be removed after the jaws of life were used to tear the door off her vehicle. Did not appear to be to serious. I caught a ride with a city officer to the courthouse. We have an attempted murder trial going and a sent. for a high profile murder case. So could not miss work. And there are no rentals to be had! She did keep repeating how sorry she was, how she did not see me.

    So I had a small blizzard to make me feel better after walking the boys first of course. B)

    Paula glad you squeezed in some sets early. Way early!

    Night all.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    OMG! Shelley I am so glad you are all right. I hope the stiff and soreness doesn't get worse. Oh, man! Did you see the doc?

    I got 2 miles done with Bean then dropped him off with Patrick and went out for my other 2 miles. Then I had lunch with friends from where I used to work. Then I finished editing Sara's paper. Now I'm in search of my pillow!! Total miles 7.74...total steps 14,960.


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,759 Member
    OMG, Shelley, OMG!

    I am so glad everyone survived. How frightening that must have been for you!!!!!! Wish you weren't sore and bruised, but glad you aren't cracked and broken. And like Chris said, "Did you see the doc" yet?

    Don't know how you handle it - the dangerous people you are exposed to at work all the time, and stuff like this in your life. Just so glad you are "okay". If I were you, I'd need a good cry. Hope you feel better soon.

    Love you! :heart: Paula
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    I have not seen a doctor. Believe me I would go if I thought it was getting worse. I feel slightly better this morning. I do have a nice bruise on my neck from where the seatbelt dug in. B) I like it, makes me look like I was in a crash. Seriously, there does not appear to be any long lasting injuries. I do not mind working with those types of people. Most are not mad at me personally. Hard to explain.

    Anyway have a great day. Rocky is taking me to work. My knight in shining armour! :)

  • Finkerbell
    Finkerbell Posts: 154 Member
    Shelley I am so glad you are ok!! That is crazy. You definitely deserved a blizzard!
    Paula that's great finding a way to get things in!
    Kathy I'm glad you have some time off to rest your foot. Yikes.

    Yesterday I walked 2 miles at lunch. It was so nice out. But I was very sore afterwords even with my support belt for my big ol belly :wink:
    Today it is raining. It seemed to have stopped for now but I'm not sure if it will stay stopped. Maybe after work I will be able to get a walk in.
    Oh and I got my new ChargeHR fitbit. I missed my Force so much so I'm just glad to be getting back into things. Maybe this will help motivate me also.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Shelley we can always send you pictures of makeup you can apply that looks like you've been in an accident instead of you going out there and actually getting in a crash...I swear that was really the hard way to do it!! :p

    Kat my Fitbit One goes with me everywhere...except for sleeping. I love it!! Good job on the walking!

    Paula stick with what ever you can do...I'll post Tank Top Arms for next week. Can you do wall pushups? If not just skip that one.

    This morning I walked 4.27 miles in 62 mins then went to the gym for 45 mins then walked with Bean and DH for 85 mins. I have 9.62 miles and 19,009 steps so far. It's been a good day!!

    I am down six pounds from my recent highest weight. I was pretty happy with that this morning, too. It was a little hard celebrating both our retirements and not going overboard...beer...nuts...ice cream...any & everything!! Man, I go up so fast and come down so slowly!! It kills me. Back at it yesterday.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Shelley - omg glad to hear you're alright. How scary!!! Thank goodness you both are okay. Take care of yourself.

    Kat - good job! Maybe I need a Fitbit for motivation.

    Chris - you're just a wonder...9 miles...wow. I'm part of the up fast and slow coming down group. It kills me too.

    Paula - yes we are getting lots of rain. It's in the forecast for the entire wee. Hope you're well!

    Challenge completed x3. Headed to the office tomorrow...in flats...no heels for probably at least a week. Foot is still a little swollen. I missed practice tonight. Will try to practice by the weekend.

    Have a great Wednesday ladies.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    Chris really? Now you tell me about this make-up thing? What a novel idea? Should of seen my bruises after doing cell extraction training. :p The guy behind me picked me up by my vest and slammed me, holding shield in front of me, into the "inmate". It would have been more fun if my helmet did not turn around! lol, I do not have eyes in the back of my head after all! lol. Great miles! You go. Good job on the weight loss. And during celebrities. :blush:

    Kathy I was not scared, no time to be scared. I was pissed off though. I have strange priorities. Now if someone else would have been driving I am sure I would have felt helpless. :s I hate that feeling. As it was I cursed, yep, and hit the brakes. They did spin around. I to am glad everyone is ok. Imagine the drivers first response to seeing an officer getting out of the other vehicle! Muahaha. Sorry your foot is still swollen. Flats are best for now. And ice, lots of ice. hugs

    Kat you take it easy. Do not make me come put you under house arrest! And that belly is beautiful! :smiley: And I did deserve a blizzard. :wink:

    I got a rental tonight. :) And was notified my aquarium is done! Shipping updates to follow. Doing the happy dance. :smiley:


  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Shelley, so glad you're okay.
    All the family visiting is done, life is back to normal.
    Hoping to resume gym program tomorrow!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Shelley I'm thinking the other driver needed to change her jeans when she saw you step out of your car! ...either that or..."Man, the cops sure got here fast!!" :o

    Kathy - good job on the challenge and take care of your foot. :)

    Clara ...what is normal? I still can't find it! I keep looking...in corners...under pillows...in closets... ;)

    Got 5+ miles done with DH and Bean this morning. We found a different path to walk. It was very pretty this morning! Weight is down just a little bit this morning. I was happy. Went shopping for soup ingred. The soup came out great. I didn't tell you that I had to throw out the last week's chili...too hot! Thank goodness I had frozen soup in the freezer, and it got me through a few days! 7.70 miles today for 16,806 steps!

    See you all tomorrow...stay out of trouble!


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    Hello Clara. Glad your life is back to normal again. :)

    I am feeling much better today. Tomorrow will be a late work night. The trial is supposed to be finished. Not sure, they seem to be behind schedule.

    The aquarium shall be in Casper by next Monday. Delivery will probably be scheduled for Friday. I do not think I will be able to be there for the opening of the crate. Work is just swamped, and another has vacation next week.

  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Holy Shmokes Shelley!!! Glad your OK. Accidents are soo scary. The Blizzard was acceptable treatment. ;)

    Kat I remember the support belt and compression stockings. My legs blew up with water retention it was awful.

    Rainy today so it will be inside walking for me. Off to do our challenge.


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    Support belts. I did not know things like those existed. Glad you both had them. o:)

    I loved my little blizzard. It was a Butterfinger. <3 Well the jury is out for their part now. I am betting I will be here until around 8 pm. I hope I am wrong and it is sooner. But attempted murder is not a decision to make lightly. So no exercise for me. Still taking ibuprofen.

    Aquarium is shipped. I have a tracking number even. Wohoo! I decided to wait on buying sand and rocks. I have waited this long I want to finish the stand first. Once it is here I will be able to choose the stain easier. Pizza is here. Got to run.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Shelley...Pizza? Really? What is pizza?? bwahahah! Hope the jury decides fairly and fairly quickly! :# I'm so funny!! Doing a happy dance for you because you're getting your aquarium soon! Oh, and support belts had not yet been invented when I had DD!! Nopey, nope...hands-under-belly was all the support we had back in the day!!

    Walked with DH and Bean this morning then went off by myself. It was beautiful here today. Then I went and bought Bean a bunch of puppy toys because we have him for the weekend. The kids are going to D'land...leaving Friday evening, coming home Monday.

    DD sent her dissertation to her committee this evening for the final review. She defends on the 4th. She's not dancing the happy dance yet...soon though.

    I have 11.23 miles with 22,696 steps for today!

    Back tomorrow!


  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    The foot is finally better...no longer swollen and can put full weight on it. However we've gotten so much rain and will continue to through the weekend so I guess I will have to pull out exerciseive it up tapes. I completed the challenge x3.

    Shelley - my favorite food...yes pizza and I will never give it up. I do try to stick with veggie and thin crust...nothing better. :). Happy that the delivery of the Aquarium is imminent...your joy is contagious!

    Chris - good luck to your daughter! And keep the miles coming!

    Lynette - I see your getting the same rain I'm getting. A really wet week here in Georgia. The flowers should be beautiful in May. :D

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    Yes Chris it was pizza! ymu yum. And you are so right, hands under the belly! :blush: I hope your DD gets through this soon. The 4th is so close. And we left at around 8:30. Guilty to both counts. And also the habitual.

    LOL Kathy, some things can not be given up. :wink: Glad the foot is getting better. We have rain also. :smiley: Great for the gardens.

    here is an interesting site I think you would all enjoy reading. http://www.businessinsider.com/best-time-to-work-out-to-lose-weight-2015-1

    Also tank is only one state away! :*
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Couldn't get past the top picture for a very long time then I had to watch the video a number of time before I heard what he was saying... Oh, to be a blade of grass for just a few pushups...just sayin' ;)
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    cpanus wrote: »
    Couldn't get past the top picture for a very long time then I had to watch the video a number of time before I heard what he was saying... Oh, to be a blade of grass for just a few pushups...just sayin' ;)

    Muahaha, You crack me up. Now move over I want to be a blade also. Room for all. :wink:


  • Finkerbell
    Finkerbell Posts: 154 Member
    You all make me laugh :p
    I've been trying to be good my eating though has not been great this week. Wednesday we went to ikea and the mall I got in a little over 12000 steps lol. And yesterday I did get a little walk in yesterday before it started to rain. Nothing Thursday.
    Oh and I'm 29 weeks today. 11 more to go (I hope only 11 haha)

    Karen I'm glad your foot is feeling better. And I do love my fitbit :smile:

    Thanks Chris I do even sleep with mine since it tracks sleep. It's interesting to see especially with Evie waking me up a couple nights a week. And I'm sure in July it will be all over the place haha.

    Shelley I'm trying to be good lol. And thank you. It is getting much bigger. :p I'm so excited for your aquarium!

    Lynnette I was huge with my daughter and also have compression socks lol. I hope not to need them so much this time but we will see.

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    At a concert with DH. Had a good day at work today. But no exercise!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Kat I sleep so badly that I don't need my Fitbit telling me that I sleep badly! I hope your 11 weeks goes swiftly!! And I'd say...and painlessly...but that would just be silly, wouldn't it? ;)

    The kids are in Disneyland for the weekend. We have Bean for a puppy sleepover weekend! I'm in a miles/step competition with them. I'm winning so far, but they have three hours to go in the park...they just might pass me. If that happens I owe them dinner..if I win...they owe me! Then we play tomorrow. I'm having lunch with a friend, so I might just lose that one up front...I could come back from lunch and get my walking shoes on tho...

    I did 5 miles with DH and Bean then 4.25 by myself. 11.56 miles and 23,332 steps today!

    Must go now and watch Shelley's video and become a blade of grass... :o

    Tomorrow, my friends,

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,759 Member
    Babies, and theses, and ankles, and aquariums, and puppies. You buds make me smile. Thank you! :heart: Paula
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Just watched the video. Yes, he is yummy! My husband says I'm a dirty old woman, but I'm just watching!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    edited April 2015
    Kat 11 weeks, almost in the home stretch! :blush: I can not wait for baby photos! :smiley:

    Clara if you are a dirty old woman you better move over for Chris and I. :p

    Chris they owe you in my book, you are babysitting! Funny I really did put that up for the information on why to exercise first. I had not even watched the video! Muahaha. And now to become a blade of grass. :wink:

    Paula you forgot the grass! :wink:

    It was a long day. I bought 6 hanging baskets. And some others in small pots to design my own. :smiley: Fertilized all my beds. Dug out some dandelions. Did some water changes. Tried and failed to catch the Blue Devil. That fish was attacking Fiona! I will feed it to my cat if I catch it! >:) Flicka hides all the time from it. I might take all the rock work out to catch it if needed. Fiona and Flicka are so peaceful. Just ticks me off watching them being attacked. :s


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,759 Member
    Paula you forgot the grass! :wink:

    Tried and failed to catch the Blue Devil. That fish was attacking Fiona! I will feed it to my cat if I catch it! >:)
    Shelley, first reaction was "I didn't think I'd mentioned a growing understanding why some folks desire medical marijuana - medications have made it so hard to eat recently." Then realized you mean the blade of grass under the, oh yeah...

    Remind me not to make you angry. Don't wanna be cat food. :noway:


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Being a blade of grass should be some new kind of yoga...meditating while just lying there or something like that...

    Shelley don't they make Blue Devil fishing poles? They are probably a bright, shiny blue...I would think one of those and a worm...

    I managed 11.19 miles for 22,717 steps walking with DH and Bean then lunch w/a friend then out by myself for a fast hour!! I don't know what the kids have yet but tomorrow will tell how many Juarez Chili Relleno Burritos they owe me!!!

    DH and I are watching the entire season of Justified three episodes at a time. It's the last season for the series. I really liked it and need to see everything in order before watching the final episode.

    See you all tomorrow. Have a grand Monday. <3


  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    It's time to stop fooling myself and get to work. I'm not exercising enough. Yes I have tennis but that's only 2-3 nights a week. I have to do more. So since today was my off day I walked 2 miles in the morning then after my bff got off work we walked another 2 miles. I also completed the challenge.

    I have 5 weeks from tomorrow to reach one of many goals. Time to push myself. I can and must do more!

    Goodnight ladies.

  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Kathy our weekend actually cleared up nicely. DD had a track meet Saturday and the girls actually got sunburned :o Glad to hear the foot is feeling better. Just stinks when aches and pains keep us from doing what we want.

    Shelley I used to tell DD all the time we could feed the fishes to the cat, lol.

    Lol Paula. You crack me up.

    Chris DD is completing her senior project right now. She is such a procrastinator (like her momma). She has to present Thursday and still hasn't started her power point yet :o

    Completed the challenge today and will start the other one tomorrow.
