April Challenge - April 14 Check-In

grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
edited April 2015 in Social Groups
1. Cardio at least 6 days a week! - 7 days!
2. Tai Chi twice! 2x
3. Keep stress managed! Good until Saturday!
4. Log every day! I did, but I forgot to complete at end of the day a few times.
5. Keep about 500-calorie a day deficit based on Fitbit. I've done that so I have really upped my calories and it hasn't hurt me at all. It has also gotten rid of the cravings! I have gone from 1200 to about 1700 most days. I lost some of my gained weight, too!

Has been a pretty nice week. Got in some outdoor walks. Everything is blooming and the blossoms are scenting the air. Seeing lots of pretty birds. Love a walk in the woods or on a quaint city street!

Hope you all had a good week!


  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    5. Keep about 500-calorie a day deficit based on Fitbit. I've done that so I have really upped my calories and it hasn't hurt me at all. It has also gotten rid of the cravings! I have gone from 1200 to about 1700 most days. I lost some of my gained weight, too!

    Happy to hear you say that. I try to keep around 1200 NET calories. I don't get nearly as hungry, my food choices are wider, and life is just better. Eating back exercise cals. is a good thing.

    My week was good too.
    60 mins./ 5 days a week of Fitness classes or DVDs if weather is bad. Done, and more :)
    Keep my average daily steps goal at 12000 Nailed it, and I did a real rest day, back was sore, so I walked but not anywhere near 12K steps.
    Observe one rest day and still maintain the daily steps goal average. Done, see note above.
    Go to Body Flex 2x a week, on non-consecutive days, to add strength. Done, I actually look forward to this one, it makes me believe I can be stronger, what is not to love?

  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    I got my steps in 5 out of 7 days this time - yay! stayed in my calorie count all but one day. I didn't loose anything, disappointed in that. Just kind of stuck, so hoping that the increase in steps will start paying off. I'm happy with getting my steps in, after two knee replacements it has been a long slow process :)
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Charlie, so glad you're getting encouraging results again. Retire, you're being impressive, as is Deb.
    We have a family gathering with lots of eating out, so my weight is up 2 pounds again this morning. Salt?
    However, I've met my exercise goals, and will stick to the 300 minutes a week.
  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    Sharon - Probably is salt. I react incredibly to restaurant food, the sodium is a killer. You will probably flush it out over the next few days.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited April 2015
    Deb - love your "Biker Chicks"! Don't have a scale here so I have no idea how I am doing, other than that my clothes continue to hang loose. I really have to find some time to get some new outfits. My food has been ok, but I have not been able to exercise as usual other than walking. I will try to get a longer walk in today. Weather is beautiful!

    ~ Kathy, temporarily in Johnstown, NY
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    @retirehappy : I go by my fitbit. When I compare with MFP, I would usually have to eat about 200 or so more calories to eat back my exercise. I get a lot of steps in and workouts, but then I sit a lot at the computer so I think that is why. I try to keep the deficit at 500 based on fitbit instead.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    @retirehappy : I go by my fitbit. When I compare with MFP, I would usually have to eat about 200 or so more calories to eat back my exercise. I get a lot of steps in and workouts, but then I sit a lot at the computer so I think that is why. I try to keep the deficit at 500 based on fitbit instead.

    I use the figures that MFP gives me to calculate those net calories. MFP starts me so slow, I can see why it works :) I also was reading more of my data and found that I don't always hit the 1200 net in fact, I hit closer to 1000 net, but since I have eaten most or some of the exercise calories, I am fueling my body. I am determined to not lose muscle like I have with aerobics in the past.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited April 2015
    I think we each vary and "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." I think that the reason I don't have the same deficit if I eat back all my exercise calories is that my days are sporatic. I get in a lot of steps most days and workouts, but the rest of the time, I'm just sitting, so I'm not burning as many calories then and they eat into my exercise calories.

    My problem right now is patience. Since I had gained and I'm really trying to stay at 500 calories deficit a day, it is taking long just to get back to my low. I really need patience!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    I am shocked and thrilled to report that I have released another 2½ pounds since my last weigh-in last week! I'm home just for two days before I have to travel back to NY state ... and I did the best I could to stay on plan for the 6 days I was away - the results show I succeeded, even though I didn't get near my usual amount of exercise! Really, I am thrilled just that I didn't gain!! cloud-9-039.gif ~ Kathy
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Congrats Kathy that is a wonderful result. Safe travels.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Sunday weigh in and Inexplicably I've gained. Don't know if these meals out with family have more calories than I'm finding on the website, if it's the cortisone, or what.
    Will keep logging food honestly and stick with the 300 minutes or more exercise. It will come back off. When it wants. ;-b
    Yippee, Cathy! And Charlie, you're really sticking to your plan!
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Monday weigh-in actually showed me down 1.5lbs. I can't believe it!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    This thread is now closed. Go to April Challenge - April 21 Check-In!