TKD and Keto Flu

chrispike7 Posts: 15 Member

Has anyone on here done the TKD? Im going to consume 25-30g extra carbs pre/intra workout as an experiment. I keep my carbs under 25g daily as it is on an SKD but my lifts are starting to drop in intensity. I understand that whilst fat loss is my goal here and there must be comprimises, but I'd like to give TKD a shot to try and up the intensity a little bit.

If I temporarliy go out of ketosis when I consume the w/o carbs (which seems very unlikely at these low levels), would I experience any keto flu symptoms or will I notice no difference at all?

Sensible answers would be welcomed from those who have first hand experience using this method of keto.

Thanks in advance,



  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    My only experience comes from reading about it on /r/ketogains :)

    How long have you been SKD, and at what deficit?
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    Second the question about how long you've been doing keto for. You really want to be 1000% sure you're keto adapted before messing with this. I'd also recommend having a really solid baseline with your workouts of at least another month, ideally a few more months, after being keto adapted and just working out on SKD to really have a good feel for whether this is something you need.

    That said, I tried TKD last year for a brief time, about 3 weeks. I had been doing keto for 9 months at that point. I had zero issues with keto flu, it was never a concern for me, I would expect you to be completely fine in that regard, as long as you are doing a good job getting enough electrolytes (sodium/potassium/magnesium). I stopped doing it because I realized I wasn't at a point where I was working out intensely enough to really need the extra carbs. Also, while I had no keto flu issues, the extra carbs did screw with my hunger and cravings pretty badly.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    radiii wrote: »
    I stopped doing it because I realized I wasn't at a point where I was working out intensely enough to really need the extra carbs.

    Yep, common issue fer' sure.

  • chrispike7
    chrispike7 Posts: 15 Member
    Been on keto for few weeks (my second time on keto), and find my strength goes pretty quick, and my lifts are already suffering. Otherwise I feel great and have a constant supply of energy.

    I didnt lose much mass at all before on SKD, but was a bit bummed out about the strength loss, and felt a bit flat in the muscles. Just wondered if TKD would help this time around?

    I did a 500 cal deficit before, but am trying 350 cal this time just to see if I can still lose fat but at a steadier pace, as I would like to do this as a long term thing, rather than just a few months.

    I will take on board the advice about making sure Im properly fat adapted, thanks for the advice guys!
  • chrispike7
    chrispike7 Posts: 15 Member
    Also - i was literally thinking of trying 25g of cyclic dextrin (doesnt raise insulin levels apparently) before the workout.

    That would take me to 50g carbs for the whole day, so I imagine I wouldnt even leave ketosis by trying this?!
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    chrispike7 wrote: »
    Been on keto for few weeks (my second time on keto), and find my strength goes pretty quick, and my lifts are already suffering. Otherwise I feel great and have a constant supply of energy.

    Peak performance drops during the first few weeks of keto, its unavoidable and I am not sure TKD at that point will fix it. This performance returns once fully adapted, sometime during the second month for most people.

    Searching through the forums here on MFP is pointless (unless you see something scrolling through recent posts, otherwise searches here are just awful).

    I'd recommend searching through the ketogains and keto subreddits, this comes up pretty frequently and the advice to be patient during the first month or two before looking to change anything is 100% standard.
  • chrispike7
    chrispike7 Posts: 15 Member
    Cheers for taking the time to reply, appreciate the advice. Will defo stick at it and see if the strength returns in a month or so.