Don't be a Fool - Set April Goals!



  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    digging this thread up for bump. and also an interim check because i'm feeling feisty and sassy right now. pretty sure i can do 90-pound squats and probably 70 bench by the end of the month. and ohp's looking GREAT. i'm going to re-set my ambitions for it at a whole 50 pounds.

    on the other stuff, well.

    - job can bite me. it'll either get worse or get better or stay just the same and it changes all the damn time so it's not worth keeping daily tabs on the mood. i spend about 2 days out of every 5 with my toes hanging over the edge of 'i quit' and so it's mostly about just learning/continuing to function while i've got that as the norm.
    - journal, pfeh. SNORE, although i did do a little of it.
    - logging, i don't really have any plan about what my real calorie level should be, so i don't care all that much. although i guess it would be good to do it since the only way i'll be able to correlate calorie intake to gain/loss/strength level is by keeping some kind of notes on what i'm actually inhaling each day.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 528 Member
    1. log more accurately and make certain it fits my macros
    2. Don't let bad lift days get to me
    3. Use bad days for other reasons to help me lift.
    4. Hit 70 on OHP with no grinds.
    5. Get my garden in.
    6. Finish the course of brick around the fire pit.
    7. clean the gravel mess.
    8. get benches made and start looking at making concrete fire bowls. (maybe even make it a thing to sell at some point)

    These should all be doable by the end of April. Pretty certain I won't be at 200 for weight, but it should be really close if I don't out eat my workouts.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    pretty sure i can do 90-pound squats


    just sayin'. beam beam.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Just over a week left, should see how I'm doing and what needs focused on next.

    1. Get down to 157 - Last official was 160 but may have reached 159, gonna give it a couple of days to see.
    2. Do stage 2 of NROLFW and start stage 3 - One more to do in Stage 2 (the 21st) then well start Stage 3. I checked ahead on some of them and shouldn't be too difficult as I'm familiar with some of the lifts, like rows.
    3. Make it through weeks 5 & 6 of C25K - started week 6. May even start week 7 before month ends.
    4. Keep up with A to Z blog challenge on both blogs - still behind on commenting on other blogs, I will also do blog comments in May to see what I missed and find new blogs I'd never checked out before. I have gotten posts up each day as needed though.
    5. Start organizing schedule more and plan food at least 2 days ahead. - not made much progress
    6. Write 20,000 words in story and keep up in other writing challenge. - I have a few thousand words so far on novel and am keeping up in the writing challenge.
    7. Start packing and donating stuff I don't need as plan to move in the near future. - Meeting someone tomorrow about potential move, rest pends how that goes.

    Not bad. Some writing I need to do, along with editing, blogging and such. The fitness end is going well and I've done good at keeping protein up (it's my goal in a different group), so overall a pretty good month.
  • parkerpowerlift
    parkerpowerlift Posts: 196 Member
    edited April 2015
    Well, I am finishing off week two of Stronglifts. I'm new to heavy lifting, after losing almost all of my weight from running! So every successful lift is a PR. However...

    1.) To improve my lifting form...I feel like my DL is better but my barbell row is a lost cause.

    2.) To not have failure while doing overhead lifts. My upper body is so weak! I almost wonder if I should be doing secondary work to work on my upper body strength outside of SL5x5...I struggle with the bar!
    I have been stuck on 60 pounds for the past few workouts. I happened to do this mini FB competition where I needed to film myself doing different lifts. On Wednesday, when I lifted, I did some bench press before my overhead lifts. I should have done my OHP! I had much more energy by staying at 60 lbs, but due to exhausting my muscles on bench, I ended up failing a few reps on my OHP. Lesson learned: preserve your energy! Do your important lifts first!

    3.) I am currently 43 pounds down. I'd like to at least get to my 45 lb mark by the end of the month. My weight loss has drastically dropped, especially since I'm getting so close to my goal weight.

    4.) Clean up my eating, increase water intake, and start tracking macros better (I have been very lenient with my food intake, basically CICO).

    5.) To consistently do 3 days of lifting and 3 days of running. I joined a running club this week!
    #1 RECAP: I think I'll forever struggle on BR, but I finally did a form check on BR and when I wasn't too focused on the fact that I was being filmed, or when I stopped overthinking it, my reps were good. I can tell when I started to overthink it during other sets/reps and my form was shotty. I also have filmed myself doing other lifts for the first time. My bench form is fine. My squat @ 135, my max, I needed more depth.

    #2 RECAP: I have been stuck on 60 pounds for the past few workouts. I happened to do this mini FB competition where I needed to film myself doing different lifts. On Wednesday, when I lifted, I did some bench press before my overhead lifts. I should have done my OHP! I had much more energy by staying at 60 lbs, but due to exhausting my muscles on bench, I ended up failing a few reps on my OHP. Lesson learned: preserve your energy! Do your important lifts first!

    #3 RECAP: Well, I lost 1 lb this month so far. TOM will be here any day now, so water weight & bloat is awful. I had a health screen at work and it said that I was up 7 pounds...uh, no. No I'm not. I'm lifting heavy/heavier and I drink way more water now! I have 6 more days to hopefully lose that last pound to make it to my 45 lb mark, but if it doesn't happen, so be it. I've only lost 1 pound but I've lost 2.5 inches off my stomach, 1 inch off my chest and 0.5 inches off my thighs!

    #4 RECAP: My eating hasn't been the greatest :( But I'm drinking more water! I've been able to mainly maintain my current weight.

    #5 RECAP: Due to being short staffed at work, and due to limited hours at my school's gym, there has been two Fridays that I haven't been able to make it into the gym to lift for my "day three". I normally get 3 runs in. However, last week, I injured my left hip flexor (later in the week) and decided to rest last weekend.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Time for the final update as April ends soon. Had a pretty busy month and didn't quite get all that I wanted done. Looks like work will be busier in May but probably good cause hours were a bit short lately. I may need to limit my goals for May though cause have to also do things like prepare to move. Still making progress and that is the great part.

    Results for April:

    1. Get down to 157 - Not quite. Scale says 158.8 and has all week pretty much, even during a couple random mid-day after jog weighing. Maybe after ToM ends it will go down a little. Either way, I finally made it into the 150's, so yay. Plus, I can fit into a few size 12 pants and shorts. :sunglasses:

    2. Do stage 2 of NROLFW and start stage 3 - Yep, easy one. After tonight I will be halfway through stage 3. Already looking forward to moving on beyond the program though and getting back to a more strength main lift focus.

    3. Make it through weeks 5 & 6 of C25K - Middle of week 7 with one last 25 minute jog to go. Next is week 8 and 28 minute jogs.

    4. Keep up with A to Z blog challenge on both blogs - same as before. I have one last post to write and that part will be done but I didn't comment on people's blog posts and need to do a little of that in May.

    5. Start organizing schedule more and plan food at least 2 days ahead. - didn't make progress here. I still end up piecing together my day one meal at a time but get my protein so that's good.

    6. Write 20,000 words in story and keep up in other writing challenge. - Other writing challenge yes, 20k in novel is a no. I got almost 5k and that's about it. Still, I've done some writing and a tiny bit of editing. May will be more edit focused though.

    7. Start packing and donating stuff I don't need as plan to move in the near future. - Little bit but will need to do a lot in May as I move at the end of the month.

    Not bad overall. Some success, some minor setback and I kept busy. Hope everyone else had a good month too.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    me in april:

    - 5 months of job down, 7 to go. i'll be free at the end of november. holding steady . . . i think. more and more sure i'll be desperate to get back to the normal software-shop forms of insanity after this.
    - shoulder rehab much better. not sleeping on it as much and not as badly affected when i do. also big improvements in joint stability and strength.
    - planks: not 2x60 per day but a consistent part of my life anyway.
    - pushups nah. journal nah. food logging pretty much nah.

    - squats: up to 95 for a while, now on big deload to work lower-body form. monster shoulder improvements with them.
    - bench: huge improvement, weight the same. consistently benched 65lb with about 50% less front-delt pain afterwards, every time. will move up when it's been at 0 for a few times.
    - ohp: hard to tell. much much better than on april 1st though. pressing 45 without much trouble.
    - rows: 70lb and feel as if this will increase. form finally comfortable.
    - deadlift: no progress. i'll make new goals for this one for may.

  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    I'm having a hard time figuring out a reasonable goal to lift without me spazing and killing my form to get there - I guess as long as I stay honest!

    1. Squat 200lbs/ OHP 75lbs/ Deadlift 185lbs/ Bench 100lbs.
    2. Figure out rows, ugggg. I'm just slopping through so far.
    3. Continue my streak on MFP of tracking my calories and macros
    4. Work in some negative pull ups.

    April Goals check in!

    2. Check! Up to 210lb squats, Bench 105lbs, Deadlift 195lbs and just barely squeaked out OHP 75lbs
    3. I think i've figured out rows lol!
    4. Yessir 79 day streak!
    5. Derp. I did negatives like twice, so no.

    Now, what to do for May...

  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    1) Lose 2 lbs (it would get me down to my original arbitrary goal)
    2) Weekly deficit of 1750 kcals. I am hoping it will be easier to avoid binging with the higher allowance and with not looking at it daily so much.
    3) Long run of 8.5k this was a hold over from last month, I just want to cross 10k off of my list sooner rather than later
    4) 5k in 28 minutes, with my 5k race in just over a month I need to get more comfortable with pushing pace with 5k. I always start out slow because I worry about not finishing and I need to get passed that.

    1) I think I did this but I am holding on to a lot of water weight right now
    2) I made progress on that, still a couple of binges this month.
    3)Got in a 9k run 2 weeks ago
    4) No, got 28:30 is a couple of weeks ago but that was as close as I managed (today's was more than 29 minutes
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    giusa wrote: »
    April Goals

    -StrongLifts 3x a week.
    -Stay at current working weight (or add 1# plates) until I master form. Invest in mirror. Take video.
    -Start tracking full body measurements. Take full shot photo to track with measurements.
    -Lose a minimum of 3% body fat.
    -Stop second guessing my macro/calories.

    We'll see about the last one, with all the information out there, it's really difficult!

    April Goal Assessment

    -Averaged 2+ a week
    -Form has improved, got my groove back! Mirror is finally arriving tonight. No video.
    -Forgot this, will include (additional measurements) with May goals. But did take full body pic (already grabbed phone out of people’s hands, so afraid someone will see them).
    -Didn’t happen :(
    -Found calories/macro that work for me!!! Even if I didn’t meet any other goal this month - this is *HUGE* for me!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    Didja really think I wasn't going to set goals? Bahaha! Riiight.

    No but seriously, this month's goals, for me, will be things I can attain without too much effort. I've been failing so hard lately I need the boost. And I'm limiting myself to 5 to avoid stretching out too far.

    1. Walk/run 50 miles total.
    2. Do 20+ minutes of yoga at least once a week
    3. Sit down to write for 30 mins at least once a week
    4. Give my 110% in the gym
    5. Spend time outside!

    So, as you can see, no food or sleep-related goals, and it's mostly stuff that I don't have to perform at because, as a Nike ad would read, I get to Just Do It. It'll be a nice change of pace :)

    Nmm, I had forgotten about some of these goals. This month has NOT been going my way as far as time management goes...

    1. BARELY made it, but I totaled 50.9 miles of combined walking and running (that was tracked, anyway) over those 30 days. 81.44km! The rainy moody weather really put sticks in my wheels, so to speak.
    2. Uhm... I don't know that I did it more than once. Eeps
    3. Does posting on forums count? Cuz otherwise i got zilch here
    4. Well yeah, that goes without saying. Haha. But my recovery's been crap so... dunno?
    5. Check on this one. Every time I've had a chance. Like I said, moody weather. Did the best I could. So glad to see the sunshine this morning =D

    So I guess I should write more and well, now that I have this "mobilize 20 mins every day) goal it'll be hard to skip out on yoga :P
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    mirrim52 wrote: »
    Lifting goals are flexible as I am a little clueless now that newbie gains are pasts for me.

    Squat - 145
    OHP - 60
    DL - 175
    Bench - 77.5
    Row - 95

    Lose 3 lbs. 4 would be ideal, but I know I have my hubby's big birthday party in there which will probably wipe out my deficit that week with snacks and booze.

    Not kill my husband now that he is laid off and home all the time :P

    Squat - 140
    OHP - 55
    DL - 170
    bench - 75
    row - 90

    Lost 3 lbs.

    I am ok with these. I may have been able to make most of them if I didn't have to take nearly 2 weeks off due to illness.

    Oh, and managed not to kill the hubs :)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    . . . no may goals this month? not that i've assembled any, but not sure for when i do whether we're just tagging them onto this thread.