


  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Hi! I'm Rebecca, I'm 26 and live in Boston with my red headed husband and 2 gigantic orange cats.
    I have struggled with food since I can remember. Currently, I'm working on getting used to being in my skin. I've never been happy with my body, but I'm working hard to just live life without worrying about food constantly. I consider myself IN recovery, but not recovered. I strongly believe that full recovery is possible and I am very determined!

    Anyway, I'm a little crazy, very nerdy, usually pretty fun, and like all things pink and sparkly, especially champagne!

    I had NO idea your name is rebecca!!!! too funny :) and YES full recovery is possible!!!!
  • tebbs915
    tebbs915 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi! I'm Rebecca, I'm 26 and live in Boston with my red headed husband and 2 gigantic orange cats.
    I have struggled with food since I can remember. Currently, I'm working on getting used to being in my skin. I've never been happy with my body, but I'm working hard to just live life without worrying about food constantly. I consider myself IN recovery, but not recovered. I strongly believe that full recovery is possible and I am very determined!

    Anyway, I'm a little crazy, very nerdy, usually pretty fun, and like all things pink and sparkly, especially champagne!

    I had NO idea your name is rebecca!!!! too funny :) and YES full recovery is possible!!!!

    that's too funny! :)
  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I've been a member of this group since Sarah created it for us (thanks Sarah!) but never took the time to post anything :ohwell:
    My name is Vicki. I'm a 56 year-old first time grandmother with a life-long weight problem. I reached my goal weight a few months ago and have been trying to figure out how to maintain ever since. This will be the first time in my life that I've really tried to maintain a healthy weight. Keeping an eye on my weight will be a forever thing for me.

    Basically, I am a very positive person :flowerforyou: I love the quote by Abraham Lincoln that says "people are only as happy as they make up their minds to be". Even when I find life getting me down, I allow it for a brief period (it really is healthy), then pick myself up by my bootstraps, and get over it! Life is too short not to be enjoyed.

    Cheers my friends :drinker:
  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    So I'm Jessica but all my friends...aka all of you...just call me Jess. I am a total hippie at heart and am into peace, saving the planet, saving animals, but of course no drugs or anything. I am trying to find peace in myself and am trying to do so through my Higher Power who I choose to call God. I am trying to overcome a battle with an eating disorder that has palgued me for 13 years (since the age of 6). I have had literally every ED symptom to some extent and am done with the negativity and depression it brings me. I'm ready to step out of darkness into light and find freedom :)
  • beccalucy
    beccalucy Posts: 250 Member
    Hi all, I'm Rebecca too, usually called Becca. I'm 22 and live in the UK, supposedly with my parents but I spend 5 days a week most weeks travelling round the UK for my job or with my boyfriend. I am a (newish) runner who has just completed her first marathon and isn't sure what challenge to take next, suggestions welcome! I'm currently taking a gap year before, hopefully, goig back to university to study medicine. I'm trying to overcome an eating disorder, although this is up and down I hope that one day I shake free from it.
  • chickenrider
    Well, obviously I am not named chickenrider :) But my name is Kristina and I am a single mom of a teen son, Joy! Anyway, let me introduce myself. About 4 years ago I was diagnosed with diabetes, but I was to hard headed to believe it, so it was never treated. My sugar would sky rocket and I would just drink some water and bring it down. I was in total denial that I was unhealthy, I did not care if I was fat or not.

    Last year, 2011, my son went to wake me up and he could not get me to wake up. He called 911 and when they checked my sugar it was over 400. I was basically going into a diabetic coma. Had he not called 911, I would not be here, I am certain of that. From that day forward I have been truly working on my sugar levels, and my health.

    My heaviest weight was 398 pounds, I am now down to 326 as of last Thursday. I am taking my medicine religiously and watching every morsel of food. Unfortunately damage has already been done. My pancreas is in failure and I am being tested for liver disease next week.

    However, I am a true believer in healing! I believe that I am here for a reason and with the guidance of my doctor, and my very strict diet and exercise routine, I will be fine and hope to reverse all these medical issues.

    I am on a very strict 1200 calorie diet as of Thursday, so I have had to become very inventive on my food intake. I will be more than happy to share ideas to as they come around. I am so thankful for a positive group, because I was a member of MFP before and dropped out because some people think that they have to vocalize everything, whether it be good or bad.

    FYI, the reason why this is so long...simple, I am a writer for a living :)

    Have a great day and an even greater weekend!
  • chickenrider
    Hi y'all! :happy: I'm Sarah, 18 years old, and I really like the idea of a group where you can share things without being afraid of snarky comments. I'm excited about this :smile:

    I have an eating disorder and I want to recover. Some days are great, some days are not so great but I'm trying my best most of the time.

    Nice to meet you! :flowerforyou:

    Sarah, I am mentoring a young woman with an eating disorder as well. If you need a sounding board, or just want to talk. Please reach out to someone, if you want to chat I will be happy to. But, make sure it is someone :)
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    thank you to you all for sharing! i'll be back in later to respond more individually. Keep this group going! we've got a great thing~~
  • findingmyhappyplace
    findingmyhappyplace Posts: 75 Member
    Hi, I'm Mili. I'm 22 and from London, England. I'm in training to become a classical violinist at a conservatoire and simultaneously freelancing professionally already. I enjoy running, lifting weights, being with my ever-patient boyfriend, and uh, food.

    I joined this site just over a year ago when I was bordering on obese. Lost 50 lbs and gained anorexia in the process. I became extremely sick, both physically and mentally. In February this year I began to repair the physical damage and had done a great job, regaining 14lbs and reversing some of the problems anorexia caused, but my mental health is lagging behind. My mood swings between being committed to recovery, and near-suicidal. I have a lot of psychological problems to deal with and I feel somewhat stuck at the moment.
  • RachelVon
    RachelVon Posts: 74 Member
    Hi everyone!
    My name is Rachel I am 24 years old & I have been married since November! I started working out on a regular basis since January & started regularly using MFP & counting calories since March!

    I have lost a total of 39.4 lbs with 27 of the 39 being lost since March! I live in Indiana. I work as a retail associate for a fashion store, as well as a photographer & I book bands at the coffee house I work for doing promotions :)

    I think thats about it...

  • chickenrider
    Hi, I'm Mili. I'm 22 and from London, England. I'm in training to become a classical violinist at a conservatoire and simultaneously freelancing professionally already. I enjoy running, lifting weights, being with my ever-patient boyfriend, and uh, food.

    I joined this site just over a year ago when I was bordering on obese. Lost 50 lbs and gained anorexia in the process. I became extremely sick, both physically and mentally. In February this year I began to repair the physical damage and had done a great job, regaining 14lbs and reversing some of the problems anorexia caused, but my mental health is lagging behind. My mood swings between being committed to recovery, and near-suicidal. I have a lot of psychological problems to deal with and I feel somewhat stuck at the moment.

    Mili, every single person in this group, in other groups, and in this world are dealing with issues right now at this very moment. But right now I want you to know I am standing with you and holding your hand. Speaking healing into your body, mentally and physically. You are loved by many. Many that you do not even know. Keep up the great work and keep us posted on progress :) Feel free to add me.

  • chickenrider
    Hi everyone!
    My name is Rachel I am 24 years old & I have been married since November! I started working out on a regular basis since January & started regularly using MFP & counting calories since March!

    I have lost a total of 39.4 lbs with 27 of the 39 being lost since March! I live in Indiana. I work as a retail associate for a fashion store, as well as a photographer & I book bands at the coffee house I work for doing promotions :)

    I think thats about it...


    Rachel, sounds like you have one of those 'active lifestyles' LOL...great progress, keep it up.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Hi everyone!
    My name is Rachel I am 24 years old & I have been married since November! I started working out on a regular basis since January & started regularly using MFP & counting calories since March!

    I have lost a total of 39.4 lbs with 27 of the 39 being lost since March! I live in Indiana. I work as a retail associate for a fashion store, as well as a photographer & I book bands at the coffee house I work for doing promotions :)

    I think thats about it...


    Hey Rachel! Congrats on the new marriage :) I'm 25 so right around your age. You have done so well already! 29 pounds since march? unbelievable! Looking forward to talking to you more.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Hi, I'm Mili. I'm 22 and from London, England. I'm in training to become a classical violinist at a conservatoire and simultaneously freelancing professionally already. I enjoy running, lifting weights, being with my ever-patient boyfriend, and uh, food.

    I joined this site just over a year ago when I was bordering on obese. Lost 50 lbs and gained anorexia in the process. I became extremely sick, both physically and mentally. In February this year I began to repair the physical damage and had done a great job, regaining 14lbs and reversing some of the problems anorexia caused, but my mental health is lagging behind. My mood swings between being committed to recovery, and near-suicidal. I have a lot of psychological problems to deal with and I feel somewhat stuck at the moment.

    You are doing fracking amazing. The negativity and day-to-day up and downs are to be expected. It's what we do with those up and downs that count. I love you and you constantly inspire me.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Hi y'all! :happy: I'm Sarah, 18 years old, and I really like the idea of a group where you can share things without being afraid of snarky comments. I'm excited about this :smile:

    I have an eating disorder and I want to recover. Some days are great, some days are not so great but I'm trying my best most of the time.

    Nice to meet you! :flowerforyou:

    You always know where to find me for support. Stay strong!
  • Sumner100Christ_follower
    I hope this group is still alive. I am Al. I am ashamed to admit this, but I have heard the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. I am overweight. I am a binge-eater, and I need help to quit binge eating forever. The day before I began my fitness pal I consumed approximately 8,830 calories in one day, and it wasn't even a special occasion. I calculated it. Though, I am sure there were many days in which I consumed more than this. In fact, I don't know if that day would even make my top 100 binge-eating days, but I never calculated how many calories I consumed those other days. One day I ate two medium full-size delivery pizzas loaded with toppings. Another day, my mother gave me a huge extremely sweet, rich, and chocolatey ice cream cake for my birthday, and I ate the entire cake within two days except for two small slices. In December, I went to the movie theater, and just while watching one film I consumed 3 jumbo popcorn containers with extra butter by myself. I think I could talk about my binge-eating failures for hours. However, when I am not binge-eating I eat mostly low-calorie healthy food. When I am not binge-eating I am a strong proponent for saving the environment and eating healthy, and when I am binge eating I feel like a hypocrite. Though, I love good tasting food so much that I feel like I could eat it forever. I really appreciate food that makes my taste senses explode with joy. I also binge-eat during almost all celebrations or when I am depressed. Additionally, when I am not binge-eating I think very few people eat healthier than me. I have been doing okay recently, but I do not know when I will not be able to resist the urge to binge eat again. To complicate things I am a Christian, and in Christianity over eating is considered the sin of gluttony. I am trying to get in shape because 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ESV reads: "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." Thus, I really want to get in as good of shape as possible spiritually and physically. Though, I may need some support.