Apr 2015 Challenge ~ Apr 13th - Apr 19th



  • Finkerbell
    Finkerbell Posts: 154 Member
    You all make me laugh :p
    I've been trying to be good my eating though has not been great this week. Wednesday we went to ikea and the mall I got in a little over 12000 steps lol. And yesterday I did get a little walk in yesterday before it started to rain. Nothing Thursday.
    Oh and I'm 29 weeks today. 11 more to go (I hope only 11 haha)

    Karen I'm glad your foot is feeling better. And I do love my fitbit :smile:

    Thanks Chris I do even sleep with mine since it tracks sleep. It's interesting to see especially with Evie waking me up a couple nights a week. And I'm sure in July it will be all over the place haha.

    Shelley I'm trying to be good lol. And thank you. It is getting much bigger. :p I'm so excited for your aquarium!

    Lynnette I was huge with my daughter and also have compression socks lol. I hope not to need them so much this time but we will see.

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    At a concert with DH. Had a good day at work today. But no exercise!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    Kat I sleep so badly that I don't need my Fitbit telling me that I sleep badly! I hope your 11 weeks goes swiftly!! And I'd say...and painlessly...but that would just be silly, wouldn't it? ;)

    The kids are in Disneyland for the weekend. We have Bean for a puppy sleepover weekend! I'm in a miles/step competition with them. I'm winning so far, but they have three hours to go in the park...they just might pass me. If that happens I owe them dinner..if I win...they owe me! Then we play tomorrow. I'm having lunch with a friend, so I might just lose that one up front...I could come back from lunch and get my walking shoes on tho...

    I did 5 miles with DH and Bean then 4.25 by myself. 11.56 miles and 23,332 steps today!

    Must go now and watch Shelley's video and become a blade of grass... :o

    Tomorrow, my friends,

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    Babies, and theses, and ankles, and aquariums, and puppies. You buds make me smile. Thank you! :heart: Paula
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Just watched the video. Yes, he is yummy! My husband says I'm a dirty old woman, but I'm just watching!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,889 Member
    edited April 2015
    Kat 11 weeks, almost in the home stretch! :blush: I can not wait for baby photos! :smiley:

    Clara if you are a dirty old woman you better move over for Chris and I. :p

    Chris they owe you in my book, you are babysitting! Funny I really did put that up for the information on why to exercise first. I had not even watched the video! Muahaha. And now to become a blade of grass. :wink:

    Paula you forgot the grass! :wink:

    It was a long day. I bought 6 hanging baskets. And some others in small pots to design my own. :smiley: Fertilized all my beds. Dug out some dandelions. Did some water changes. Tried and failed to catch the Blue Devil. That fish was attacking Fiona! I will feed it to my cat if I catch it! >:) Flicka hides all the time from it. I might take all the rock work out to catch it if needed. Fiona and Flicka are so peaceful. Just ticks me off watching them being attacked. :s


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    Paula you forgot the grass! :wink:

    Tried and failed to catch the Blue Devil. That fish was attacking Fiona! I will feed it to my cat if I catch it! >:)
    Shelley, first reaction was "I didn't think I'd mentioned a growing understanding why some folks desire medical marijuana - medications have made it so hard to eat recently." Then realized you mean the blade of grass under the, oh yeah...

    Remind me not to make you angry. Don't wanna be cat food. :noway:


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    Being a blade of grass should be some new kind of yoga...meditating while just lying there or something like that...

    Shelley don't they make Blue Devil fishing poles? They are probably a bright, shiny blue...I would think one of those and a worm...

    I managed 11.19 miles for 22,717 steps walking with DH and Bean then lunch w/a friend then out by myself for a fast hour!! I don't know what the kids have yet but tomorrow will tell how many Juarez Chili Relleno Burritos they owe me!!!

    DH and I are watching the entire season of Justified three episodes at a time. It's the last season for the series. I really liked it and need to see everything in order before watching the final episode.

    See you all tomorrow. Have a grand Monday. <3


  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,263 Member
    It's time to stop fooling myself and get to work. I'm not exercising enough. Yes I have tennis but that's only 2-3 nights a week. I have to do more. So since today was my off day I walked 2 miles in the morning then after my bff got off work we walked another 2 miles. I also completed the challenge.

    I have 5 weeks from tomorrow to reach one of many goals. Time to push myself. I can and must do more!

    Goodnight ladies.

  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Kathy our weekend actually cleared up nicely. DD had a track meet Saturday and the girls actually got sunburned :o Glad to hear the foot is feeling better. Just stinks when aches and pains keep us from doing what we want.

    Shelley I used to tell DD all the time we could feed the fishes to the cat, lol.

    Lol Paula. You crack me up.

    Chris DD is completing her senior project right now. She is such a procrastinator (like her momma). She has to present Thursday and still hasn't started her power point yet :o

    Completed the challenge today and will start the other one tomorrow.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,889 Member
    Kathy I love the new inspirational thought. I fool myself at times also. Exercise is important. But our eats must change first. Chin up and cut one thing out each day. Say no to just one.......we got this. B) Love your extra steps.

    Paula you make me laugh. :smiley: Keep getting better. I still have to catch that darn fish. :/

    Chris I for one still love to lay in the grass in the sun. ;) Sounds like you are besting the kids! :wink: I might try a fishing pole.

    Lynette did you ever feed one to your cat? I am sure my cat would not eat it. Sorry to hear about the sunburn. Not fun.

    Well the aquarium will be delivered Wednesday afternoon. So excited. We have to get another 20 gallon container for mixing water. I also plan on draining about 40 gallons and removing the rockwork out of my current tank. I am serious about getting that blue devil out of my peaceful tank. Off with his head!

    Walked my darlings tonight. Still a bit sore. But better.

    Have a great Tuesday.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    Got almost 6 miles done with DH and Bean this morning. The kids got back this afternoon and picked him up. I read some DH and I finished all the episodes of Justified. Eating is out of control the past two days. It's been a full day.

    See you all tomorrow.
