Struggling with calories

geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
edited April 2015 in Social Groups
Me again - hello

I am trying to get back to losing weight and doing so by following EM2WL as I've done it in the past and know it works.

However, over the past few months I've slipped into bad habits again while I've not been able to work out (funny how not been active makes me lose the plot on eating, but while I've not been eating great I've not been eating much in terms of quantity).

Following Heybales advice last week I've determined, based on my fitbit totals, that I should be aiming for 1772 which is a 15% cut on my recent activity levels.

So to my problem…. I don't have a big appetite, if I cut out the cr*p (chocolate, wine, garlic bread, crisps) I struggle to hit my calories some days.
I've been weighing & measuring what I'm eating to be sure I'm not over/under estimating (when I have checked I found I was mostly over estimating quantities so again cals are less than I thought)

Am I better trying to eat something to get the calories up even if its not the most healthy, while I try to introduce more healthy calories. Or am I ok to hope they'll work out over the week?

I know last week I used up a few of these left over calories as I had a night out with work, but that is a rare event.

I was thinking of going back to following paleo principles, but then if I go away from pasta/rice/bread my calories will take an even bigger hit.

I also don't eat a lot of protein, am I ok to have a protein shake to boost cals & protein?

I am also doing well on recovery and my exercise is increasing so before long I'll probably be looking to up calories too - other than adding nuts into my daily snacks I am stuck as to what to do.

Thanks in advance.


  • LoLoGB
    LoLoGB Posts: 97 Member
    Good question! I would love to know too. I also struggle to meet my calorie goal without eating some crap. There's only so much meat and veggies I can do and I don't do a lot of fruit bc of sugar. I love nuts but don't want more than a serving of those either. So it's like "now what?" Great question- sorry I can't help but wanted to say you're not the only one!
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    You can easily add 1-200 calories by cooking in olive oil or some other healthy fat (or butter...). Asparagus is wonderful cooked in olive oil with a little Parmesan cheese or something. Higher calories but healthier.

    There is a quote out there that once your macro and micro nutrients are met through "healthy" food, you dont get extra credit for more of it. Use whatever you want to fill in the remainder - I eat an ice cream cone every night - I put half a serving of ice cream (sometimes low fat or low sugar, sometimes the full thing) and a cone (20 cal). It has micro and macro nutrients and nothing "bad" about it. Nut butters (cashew butter is my fave) are high cal and good fat. Put almond butter and strawberry butter or preserves on a whole wheat frozen waffle - organic if you want. A few hundred cals.
  • MandaLeigh123
    MandaLeigh123 Posts: 351 Member
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    I do use oil to cook either olive or groundnut and a dessert spoon does 2 of us whatever I use I add. I love cheese of any kind but restrict for fat but good call on Parmesan I used to add that to pasta dishes for flavour but one of those things I cut back on.

    I do love asparagus wrapped in Parma ham with some motzerella might call in for some tonight to add to our dinner. And some avocados I do love them
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    Also meant to say I cook from scratch majority of time and everything is weighed and measured I have them saved in recipes if I add anything differently another time I add it separately to the recipe. Cheers
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Ok, who is dissing chocolate and wine!

    Sure protein shake is fine. 10 x daily could be overdoing it, as Consumer Reports found some undesired stuff in some brands, but 1 x daily if that, no problem.

    And you likely won't be able to eat enough "healthy" calories, whatever that means to you.
    Usually that means too restrictive, and indeed won't be eating enough.
    Redefine "good" and "healthy" to a more moderate reasonable level.

    Just as trying to have a reasonable deficit to sustain weight loss and adhere to a diet level.
    Reasonable eating style to sustain and adhere too.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Ok, who is dissing chocolate and wine!

    Sure protein shake is fine. 10 x daily could be overdoing it, as Consumer Reports found some undesired stuff in some brands, but 1 x daily if that, no problem.

    And you likely won't be able to eat enough "healthy" calories, whatever that means to you.
    Usually that means too restrictive, and indeed won't be eating enough.
    Redefine "good" and "healthy" to a more moderate reasonable level.

    Just as trying to have a reasonable deficit to sustain weight loss and adhere to a diet level.
    Reasonable eating style to sustain and adhere too.
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    I think it's all the media going on about not drinking! Generally the most I have is a small glass on an evening but lately it's crept up to 2 (I do get 6-7 glasses from a bottle so thrybarr small glasses)

    I also think it's media again if you need to lose weight cut out the bad stuff. The stuff I eat that I consider bad or not healthy I had in brackets. It's a couple of slices of garlic bread with a pasta dish (we half a baguette between us) having occasional chocolate normally at weekends when again we may have some crisps. Very rarely we have a takeaway and Friday breakfast at work is a bacon buttie. Otherwise I'd say we eat healthy. If I'm not cooking from scratch it may be jacket potato or frozen chips with fish or chicken. I may use a jar of curry or chilli if I'm in a rush but again I normally make from scratch.

    I guess it is going to be hard the stuff we know are good - fresh veg and meats aren't high in cals.

    So thank you for your input maybe we all just need to re programme ourselves ok not going out for takeaways and eating loads of cream cakes but at least I can stop pressuring myself and thinking I can't have xxx

    And thank you Heybales for those links
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    Fat is not bad. Don't cut back on fats at all as long as your protein macro is spot on. And I lost 20 lb eating and drinking exactly what I ate or drank before - I just ate and drank smaller portions or just a bit less. I still eat and drink healthy stuff too, but cutting out foods that I'll want to eventually eat/drink has never worked for me.
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    My protein is miles out I struggle with protein I like meat/fish but don't eat huge amounts of it.

    Any other ideas on how to up my protein?
  • FRJM
    FRJM Posts: 91 Member
    Greek yogurt, protein pancakes (you can get a protein pancake mix or make your own - although not 100% sure how!), protein shakes, high protein bread, nuts (great for healthy fat too)
  • marycurtis123
    marycurtis123 Posts: 3 Member
    cottage cheese has a lot of protein as well.
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    I know I need to get back to eating nuts much nicer than crisps as well.

    Been shopping and come in with avocado and hummus along with carrot sticks as a snack.

    I do have greek yoghurt but can't manage cottage cheese (years of low cal diets and living on the stuff lol (although full fat mightnt be too bad maybe I'll try it again)

    I will start introducing a protein shake and some other good protein stuff thanks all.
  • leooftheyear
    leooftheyear Posts: 429 Member
    i also add a serving a jelly beans/another candy to my afternoon snack, it's 100-200 empty calories but i dont tend to binge/crave sugar if i know i am getting some each day, as long as it fits into my calorie goals!
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    Thanks - it's a proper fight over what you have been conditioned to believe you must do to lose weight. But thinking about it isn't that what slimming world & weight watchers do by giving points/syns so you can have the hints you enjoy whole ultimately sticking to a decent plan.

    Bbq for tea tonight and I'm adding a beetroot and feta salad and some rash salad dressing. Oh and a beer (or 2)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'll do the 4% or 2% cottage cheese, and mix in some Hidden Valley Ranch dry dressing mix, just a small shake or two, I like several of their varieties.
    I know others like to mix in fruits, pieces or dried pieces, and that would actually give a balance to carbs.

    Nuts by themselves aren't good source of protein though. They are a high fat item that happens to have protein, but also carbs usually in same amount, so not really useful unless just needed some calories.