Bloated & Toilet troubles

Ever since my Total Thyroidectomy Aug 2013 and being on Thyroxine, I suffer badly with a bloated stomach which is really painful, gas and things are not great in the toilet department. It always happens the week before I'm due on and during the week I'm on.

Just to add I'm also on contraceptive pill - Microgynon. has anyone else had this issue? Seeing Endo in 2 months so will bring it up then as its getting so painful now.

Some say its due to food, but it starts as soon as I wake up and drink a glass of water even. I have been taking Thyroxine at night for past 2 months, and it hasn't changed anything there - although i sleep so much better these days.


  • duckykissy
    duckykissy Posts: 285 Member
    I have always had that issue right before periods, b/c or not. That's just normal for my hormones. However it's usually quite minor and just the day or two before.

    But even with food- it can still appear in the morning. Since 2 years before gallbladder surgery (when I started getting serious gallstones) I have had... a chemical warfare going on with my toilet. Only in the morning though. First thing my body did was hit the evacuate button. Every morning. That wasn't normal though. That had nothing to do with my thyroxine nor my thyroid or even the wretched gallbladder. It was because I was allergic to wheat and didn't know it. I'm not saying your issue is caused by food, but you really can't rule it out until you try an elimination diet.

    As far as it thryoxine goes 2 months is about the time you should really start seeing changes and if you're not it may mean that your dose isn't correct or the type you're on isn't for you. If you're not starting to see changes within the next forenight you might want to talk to your gp/endo before the next appointment.
  • ChelleBelle2708
    ChelleBelle2708 Posts: 131 Member
    oh I've been on thyroxine and T3 since Aug 2013 and had the problem since then... levels are good and apart from this little issue I feel really good... escpecially since starting on T3.

    Also I can go without food and just drink water and it still happens.

    I see my endo every 2-3 months at the moment, so will bring it up in our next meeting.

    Thank you though
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    My period has messed up my digestion long before I started taking thyroid meds. Talk to both your endocrinologist and your GP about it.
  • ChelleBelle2708
    ChelleBelle2708 Posts: 131 Member
    I've been on Pill for past 15 years and only since taking Thyroxine have I had problems... will talk to Endo.

    GP I'm avoiding as we're in each others bad books at present
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,299 Member
    Sorry you and your GP are not on the best of terms of late.

    You could try having a good bowl of basic porridge. Not everyone's ideal food. This was recommended by an Irritable bowel site. The gas is probably caused by fermentation possibly caused by a change in your hormonal balances. The porridge forms a blanket in the stomach, to exclude oxygen so the fermentation has to stop, then the porridge takes the usual path hopefully making things more easy, calm as it goes. After this you could try taking a pre-biotic, nothing fancy, just to improve the stomachs natural flora.

    You may find help on the, Stop the Thyroid Madness, site or other US, UK, Australian or Canadian support sites. There is also thyroid Advocacy. Knowing as much as you can about your problems will only help your conversations with either the doctor or the endocrinologist.

    I've conversion troubles t4 only. I'm again trying taking my t4 before bed but will take selenium now, earlier in the evening so it is more freely available to aid conversion (at a time when my salicylate intolerance should be less apparent to become binding) so I have more t3 available in the morning. Day 1 was positive. As you already take t3 it may help to read up on the circadian theory, personalised fractions of a total days dose taken at more appropriate to your body's times.

    All the best
  • ChelleBelle2708
    ChelleBelle2708 Posts: 131 Member
    Thanks for the help... will give it ago. Thankfully today seems a good day. I think I may try knocking the contraceptive pill on the head for a while... I don't think that is helping things at the moment.