losing it's luster. This is what always happens to me...

tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
So..... 47 days in... LCHF is beginning to lose it's luster. Dieting period.

Yes, yes, No.. I know. This is NOT a diet, it's a lifestyle change, and I really mean to stick to the no eating bread and sugar. BUT I have to admit, I am tired of weighing and logging food. Tired of having to take food everywhere I go. If I don't have food with me here, I can forget eating, it's bread, bread, bread, here or just a simple burger costs .. like $20 us dollars.

I CANNOT get my macros right. I eat too much protein. but protein is the only thing that makes me feel full. Unlike most people on LCHF, fat does not make me full. Fat bombs do nothing for me, it's not dense enough, so my protein is always higher than it should be. I am in ketosis about 50% of the time... my carbs are usually around 25-30 net.

My scale has been stuck for the last couple of weeks. I was so encouraged in the beginning, 15 pounds of water weight whooshed out, but then 10 came back.. lol . I think I quit last time because of lack of downward movement. I had a 2 month stall and just gave up because I didn't feel it was working. Now the same thing is happening and I am struggling to keep the faith. All I am asking for is that one little pound a week, maybe 1.5?

I AM counting calories, because I can easily eat more than 2500 calories a day if let loose :blush: my "average" calorie count for a month is about 1600. I have been on 1700, but am mostly under, sometimes over. I have to admit to a few "cheat" days on special occasions. But if CICO is true (I think it's bull but ok..) then it should even out, yes?

I miss crunchy crackers. I am embarrassed to make cheese crisps, as I am really trying to avoid my husbands snide comments about my diet. I miss wraps. and French fries.

Unlike living in large countries like the UK or US, it's REALLY hard to get things like low carb tortillas and soy wraps and electrolyte drink (sugarfree) and all the good stuff here. And SO many places don't ship here (Norway), it's totally frustrating. And if they do, the shipping costs more than the product. Really. I wanted a sugar free sports drink tablet for my electrolytes. htey don't sell one here. I found them on line and they cost about $7 a package, and $15 to ship it! A lot of the things that would make life a little easier I just can't get here.

I spend too much time thinking about food.

So now thank you for listening to me whine and feel sorry for myself. Yes these are seriously FIRST WORLD problems. I should be glad I have food at all. Let alone too much of it. I should be happy I can afford to buy meat. I should be happy to be alive. I am just having a REALLY whinny day. :s


  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    Hi Timeyn <3 We all get to whine occasionally, so don't worry about that. We're all here to help one another and when it's my turn to whine you, and others, will be there for me. That's how it works, right?

    Now. If you need more protein than the average bear, then why feel guilty? Keep your protein macro goal where you need it to be, as long as it's not totally ridiculous. If happiness = a few grams more, who's to say you can't sit at that level?

    I hear you on the lack of products. I live in Perth, Western Australia. The most isolated city in the world, and our range of products matches our small population and massive distances for anything to get to us. I read all of the options the Americans have, and weep!

    And as to you dropping this lifestyle, can I quote something inspiring that I read a few moments ago?

    "I have osteoarthritis in both knees. I need to lose weight for health reasons, family history of diabetes and possible knee surgery"

    If you want to come join a heap of other ladies who work hard for small losses and regular stalls, come on over to community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10089227/over-50s-ladies-our-special-needs#Item_477 and moan all you like. We all understand. But the truth is - the scales may not be moving, but I can guarantee that your body is increasing in health; that fat has been lost from around your liver and other vital organs and that they are all thanking you for it. It would be very nice indeed to look like a supermodel in no time flat, but I'm trying to know that being healthy is more important than clothes size.

    Be patient with yourself. Keep going, knowing that you'll feel more positive about it all tomorrow, or in a few days.

  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    That really sucks.

    The only thing I can say is that a lifestyle change doesn't happen overnight... but it does get easier.
    Don't get hung up on the small stuff - don't slash all your tires just because you've got a flat! Keep going! You're doing a million times better than those that are doing nothing but complaining.
  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    Well said both of you! Agree entirely.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    @timeyn I really feel your pain! I sympathise because I have hit my traditional feeling of having been on a diet/WOE for 3-4 months, this is the point where I usually give up. Put on 4 lbs last week due to some bad planning, lack of sleep and I ate some rice when out at a chinese restaurant. Argh!

    I was really motivated when I was losing weight regularly, but it is very hard to stick to something when the results aren't showing up. I am determined to stick to it, not least because if I give up and eat carbs about 10lbs will come straight back on and I can't face that! Plus people started to ask about my weight loss and I was so proud to be able to tell them I had lost nearly 2 stone (28 lbs). Of course, now I haven't as I put on some weight... I think this is a key psychological turning point for me - will I stick to this even when the going is hard or will I wimp out again? One thing that I find that helps is reading the success stories on the message boards and all the amazing losses people have had. I keep thinking - if they can do it, am I really so much worse that I can't achieve something like that (although everyone's different and people do have health issues that make it harder). I just have to stick to it...

    But as @GrannyMayOz says, we have to believe that our underlying health is improving and that it will be worth it in more important ways. I do feel better in myself, my clothes fit better, I have started taking some exercise and these should be wins that will help me stick to it.

    Even though I live in the UK, I can't be bothered with all the low-carb versions of foods - the only thing I use is SlimNoodles occasionally.

    What is "too much protein" do you think? Someone (was it wabmester?) posted a helpful chart which had ranges of protein intake for people of different heights. It reassured me - while I aim for 80g protein a day, I quite often overshoot when trying to be very strict on my carbs.

    Anyway, I'm rambling, just wanted to say I completely understand where you're coming from and feel a lot of sympathy. Could you bargain with yourself eg I'll stick to this for another week and reward yourself with something you like?

  • TribalmamaEmily
    TribalmamaEmily Posts: 41 Member
    edited April 2015
    I can so relate too, timeyn. I have done this before and i know it works ~ now i just have to learn how to live it out. I also am not satisfied on fat and have a tendency to eat too much protein and MUST track my calories. What can i say i like to eat. :smile:
    Don't be embarrassed to make cheese chips! They are a life saver for me and very easy to pinch a handful of shredded cheese onto a baking sheet and bake. I can eat my taco dip and pizza dip with them. Because I too like crunchy.
    Stay positive, like you said focus on the blessings you have and your improved health!
    Hang in there.
  • kuranda10
    kuranda10 Posts: 593 Member
    For the electrolye drink, look at what they give babies when they are dehydrated. Pedyalyte in the states is around $4.00 for a big bottle.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    tlmeyn wrote: »
    Unlike living in large countries like the UK or US, it's REALLY hard to get things like low carb tortillas and soy wraps and electrolyte drink (sugarfree) and all the good stuff here

    I've been keto for 112 days and haven't had any of those items.
    tlmeyn wrote: »
    I am in ketosis about 50% of the time.

    How are you measuring this?
  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    kirkor wrote: »
    tlmeyn wrote: »
    Unlike living in large countries like the UK or US, it's REALLY hard to get things like low carb tortillas and soy wraps and electrolyte drink (sugarfree) and all the good stuff here

    I've been keto for 112 days and haven't had any of those items.
    tlmeyn wrote: »
    I am in ketosis about 50% of the time.

    How are you measuring this?

    a cheap Breathalyzer and the way I feel. This is my 3rd time around with LC, so I am used to the way keto feels. I used keto strips before, but they are WAY too expensive for me to get. about 2x what they cost. But that funny taste in my mouth and that little ammonia smell. I actually don't feel good in keto. it's not a real goal for me, but when I am on 20-30 carbs, I am often there. I guess sometimes too much protein (or too many carbs) throws me out.

  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    Thank you all for the good advice and support. I know it's just a bad (3 days actually) and I know the feeling when I am about to give up, so the words really help. I know it's terrible to say misery loves company, but it's also nice to know you are not alone.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    edited April 2015
    Girl, you live in Norway. Scandinavia is...like...the meat capital of the world. Look at this stuff! Okay, maybe not smalahove unless you're really brave or used to it, but cloudberries and whipped cream? I don't even know what cloudberries are, but that sounds really good! Lamb's ribs? Leg of lamb? Yes please. Moose? Reindeer? Ptarmigan? I'm practically drooling here. Who needs "low carb!" products? They're full of crap usually anyway.

    As for your husband's snide comments, tell him to stuff it. Then explain to him that he's being a jacka$$ and if he keeps it up, he can lie in the bed he's thoroughly made for himself -- on the couch. You're doing this for your health and if he doesn't get that, then he's not worth your time. Men just need a swift kick in the butt sometimes (even the men who get stuff like this, like Goat, have thoroughly inserted foot in mouth at times).

    Do you really need electrolyte drinks? Perhaps take some time to figure out what you actually need out of it and make sure you get more of that in your regular food (and remember -- MFP is notoriously horrible about potassium values, because nutrition labels are horrible about them, so you're probably getting a lot more than MFP says you are). If you still need more, make bone broth from all that lovely meat you have available to you. Nature's electrolyte drink right there.

    One of the differences between a "diet" and a "lifestyle change" is attitude. If you keep thinking about all the things you can't have for one reason or another, you're going to feel deprived and miserable (just like you currently are), but if you instead think about all the wonderful stuff you can have, and what you choose to partake in, you'll find it much easier to stick to.

    Find a reindeer farmer and get yourself 1/4 or 1/2 of one. Invest in a dehydrator and maybe a meat grinder. Make jerky and meat sticks, so you have awesome stuff that you want to take with you when you go places. Who needs a boring beef burger when you have reindeer or moose burgers waiting for you at home? Who needs bland chicken when you have Ptarmigan? (For those that don't know, it's a type of grouse, or for you Texans, prairie chicken.) Seriously, grouse beats chicken any day of the week.

    I do get it. I have PCOS. I am the queen of plateaus. It's all about perspective, though. Think about all the good things that have come from what you're doing.

    Oh, and if you don't feel good in ketosis, then don't aim for ketosis. Whether you keep your carbs or your protein high enough to stay out of it is up to you. You don't need ketosis to reap the benefits of LCHF.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,160 Member
    timeyn stop counting and weighing calories/food if that is getting you down. I eat out (USA) once or twice each day but I have learned how to eat 80% fat macros and without eating carbs.

    There is nothing wrong with counting and weighing but that was one thing at my age I was not going to start doing plus eating out all of the time the cooks do not want to do it for me. :)

    Now one does have to KNOW how many calories one is eating but once you know how many calories are in one egg you do not forget from day to day.

    Counting and weighing is not an eating lifestyle in my world. I do weigh myself each morning after a trip to the bathroom and log that on the back of some junk mail so that gives me 30 days of info.

    Stop doing the steps that are going to lead one to stop developing a good eating lifestyle is what I did.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    Oh, and if you don't feel good in ketosis, then don't aim for ketosis. Whether you keep your carbs or your protein high enough to stay out of it is up to you. You don't need ketosis to reap the benefits of LCHF.

    This! Don't go as low if it makes you not feel good. Aim for a higher goal, I still eat french fries once in a while, just a few which is enough for me, but if I were aiming for a higher carb goal I would have more. It's not a one size fits all woe, find what works best for you.

    Even doing cico when I lost weight in the past I would get stuck at a certain weight for the longest time, the last time I help strong and continued what I was doing and at that point my body started dumping the weight again, some people don't lose slow and steady, they lose quickly a lot then stay there, then again and again. Its the getting through the parts that you are stuck thats important.

    I really feel for you and others in different more remote parts of the world. If I could I'd send you the plethora of options we have surrounding us here on a daily basis. :(
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I'm sad for you that your husband makes disparaging remarks about your way of eating. My husband is less than encouraging, but that's because he thinks it's funny to wave cookies in front of my nose and say, "You can have just one bite." A-hole. Anyway, I got around him making fun of me for my cheese crisps by offering him some. He discovered he actually likes them, and now the problem is that he's eating all the cheese I buy specifically for that purpose! Maybe you can sneak some low carb foods on his plate without him noticing and then remark as he eats, "Oh, isn't that delicious? Those are the chips I make for myself!" Sometimes it's all about how you present it. Or maybe he's just going to be a d*ck about it anyway, in which case I'm sorry. :(
  • RissyK1
    RissyK1 Posts: 15 Member
    Hang in there.....I too have been trying the low carb diet. I do great for about 2 or 3 weeks and then when I don't see a movement in the scale, I get discouraged. I read most of the people's comments on here and I have to agree with most of them that said, "remember it is a life style change". I fall of the "wagon" often for about a month or so and then get disgusted with myself and then go back on my "diet". One thing I have noticed about this last round is that I am not diving into my old eating habits. Even though I am not eating an extremely low carb diet (30-40 daily), I am still very conscience of what I put in my mouth. I am an emotional eater and I "craved" something sweet the other day so I baked a cake. I ate one piece and then threw the cake away. I know it sounds like a waste, but it was actually cheaper to do this than buy one piece of cake. I regretted throwing the cake away later in the evening, but only because I knew I wanted to eat it. But I was also thankful that I had the mindset to throw it away, knowing I would eat the whole thing. I am rambling on here, but my point is, don't beat yourself up. It is very discouraging not to see the scale move, but DO NOT MEASURE YOUR SELF WORTH BY THE NUMBERS ON THE SCALE! Measure how you feel when you are on goal, measure how you feel when certain clothes fit you, measure how you feel when you wake up in the morning and do not feel like a failure....those are more important than the number on the scale. The grass is always greener on the other side, enjoy what your country has to offer, (yeah easy for me to say, I live in the US). Good luck to you.
  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    edited April 2015
    Thanks again everyone. I am feeling a bit better. Like I said, I am just being a brat right now. Everything everyone has said has helped me today! Helped me to realize that I do have more choices than I think and remember why I am doing this. This one from @RissyK1
    measure how you feel when you wake up in the morning and do not feel like a failure.
    especially hit home. I don't want to wake up another year on my birthday and think "wow another year passed and I didn't do anything about my weight. Ok .. One day at a time. you may hear me bratting out now and then, but thank you SO MUCH for the support!

    @Mami1976D my husband does the same thing. Offers me chips and tries to get me to eat chocolate.. ARRRRRRGH.

    @Dragonwolf I need the electrolytes because I am a cramper. Doesn't matter how much water I drink. But all of the drinks here are full of sugar. Plus I dehydrate SO easily, but I will work that out. and Yeah.. we have a LOT of meat.. lol.. made some kid the other day. It was nice.

  • TribalmamaEmily
    TribalmamaEmily Posts: 41 Member
    An electrolyte drink...I must have missed that the first read. If one is dehydrated here in the US, they will simply IV you a saline solution which is nothing but salt water (sometimes mixed with baking soda). Put some quality salt in your water and if you want it to taste better squeeze a lemon and or lime into it.
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    For the electrolytes, can you just drink some canned broth? Do you have that near you?
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I see now that I have gotten disillusioned with a diet, in the past that may or may not have been working, and just give up. I would tell myself so many negative things about being a failure. Then, any weight came back, in spades. My whole paradigm has changed about eating, LCHF, and how I feel. I can say that this group of awesome people have been the most inspiring, and motivating, support I have ever encountered. I regret the past, and choices I've made in that regard, but I wouldn't be here, now, getting to share mine and others successes and challenges, if it had been different. Hang in there!
  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    Broth for electrolytes? ok. :) I guess I am being lazy. I don't want to take magnesium, potassium, calcium and selenium all separate, I want them in one package with the salt and bicarbonate. you are all making me think differently
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    tlmeyn wrote: »
    Broth for electrolytes? ok. :) I guess I am being lazy. I don't want to take magnesium, potassium, calcium and selenium all separate, I want them in one package with the salt and bicarbonate. you are all making me think differently

    Broth will cover that. Also add more mushrooms, dark green leaves, and, if you can get it, avocado, to your diet. I have supplements on hand just in case, but I rarely use them.