Why go Paleo?



  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Recently, I have been revisiting the Paleo lifestyle and why I am choosing to continue with it. I have been suffering from information overload and was starting to question all of my choices. In the MFP forums the consensus seems to be that no food is evil, everything in moderation is okay as long as you end the day in a calorie deficit. So then, why go Paleo? I don't have any major malfunctions. I'm not diabetic or arthritic. I do have food allergies but not to peanuts or wheat or milk or soy (that I know of)

    I could say that nothing else except Paleo worked for me when I was trying to lose weight, but then I was most likely eating and drinking more calories than I burned.

    So I have been thinking about it a lot and I know why I'm staying Paleo, and I know why going Paleo helped me to lose weight.

    3. Heart health. Despite what critics say about fats and meat consumption, my heart health has improved dramatically. My cholesterol numbers are within normal range for the first time ever, my blood pressure averages under 110/70 range (it used to be in the 140/90 range). It also takes more rigorous exercise to raise my heart rate than it used to.
    4. Skin, hair, eyes. I constantly am being told how great my skin looks, and how shiny my hair and eyes are.
    6. Energy and Clarity. While my food allergies are limited to many raw fruits and veggies, I do feel a difference in the way my body works when I eat non-Paleo foods. Wheat cereal always made me feel sleepy after I ate it - for hours. Whole grain cereals, snack bars, etc. always gave me really bad gas. Without these things in my diet, I don't go to work sleepy, I don't feel bloated all day, I never have indigestion, and I rarely get headaches. ?

    Y'know, that's the thing that gets me. I have been on lots of diets over my lifetime. Some of them actually worked, in the short run, but the pounds always came back and invited a few friends to join the party. Now I understand how to cause my body to gain weight (if I wanted to), and I also understand how to eat to benefit my heart health, energy, clarity, skin (no more rough elbows -- someone commented on this early in my journey, how they used to have rough elbows and after eating primally for some time, their elbows became smooth -- and I felt my elbows and yes, they were smooth! after being rough); and for me, to provide real and lasting relief from joint pain.

    I've read the explanations (like in Primal Blueprint and Robb Wolf's book), and while the details don't stick with me, the results certainly speak for themselves. I'm not interested in eating small, calorie-controlled portions of perhaps-delicious food that's going to make me feel like something the cat dragged in. Not anymore.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Nutmeg76 wrote: »
    Not insane amounts of calories, but at 1200 a day with moderation I lost barely anything, with 1900-2200 "paleo" calories I lose nice and steady.

    Yes. ^This has been my experience as well. Eating way more calories than I used to, losing weight, and feeling healthier into the bargain.

  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    These are all great responses. I agree - feel better, look better, can enjoy something different every once in a while without the world imploding, and it keeps me honest (I get that statement). I did South Beach about 10 years ago or so and lost 25 lbs, but I enjoy Paleo more and don't feel restricted like I did on South Beach. I've lost more as Paleo with better food and more food but not more calories. I like hearing other folks' reasons for doing this without all of the science debate that makes my brain hurt. It feels good and we're healthy. Yay!

    You know, I had forgotten that! On all my former "diet" plans, if I went off, it would inevitably lead to binging and that awful feeling of failure. It was usually way harder to re-start, after regaining control.

    But with paleo/primal, I can go "off" and be right back on at the next meal, and no unbearable cravings.

  • samharmony
    samharmony Posts: 15 Member
    I thought dairy was going to be my weak spot, especially cheese. Turns out not to be the case for me which surprised me. The main craving I fight is wine or tequila. [/quote]

    I thought I was going to die w/o cheese when I started because that was a go to snack for me, but I've done o.k. I've also found this Vegan cheese called Diaya so if I want something a little cheesy I'll use it in my recipes. I did cheat and have a few jelly beans last week and found it's a slippery slope to wanting more candy I love candy, so I went back to Pinterest to look up sweet paleo treats to get me through the cravings.

    As for wine and an occasional fruity drink, I won't give those up. It doesn't hurt my plan to have the occasional drink.
  • samharmony
    samharmony Posts: 15 Member
    I love paleo and feel so much better when I stick to it. I have Celiac and paleo just makes it easy to eat safely and healthfully. My husband is not interested in paleo but that is okay. He eats what I cook but adds his own SAD foods. I have found the paleo community to be very supportive and interested in food in a healthy way, not an obsessive, 'diet of the week' mindset that have left so many people fat and sick.

    My hubby isn't 100% on board with Paleo either. He grabs dinner on his way home one or twice a week, but for the most part he eats what I cook. He's getting better about it. It helps when I have more hits than misses on trying new recipes LOL..
  • animalldy
    animalldy Posts: 140 Member
    We're about 90/10 at our house, since September 2014. Top 3 reasons to stick with the current plan:
    1. Less farts- haha! But totally true. I'm sure our guts are much happier with us now.
    2. More regulated blood sugar, I rarely have "spells" or get "hangry" now
    3. Less cravings and binges
  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    You know if all the companies that make prepackaged garbage and the GMO producers disappeared tomorrow we would all be nearly 80/20 Paleo, and we would be making all our meals from scratch like it should be. I know there would be plenty of people still trying to get their daily donuts but most of us would just be trying to survive like they did 100 years ago...
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Honestly if you like and can tolerate dairy, eat dairy. I find that eating Paleo keeps me fuller longer. I will also use quinoa and rice occasionally if I need the extra carbs on a workout day. And I'll have a sandwich a few times a week too.

    Generally speaking I feel more energetic and balanced when I eat Paleo, that's why I keep to 80/20.
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    cindytw wrote: »
    Dairy, is so addictive to me! I cheat a lot! But it SHOULD be off the table for me! I react bad to it.

    I used to have a huge problem with dairy... I've always had really bad cystic acne and drinking a glass of skim would make me break out like crazy! My sister is lactose intolerant so I figured it was something genetic.
    I've recently switched to eating grass-fed, whole milk products and I haven't had any bad reactions from it. It could be worth a try if dairy is something you can't live without.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    animalldy wrote: »
    We're about 90/10 at our house, since September 2014. Top 3 reasons to stick with the current plan:
    1. Less farts- haha! But totally true. I'm sure our guts are much happier with us now.
    2. More regulated blood sugar, I rarely have "spells" or get "hangry" now
    3. Less cravings and binges
    2 and 3 were the primary reasons I changed my eating plan. So glad I did. I am thrilled day after day that I don't have to fight against my own body and brain.
  • miriamtob
    miriamtob Posts: 436 Member
    I've never been a "dieter" and have no willpower when it comes to food, but last November my health hit a wall and I decided to go Paleo. Got rid of everything non-paleo in my pantry, made it through the entire holiday season without cheating, nary a cookie! I cut out alcohol too because I don't react well to it. I lost 18 lbs in three weeks. My skin, which was always bumpy, cleared up in one week. I joined mfp because I'm a nerd and wanted to analyze my data. I see a pattern; when I cheat, I go over on calories. Having my blood sugar spike takes away my motivation to exercise as well, so for breakfast I usually eat eggs and sardines.
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    Since giving up grain. I feel better. I do still have yogurt. I first tried Paleo in 2010 lost 45 pounds. Have been on and off. Honestly I'm like 80/20 with the plan. Coconut Oil is the bomb. Peace to you
  • MrsBailey149
    MrsBailey149 Posts: 248 Member
    I'm on day 10 of Paleo (friend- me please!) I'm absolutely amazed at well I'm doing and how great I feel. I believe that I was a sugar addict, sometimes consuming a couple whole candy bars in a day, along with breads, cereals, etc... I've been calorie counting for years and did lose 50 pounds in 2013, but have gained 20 back in the past year. After yo-yoing for a while, I finally settled on Paleo after lots of research and have actually made it past day 2 . In fact, I plan to continue this. Originally, my cousin encouraged me to do a 21 day challenge.

    I think one of the biggest reasons I am succeeding is actually because of the restriction. With calorie counting alone, I would eat a cookie or donut in the morning and then justify it by saying I'll eat less calories that day. I usually ended up hungry and therefore not eating less calories, therefore starting the whole process over again the next day. With Paleo, there is no justifying cookies, candy bars, and donuts. I just don't have any.

    I haven't weighed myself, but I will after the 21 days. I'm really hoping to see the numbers move! I think I look different in the mirror...but the mirror (or my brain, actually) tends to play mind games with me.
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    I second all of your reasons, great list! Paleo is not just about weight loss. It's about creating a sustainable lifestyle to thrive on. It's about living a more natural life that respects our history and helps perserve the future of our planet and the animals we are stewards of here on Earth.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    I do paleo strictly for unrepentantly selfish reasons. It reduces my severe inflammation and therefore makes my barrage of inflammatory symptoms, including chronic pain, stiffness and low mood, less debilitating with each passing day.

    The weight loss matters too because my top weight was 250 lbs. which speaks for itself. I'm excited about weight loss through paleo purely for reasons of vanity. I want to look good in clothes. If I succeed with that, then I might worry about looking good naked. Or possibly I'll decide I don't give a toss about looking good naked, since I'm single and pushing 50 anyway.

    I have no political or environmental investment in paleo and prefer to stay separate from that.

    With that said, I respect whatever individual reasons anyone here is attracted to paleo and I take refuge in the fact that our conversations here are civil and respectful.

    When I want to do some solo mud wrestling with a gang of ice cream eating body builders in front of a jeering crowd of their friendlist supporters, I go to the main boards for that sort of fun. Which I've been known to do. >:)

    Hahahahahahahahaha. (strictly for unrepentantly selfish reasons here, too. I seldom hear anyone else say such a thing.)

    Pretty much in agreement with you on all points, except I am a bit political about food -- after the struggle to get raw dairy for my family for some years, and seeing what Big Ag is doing to the food supply (and threatening our access to organic and grass-fed), well, I am on an email list that (among announcements that a group buy of grass-fed meat is available, and that sort of thing) lets me know when a bill is in the legislature that might threaten my access to the food that I need to fight autoimmune disease.

    Way to go. I've been dabbling in a couple of paleo topics on the main board, but I've had my fill for the time being. One can only take so much mud wrestling.
  • Gianfranco_R
    Gianfranco_R Posts: 1,297 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    I do paleo strictly for unrepentantly selfish reasons. It reduces my severe inflammation and therefore makes my barrage of inflammatory symptoms, including chronic pain, stiffness and low mood, less debilitating with each passing day.

    The weight loss matters too because my top weight was 250 lbs. which speaks for itself. I'm excited about weight loss through paleo purely for reasons of vanity. I want to look good in clothes. If I succeed with that, then I might worry about looking good naked. Or possibly I'll decide I don't give a toss about looking good naked, since I'm single and pushing 50 anyway.

    I have no political or environmental investment in paleo and prefer to stay separate from that.

    With that said, I respect whatever individual reasons anyone here is attracted to paleo and I take refuge in the fact that our conversations here are civil and respectful.

    When I want to do some solo mud wrestling with a gang of ice cream eating body builders in front of a jeering crowd of their friendlist supporters, I go to the main boards for that sort of fun. Which I've been known to do. >:)

    Hahahahahahahahaha. (strictly for unrepentantly selfish reasons here, too. I seldom hear anyone else say such a thing.)

    Pretty much in agreement with you on all points, except I am a bit political about food -- after the struggle to get raw dairy for my family for some years, and seeing what Big Ag is doing to the food supply (and threatening our access to organic and grass-fed), well, I am on an email list that (among announcements that a group buy of grass-fed meat is available, and that sort of thing) lets me know when a bill is in the legislature that might threaten my access to the food that I need to fight autoimmune disease.

    Way to go. I've been dabbling in a couple of paleo topics on the main board, but I've had my fill for the time being. One can only take so much mud wrestling.

    No need to mud wrestling, also because the referees have proven to not be impartial.
    Furthermore, we don't really need to do proselytism: there is not enough paleo food for everyone in this world :smile:
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    I do paleo strictly for unrepentantly selfish reasons. It reduces my severe inflammation and therefore makes my barrage of inflammatory symptoms, including chronic pain, stiffness and low mood, less debilitating with each passing day.

    The weight loss matters too because my top weight was 250 lbs. which speaks for itself. I'm excited about weight loss through paleo purely for reasons of vanity. I want to look good in clothes. If I succeed with that, then I might worry about looking good naked. Or possibly I'll decide I don't give a toss about looking good naked, since I'm single and pushing 50 anyway.

    I have no political or environmental investment in paleo and prefer to stay separate from that.

    With that said, I respect whatever individual reasons anyone here is attracted to paleo and I take refuge in the fact that our conversations here are civil and respectful.

    When I want to do some solo mud wrestling with a gang of ice cream eating body builders in front of a jeering crowd of their friendlist supporters, I go to the main boards for that sort of fun. Which I've been known to do. >:)

    Hahahahahahahahaha. (strictly for unrepentantly selfish reasons here, too. I seldom hear anyone else say such a thing.)

    Pretty much in agreement with you on all points, except I am a bit political about food -- after the struggle to get raw dairy for my family for some years, and seeing what Big Ag is doing to the food supply (and threatening our access to organic and grass-fed), well, I am on an email list that (among announcements that a group buy of grass-fed meat is available, and that sort of thing) lets me know when a bill is in the legislature that might threaten my access to the food that I need to fight autoimmune disease.

    Way to go. I've been dabbling in a couple of paleo topics on the main board, but I've had my fill for the time being. One can only take so much mud wrestling.

    No need to mud wrestling, also because the referees have proven to not be impartial.
    Furthermore, we don't really need to do proselytism: there is not enough paleo food for everyone in this world :smile:

    Too true. I guess I just do it for the ones, like I remember myself, who are truly grasping for something that will *work*, that will quench the constant hunger, that will help with health issues like pain. It is so sad to see one of them posting a tentative question ("I heard that paleo might help?") and see the flock of carrion birds descend to shred that faint hope, so that they don't even try.

    And without paleo, from the way I was going two years ago, I might well be in a wheelchair by now.

    So I'm not really trying to convert anyone, just trying to get them to live and let live. A vain hope, for the most part. Call it momentary insanity on my part.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    It is so sad to see one of them posting a tentative question ("I heard that paleo might help?") and see the flock of carrion birds descend to shred that faint hope, so that they don't even try.

    What's really sad about this is that MFP no longer has a group search button. The carrion birds are so repugnant, people asking about paleo might actually be inspired to get away from them on the main forums and search out a Way of Eating that attracts a more helpful and civil personality type. But they probably won't find this group because Vanilla Forums did away with the group search feature when the site changed over.

    yeah that is sad :( I only found this group because someone gave me a link. So when I see someone asking about low carb or paleo in the forums and people are berating them I give them a message with a link to the group. Some people are just diet nazis.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    It is so sad to see one of them posting a tentative question ("I heard that paleo might help?") and see the flock of carrion birds descend to shred that faint hope, so that they don't even try.

    What's really sad about this is that MFP no longer has a group search button. The carrion birds are so repugnant, people asking about paleo might actually be inspired to get away from them on the main forums and search out a Way of Eating that attracts a more helpful and civil personality type. But they probably won't find this group because Vanilla Forums did away with the group search feature when the site changed over.

    yeah that is sad :( I only found this group because someone gave me a link. So when I see someone asking about low carb or paleo in the forums and people are berating them I give them a message with a link to the group. Some people are just diet nazis.

    Good idea, to message them privately with a link. Better than to post the link in the main forum and invite the vultures over here...

    Am I being selfish?
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    It is so sad to see one of them posting a tentative question ("I heard that paleo might help?") and see the flock of carrion birds descend to shred that faint hope, so that they don't even try.

    What's really sad about this is that MFP no longer has a group search button. The carrion birds are so repugnant, people asking about paleo might actually be inspired to get away from them on the main forums and search out a Way of Eating that attracts a more helpful and civil personality type. But they probably won't find this group because Vanilla Forums did away with the group search feature when the site changed over.

    yeah that is sad :( I only found this group because someone gave me a link. So when I see someone asking about low carb or paleo in the forums and people are berating them I give them a message with a link to the group. Some people are just diet nazis.

    Good idea, to message them privately with a link. Better than to post the link in the main forum and invite the vultures over here...

    Am I being selfish?

    eh even if you are that's okay. I've had a lifetime of anti-fat crazy vegan propaganda and I'm fine with that.