What's Your Weakness?



  • champchik
    champchik Posts: 15 Member
    It's better . But plain potato chips. Now I buy veggie straws and I like the spinach and artichoke chips. Neither compares to my yellow bag but it satisfies me
  • trl2550
    trl2550 Posts: 12 Member
    Eating out. I love food. All kinds of food! When I eat out I don't want just a Boring grilled something, I want something amazing. As long as I eat at home I'm okay... So trying to stay home more (saves money too)!
  • lauranewman130
    lauranewman130 Posts: 36 Member
    Ice cream!!!! And I am lactose intolerant and I still eat it its so good! And cheese, wine and margaritas! Already thinking about how I will have to cut carbs to plan my margarita nights this summer ( worried about that one! )
  • Jessiemno
    Jessiemno Posts: 19 Member
    I have the worst sweet tooth
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    It used to be candy. I had to have all the candy. Especially twizzlers. Once I got my overeating under control, I mostly don't even think of candy. I have had some trader Joe's dark chocolate bars in the fridge untouched for several days now. Weird right?

    Now it's meat. I have to have all the meat lol. And sometimes I crave straight up fat like butter. I have to have something drenched with it. I don't avoid fat and always make sure I hit that macro so I don't know why I crave it. I actually have to watch to make sure I get enough carbs - cannot do low carb or I can't function.
  • kjspurr1
    kjspurr1 Posts: 13 Member
  • justamyagain
    justamyagain Posts: 154 Member
    Used to be ice cream, but I'm not doing dairy now. Funnily since I've cut out dairy, I'm not craving it. But, there are days that I could eat a
  • thadden674
    thadden674 Posts: 22 Member
  • Cookies and chocolate.
  • Graymanstole
    Graymanstole Posts: 257 Member
    Peanut M&Ms. Them things are the devil. ;)