


  • mollyann34
    mollyann34 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey there, semi-new to MFP (2 weeks in!) I just had my vegan 1 year anniversary August 5th! I'm also Wheat free due to allergies and we don't eat too much soy. My fiancé, myself, and my toddler are all vegan. We started as vegetarians and then my son was born 2 years ago with a severe dairy allergy. I started cooking dairy free vegetarian meals.. and ended up transitioning to eating completely vegan. We still would eat out occasionally and not eat vegan, but then last August made the decision that was best for our health and morals. I love being vegan... but sometimes I struggle with protein, especially since my calories have been cut on here so much. I just bought Jarrow's hemp protein so I'm hoping to put a scoop of that into my smoothies every morning! I hope this can help me with my protein! Feel free to add me! I'm always looking for new friends on here :)
  • Gawanne
    Gawanne Posts: 105 Member
    I've only just found this group after roughly 130 days with MFP. Have to admit I'm not very Internet savvy but I'm getting there! I've not eaten red meat for ever, but I do eat eggs and fish at the moment. From being a child I've just not liked the taste of animal meat, and needless to say have always loved "all creatures great and small". I'm wanting to learn how not to eat any animal product and still get enough protein. I have enjoyed very good health in my long life in that I have only visited a doctor maybe 5 or 6 times in the last 40 years, and that was for accident related bone breaks, ankle etc. and I can't remember the last time I had a cold or the flu. If this is due to diet or just being fortunate with good genes I don't know. Anyway I'm so glad I finally discovered this site. I guess I am probably the most ancient on it!
  • Hey, I'm Karyssia. I'm not a vegan or even a vegetarian but I am really interested in changing my eating habits and working toward one or the other; probably vegetarian then work my way further to vegan.

    I'm obviously new to this and am open to any advice anyone might be willing to share. I have 2 children that I'd like to introduce to this as well; they're both still quite young so I'm hoping the transition won't be that drastic for them. We rarely eat meat and they love fruits and veggies. With them in mind, I want to do this the right way so they get the proper nutrition they need for their growing minds/bodies!!

  • Save all
    My name is Diana, I'm Italian and I live in Rome, and I'm in my second year to be vegan, before I was a vegetarian for 5 years and I am so glad that I changed. I have become more conscious about what I eat and especially what are derived. I only have one problem in 25 kg overweight for most of my normal 10 .... too many stumps troppi..unfortunately I had some hormonal problems, so all those extra pounds, but let's face it .... LIKE TO EAT !!! But now I decided to prove to all those around me that being vegan does well, which with my pounds more than I could do. Ascertained that physically I'm fine, it's time to wake up my personal determination ... and... here I am! There are six days that I help with MFP already after 2 weeks of food rationing, and I find it very helpful ... although I still confusion over all entries of the food! Someone suggest me a good breakfast?
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Journey0912
    Journey0912 Posts: 46 Member

    I began my vegetarian journey a bit late in life, a mere 6 years ago. I just reached my 3 year mark as a vegan tho this month, so I'm staying the course. I started looking into vegetarianism because I wanted to lose weight and be healthier. While researching (online) I became aware of the harsh, cruel realities that go on "behind the scenes" of the treatment of our "food animals" and I wanted no part of it. I also learned that meat and dairy products wreak havoc on our bodies. Further education opened my eyes to the same atrocities in the dairy industry.That's when I knew it was all (vegan) or nothing for me.

    The reason I'm here (on MFP) is because I am in dire need of a lifestyle change (mentally, physically, emotionally, and even financially!!). I have become somewhat of a recluse; only going to my (desk) job each day but then retreating to my "cave" thereafter to hibernate. Even though I'm a vegan, which most people would equate with a healthy diet, my eating habits are atrocious! Yes, I do eat lots of fruits and veggies along with whole grains, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds etc., but I LOVE my vegan junk foods as well. I've been known to eat potato chips or a bowl of Cocoa Puffs cereal for dinner. I'm not disciplined in the diet and exercise realm AT ALL!

    As horrid as my eating habits are, my exercise habits are even worse. They are non-existent. I don't exercise. AT ALL. I have an "exercise room" at my house with a recumbent bike, an eliptical stationary bike, some dumb bells 5-15 lbs (I think), several yoga DVD's (the room is equipped with a flat screen TV and stereo system), and I have a Total Gym, which at the moment is in a rented storage space with "tentative plans" to bring it back to my house. I haven't used ANY of this for years. I am full of excuses and I don't know how to get motivated. I keep telling myself not to wait until I'm in a major health crisis. I know I need to make changes NOW. I know I'm not giving my body the nutrition or the exercise that it needs. I know I would feel so much better if I tweaked my diet, lost some weight and began a "reasonable" exercise regime.

    I didn't mean to be so whiny here. Hope I didn't scare anyone away from supporting and encouraging me or from "friending" me. I'm honestly very good at supporting and encouraging others!

    Best Wishes to All............
  • kemlis
    kemlis Posts: 15 Member

    I'm a 20-year old guy from Finland! 170cm and 59kg. I'd love to get down to 56-55kg for irrational reasons, but I'm happy with just dropping my fat-to-muscle mass ratio.
    I'm vegan. I have been on and off for 2 years, but I've been fully committed to it since June. Been vegetarian for 4 years.
    I love food but I'm not very good at eating it or preparing it. This week I haven't really eaten much apart from cereal and salad for example.
    I cycle almost daily, around 100km a week, and recently I've been trying to start running again. (you can see my goals over at http://runkeeper.com/user/kemla )
    I do yoga and I go to the gym once or twice a week, I'm obsessed with acrobatics.
    I'm currently studying textile and clothing as a vocation, but I'm actually more interested in art and writing.
    I love good music and films.

    I was kind of hoping to find some MFP friends, it kinda helps with the motivation to see someone else than yourself on your feed :D
  • jhboise
    jhboise Posts: 27 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Janet and I'm glad I finally found this group! I have been a vegan only since August 2014, for several reasons:
    A dear vegan friend of mine made the cruelty-free argument (he is Buddhist), and I was persuaded.
    My 11-months-younger brother had triple-bypass heart surgery this past year.
    All the women in my family have died of heart disease, and my diet didn't seem to be getting my cholesterol numbers down.

    I'm dealing with a husband who's being treated for esophageal cancer, and though his progress has been noteworthy, I'm still super-stressed. I teach at the University here and run a small poetry-only press, which is also a source of stress (though nothing like my first one)! I'm here for community and, since I'm a newbie at veganism, to have a place to ask questions of people who know what they're talking about.

  • melsue0104
    melsue0104 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all!

    I'm Melissa, and I'm returning to veganism after being on-and-off again for quite some time. The primary reason for coming back to veganism is my health. I've noticed such a negative difference both mentally and physically since switching back to a meat and dairy diet. I can't take it anymore and am ready to get things back under control.

    I'm nervous about navigating through busy season at work (I'm a CPA) but am confident that I can do it successfully! Any encouragement or support is also appreciated!
  • Cora_G
    Cora_G Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there!
    I became a vegetarian at a very young age (a month before my 4th birthday) after making the connection between the names of the foods I was eating and the animals they came from (chicken, turkey, etc). I had a lot of questions for the grown-ups in my life and just couldn't wrap my young mind around how everyone seemed to think it was okay to eat animals. I was lucky enough to have a mother who worked with me to make sure that I was eating healthy now that I refused to eat meat.
    Around my mid twenties I realized that veganism was the next logical step for me, as an ethical vegetarian, and that was 14 years ago. I eat mainly healthy whole foods, but I have a sweet tooth and having a nearby vegan bakery and a husband who is an excellent baker presents some challenges.
    My son just turned 8 months old and I realized that the last 15 pounds of baby weight (plus the 5-10 I was already wanting to loose before pregnancy) is not going to come off by itself, so I'm here counting calories and trying desperately to find time to exercise as often as I can manage. I'm hoping to find some good recipes here to add to the regular line-up and I'm sure I've got some worthy of sharing, too.
    I was very happy to find this group :)
    Good luck to everyone on reaching your goals!
  • blahblahfood
    blahblahfood Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone!
    My name is Brittney and I've just recently (I'm on day 19) started eating vegan. I have wanted to eat vegetarian since my food and nutrition class in high school visited a local slaughterhouse and saw first hand what the process looks like. I was never able to keep it up mostly because of my lack of willpower and living at home (my mother was the cook and fruits and vegetables weren't often on the menu). I originally started my plant based diet as part of a juicing reboot. I didn't stick with the juicing but it's been fairly easy goings so far. My fiance isn't too pleased with my decision as he's an avid meat eater but I seem to like to prove people wrong... :smile:
  • leecha2014
    leecha2014 Posts: 385 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi everyone! So happy to have found this group. I've been vegan for almost 2 years and vegetarian for many years before that. LOVE mfp and looking to share ideas with fellow vegans. I'm vegan for ethical reasons but was hoping I would also lose weight which wasn't the case since there are soooo many great vegan foods and recipes out there! I'm cooking a lot of healthy food and tracking here and it is working. Open diary would love to see yours for ideas, send me a friend request.
  • Hello everyone,
    I'm newly again vegan, or well currently making the transition. I was there and doing wonderful and felt amazing until my mother got sick.
    I have a tendency to stress eat and while she was in the hospital instead of cryoor outwardly freaking out I started eating... I packed on another 20-25lbs.

    I want to get back to feeling amazing and like I'm really on top of my fitness and to do this I have to dial it back in.
  • elleallegro
    elleallegro Posts: 4 Member
  • SecretZombie
    SecretZombie Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I was on MFP a year ago and now I'm back. I'm blown away by how much the vegan community has grown on here! So happy to be among fellow vegans on this journey! I've been vegan for 2 years and 3 months, and have loved every minute of it. I struggle with weight management and weight loss, though. I am renewing a commitment to to treat myself kindly. It's so much easier for me to be compassionate to other living beings while treating my body poorly. I want to reverse this. Please add me if you are also looking for supportive friends :smiley:
  • shanteel612
    shanteel612 Posts: 434 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hello All,
    I don't know what I am but I wanna be done with meat and maybe dairy. I am going to take it slow because I just recently stopped eating meat. I am striving to be a vegetarian now and once I am comfortable and ready to make that leap I will become a vegan.
  • jocelynkyork
    jocelynkyork Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all! Just getting started here. Went vegetarian 6 years ago and now been vegan for four years. I am vegan because it is unnecessary to use or kill a living being for sustenance, clothing, or entertainment. At least not in the Western developed world.
    I'm 26 years old and I've never been all that healthy and I've never been in shape, so I want to make that happen. Building endurance and muscle tone as well as optimizing nutrition are my general goals. I've never been able to run more than a mile and even that leaves me wheezing, so I want to be able to run my first 5k by the summer.
    That's it for me. Good to be here!
  • f8tnotfat
    f8tnotfat Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Sandy and I am a 52 year old mom of two adult children. I'm getting a late start turning vegan at my age, but I have to be true to myself. I have honestly never liked the taste of meat, I've always been an animal lover, I've never looked at an animal and thought he/she looks yummy, and I have always had guilt over buying/cooking/eating/wearing animals. I've naturally leaned more toward vegetarian eating, however, cheese and dairy have a strong pull for me. Time to give it up for good and become the me I was meant to be. I look forward to getting to know you all.
    AFINGLE1 Posts: 7 Member
    My husband & myself have started a new journey ! Veganism.
  • boydivision
    boydivision Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! :)
    I very recently made the decision to go vegan (literally 5 days ago) from being vegetarian. So far it's been really good and I'm loving all the food I'm making. I feel a lot happier and healthier already. I'm just taking one day at a time and planing my meals for the next day the night before. Be kind to me I'm a newbie haha.

    I started to notice when I was vegetarian that I was relying heavily on dairy and meat substitutes (quorn) for protein. I didn't even realise that there is more than enough protein in plant based foods haha! I've pretty much always said from the beginning of when I went vegetarian (about 9 months ago) that I would eventually be vegan so it was just a matter of knowing what to eat. I wanted to eat more wholefoods instead of processed meat substitutes. Quorn isn't vegan (it contains egg) so I knew once I switched I wouldn't be able to eat it anyway.

    I started getting very into veganism a few weeks ago, I found this girl on youtube called Essena O'Neill. She's the same age as me (18) and she's vegan and I loved all her videos, especially the ones that show what she eats in a day. She's very passionate and she really inspired me. Without her I don't think I would've become vegan so quickly. So from videos like hers I started to build ideas in my head of what to eat on a vegan diet, which was exactly what I needed. She also linked me to documentaries. So I watched Cowspiracy and 101 Reasons to be Vegan. After that I was sold!

    Random, but has anyone got any good recipes with quinoa? I just made a batch tonight and I need some ideas!
  • StPeteVegirl
    StPeteVegirl Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I'm Christine. I've been a vegetarian most of my life but have spent the last 2 years successfully maintaining a completely vegan lifestyle all the way around. I am an animal activist, so once I made the connection about dairy being a byproduct of the veal industry, I was just finished with it 100%. My only regret about becoming comletely vegan was that didn't do it sooner. I missed out on some amazing food because I was too afraid to challenge myself to remove dairy and eggs. It was exciting to discover the delicious things that replace them. I encourage anyone wanting to make the switch to leap and do it. There's a reward on the other side.