What kind of scale do you all use to track your weight?

just got a cheap digital scale, and there is a 5lb difference from my non digital scale


  • ccfitnesspal
    ccfitnesspal Posts: 7 Member
    Try the Etekcity® High Precision (0.2lb) 400lb /180kg Digital Bathroom Scale. I got mine from Amazon. Love it, its sleek, accurate, digital and well worth the low price!

    Also, I suggest you weigh yourself ONLY once a week at the same time of day and only use one scale to ever do your weighing. That way, you will get the same result each time. I weigh myself every Saturday morning as soon as I get up from bed, before I do anything else (use bathroom, drink water, get dressed, ect). This technique is something I read a long time ago and it works for me.
  • sherylcharron86
    sherylcharron86 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you! I will check into this scale! I have also heard about this weighing technique and need to stick to it