Daily Check In Thread



  • mrsjatty
    mrsjatty Posts: 95 Member
    I did it!! Week 3 day 3. Bring on week 4. I can't believe I am enjoying running? Even weirder, I want to run more?
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,842 Member
    edited April 2015
    Back from vacation. I did manage to do two very short runs. One was cut short because I wasn't used to the altitude and ran out of breath quickly and was jetlagged. The other was cut short because I started out too fast and couldn't get my heartrate and breathing under control again. Maybe still an altitude issue. Plus I was constantly losing my headscarf and my baggy trousers (tourists are probably the only people there wearing baggy trousers!) But I did it: I ran in Iran :D

    If I sleep well I think I will do 1km run, 1.5min walk intervals or something like that for the coming week, just to get going again and then start with week8 properly.
  • HannahsMother2012
    HannahsMother2012 Posts: 47 Member
    Finished week 7 yesterday. It was the most challenging week by far! W7D1 and D2 I found myself having to take a break 15 mins in and another in the last 10 minutes. I wanted to stop every single minute! Finally on D3 I was able to break the mental block, and pushed through the entire thing without stopping! I do plan on repeating week 7 before moving on to week 8. I want to graduate strong!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    F.... I wanted to stop every single minute! Finally on D3 I was able to break the mental block, and pushed through the entire thing without stopping! I do plan on repeating week 7 before moving on to week 8. I want to graduate strong!

    My bold, it was mental not physical. My advice, do week 8, let you body show your mind you can do it. Redoing week 7 sounds like you are reinforcing not believing the progress you have made. Be strong do week 8 NOW. To find out what you can do you need to push the boundaries even if it is scary or unpleasant. Do week 8 telling yourself you have trained for the last 7 weeks for this moment. I have every faith in you, you should too!! I look forward to reading about your success.

  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    I feel kinda disappointed in myself. I had my 2 mile run today, but quit at 1.7. The wind gusts in my face was a major factor; it was making it much more difficult to breath. That's just an excuse though. I just didn't push myself. I know I should have. Last time I had a 2 mile run, I ran the whole thing. The only reason I'm not horribly disappointed is because my program is so much different than everyone else's; I'm just finishing up week 3, and my program only has 8 weeks. So I guess that being able to run 1.7 miles only. 2 1/2 weeks in is still pretty good. I'm just sad that I did it a few days ago, and couldn't push myself to do it again.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Brans34 wrote: »
    I feel kinda disappointed in myself. I had my 2 mile run today, but quit at 1.7. The wind gusts in my face was a major factor; it was making it much more difficult to breath. That's just an excuse though. I just didn't push myself. I know I should have. Last time I had a 2 mile run, I ran the whole thing. The only reason I'm not horribly disappointed is because my program is so much different than everyone else's; I'm just finishing up week 3, and my program only has 8 weeks. So I guess that being able to run 1.7 miles only. 2 1/2 weeks in is still pretty good. I'm just sad that I did it a few days ago, and couldn't push myself to do it again.

    I suspect a lot of peoples look like this




    Pick one of those and you might be less disappointed. And if you have the choice pick time not distance at this stage of your journey. Distance can come much, much later. Enjoy the ride. :)

  • hbarnesccs
    hbarnesccs Posts: 59 Member
    Ran W4D1 today. I had to take a thirty second break in both of the five minutes to stretch out my calves. They were really bothering me about three minutes in each time. I stretch beforehand, but I honestly thought I might scream in the middle of the gym to stop and stretch. Is it bad that I stopped? I have no idea.
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    Brans34 wrote: »
    I feel kinda disappointed in myself. I had my 2 mile run today, but quit at 1.7. The wind gusts in my face was a major factor; it was making it much more difficult to breath. That's just an excuse though. I just didn't push myself. I know I should have. Last time I had a 2 mile run, I ran the whole thing. The only reason I'm not horribly disappointed is because my program is so much different than everyone else's; I'm just finishing up week 3, and my program only has 8 weeks. So I guess that being able to run 1.7 miles only. 2 1/2 weeks in is still pretty good. I'm just sad that I did it a few days ago, and couldn't push myself to do it again.

    I suspect a lot of peoples look like this




    Pick one of those and you might be less disappointed. And if you have the choice pick time not distance at this stage of your journey. Distance can come much, much later. Enjoy the ride. :)

  • mishycat74
    mishycat74 Posts: 14 Member
    :) Well I'm happy today cos I completed W5D3 and managed to finish the 20 minute run without stopping to walk on my first attempt. I felt like I was running soooo slowly but I actually averaged 5mph, not bad considering I couldn't run 100 meters down the road at the beginning of the year. Would have been at this point sooner but had a stupid accident (not running related) and had to miss a whole month of training :'( .
  • mrsjatty
    mrsjatty Posts: 95 Member
    W4D1 - can't believe I'm here!! Did it, I'm kinda feeling like I'm on a cloud. Me, I ran (all be it slowly) 5 minutes in a row, not once by accident but 2x ON PURPOSE!! I found it got a bit easier after the 3 minute mark, like I hit a good stride and was breathing properly. Bring on day 2 :D
  • grizziegriz
    grizziegriz Posts: 281 Member
    I just finished W2 D1. I feel great. I was very surprised that I didn't notice the difference from week one to week 2.
    Looking forward to day 2. :p
  • hbarnesccs
    hbarnesccs Posts: 59 Member
    W4D2 was SO much better than D1. I'd been running with the treadmill on a constant incline because I thought it would mimic running outside better, but I just did incline intervals during the 5 min. runs today and I didn't have to stop once!
  • HannahsMother2012
    HannahsMother2012 Posts: 47 Member
    Week 8 day 1, so much better then the end of week 7! I am so excited to graduate at the end of this week. I am still so shocked that I've come this far. This program is so amazing!!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,842 Member
    Well... I tried to run again two evenings ago but things didn't work out at all. Including warmup I only managed to get to 3km, with a 1 minute walk between each 1km. Everything went wrong: my feet hurt, couldn't lift up my legs, side stitches from the beginning, couldn't breathe properly... and lots of wind. I guess it's not easy to start up again after a vacation. I might try again today and if it doesn't work then I won't continue with W8, but go two weeks down or something like that.
  • MissKissKins
    MissKissKins Posts: 16 Member
    At the weekend I attempted W5R2... I was hesitant because I've been struggling a bit and I started to lose motivation for this and began to get bored.
    At the end of this run however I was amazed that I actually ran for 8 minutes at a time!! And it gave me my motivation back :smiley:
  • lddfsu
    lddfsu Posts: 38 Member
    I just finished W2D1. I was sick earlier in the week & I tried to start week 2 yesterday, but that was a big mistake. I had no energy. Today I was feeling a lot better so I tried it. It just about killed me, but I finished! My park has way too many hills. How does the lady know to tell me to run every time I'm going uphill?
  • hbarnesccs
    hbarnesccs Posts: 59 Member
    Week 4 - Check! I am probably not taking rest days like I ought, but I'm realizing how much I need them now that I'm running longer bouts. My calves and feet are feeling it today! Today's run was awesome despite being on the treadmill. I downloaded FitRadio, which had some great mixes of songs at high beats to run to. For the last five minutes I decided to push myself and increase my speed every 30-45 seconds. I was actually sweating today!

    My biggest challenge is my calves. I am breathing fine, but my calves just start screaming the longer I run. I never had this problem two years ago when I ran distance regularly. I do dynamic stretches before my run and static stretches after my warm up, before the first running interval. It's a little frustrating, because I don't know what else I could be doing to ease the pain. It's literally the only thing holding me back from running faster.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    hbarnesccs wrote: »
    Week 4 - Check! I am probably not taking rest days like I ought, but I'm realizing how much I need them now that I'm running longer bouts. My calves and feet are feeling it today! Today's run was awesome despite being on the treadmill. I downloaded FitRadio, which had some great mixes of songs at high beats to run to. For the last five minutes I decided to push myself and increase my speed every 30-45 seconds. I was actually sweating today!

    My biggest challenge is my calves. I am breathing fine, but my calves just start screaming the longer I run. I never had this problem two years ago when I ran distance regularly. I do dynamic stretches before my run and static stretches after my warm up, before the first running interval. It's a little frustrating, because I don't know what else I could be doing to ease the pain. It's literally the only thing holding me back from running faster.

    How about just following the programme for 8 weeks. The programme works, you have decided to change it up, little rest, going faster etc and it hurts and you don't know why? I would suggest following the programme as intended until you complete it and then do what you want. See if that gets better. Calves hurting would suggest you are working them, perhaps too hard. If you are in a gym on a treadmill talk to one of the staff. For reference I went to zero drop shows and had to build distance back up, so despite going 26.6m in my standard shoes, 3 miles in zero drops caused my calf to pop. Over the last 4 weeks I can now do 4 miles in them, but I use only 2 or 3 times a week, for the longer more strenuous sessions I am back to normal shoes. It is a slow gradual building process, in 4 weeks you are trying to accelerate and shortcut it. If you continue accelerating the programme I suggest you will stop due to injury. You may be lucky, good luck on your journey

  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,842 Member
    If I want to run just a bit more than last month then I need to manage 5km today. Phew.. I'm still not fit again after my vacation. No idea what's going on.
  • grizziegriz
    grizziegriz Posts: 281 Member
    I finished week 2 day 2 and still going strong. I'm a little nervous about week 3 but looking forward to it.
    I registered for the Color Run in August. This would be my first 5k run. So excited, this should keep me motivated to finish the program.
    Hang in there everyone. :p