Did you have a "food funeral"?



  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    I do remember my last pop (Dr Pepper, and not the diet kind) because it truly was my last one and I knew I would never put pop back into my diet. Otherwise I didn't have a funeral because there wasn't anything else I thought I would never eat again. I took the view that if I forbid myself to eat even a bite of something, I was still letting food have too much control over me. I tried a couple bites of ice cream at 6 wks post (another of my pre-surgery BIG loves) and it didn't sit well. I tried a couple bites again at 8 wks and still didn't. I have found that to be true of most sweets. I think I have now gotten so accustomed to the protein/veggies diet routine that my taste or craving for sweets has vastly diminished. I have found that while I may be able to physically eat favorite pre-op foods, I just don't have room for them either calorie-wise, nutrient-wise or taste-wise in my new diet and I am able to make the choice not to eat them, and I don't really miss them.
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    @lorikoftness I took a pic of my last Dr Pepper (not diet either!!) and posted it on Instagram... LOL (my username is IslandSneezer if anyone wants to follow).
  • blairmundy
    blairmundy Posts: 219 Member
    Why is Dr. Pepper so good!?!
  • badhair56
    badhair56 Posts: 239 Member
    cause it's from Texas
  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    Thank you everyone for the feedback, sorry I missed it earlier, my phone wasn't showing all the threads! Now that I am post op I am realizing more that foods aren't going to off limits moderation will be key, but it will be my decision - honestly there are some things right now I don't feel I will ever go back too. Everyday is a new of course and I am a realist but I did this to be healthy and I am committed to a new life, I am sure there will be moments of weakness I only hope that my new habits prevail.
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    joysie1970 wrote: »
    I am sure there will be moments of weakness I only hope that my new habits prevail.

    Don't hope . . . Decide!

  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    Great point! And taken! Decision made ;)
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    My 39th birthday is the end of May, and then I have my NUT and internalist appointments mid June. I'm SO tempted to have a food funeral birthday celebration... All my favourite foods...
  • kglowins
    kglowins Posts: 111 Member
    So funny...I totally had food funerals before the surgery. And I referred to those meals as such. I wanted to feel like I had closure with the past and personally I think it helped me mentally prepare. Maybe it's not for everyone...but I planned out the meals I knew I would miss and said goodbye. :smiley:
  • lowcountrygal75
    lowcountrygal75 Posts: 5 Member
    I did two days before my surgery. Fried shrimp, french fries, shrimp egg rolls and chocolate cake was the last meal I had. Now that I am 3 months out and down 42 pounds, I can honestly say I don't miss those foods and have no desire to put the taste for them back in my mouth. Those types of foods are what got me to the point that I was. I have learned healthy alternatives and I will stick with those. I look at it this way, I LOVE the way I look now so much more than I loved the way those things tasted.
  • raqdabells73
    raqdabells73 Posts: 15 Member
    I sort of did before surgery but not too much. Some of the stuff that I ate before do not taste the same now. I think my biggest funeral was to coffee with caffeine in it and pop. I knew I would have to switch to decaf coffee and that pop/soda would no longer be something I could have. I feel better now so it has been worth saying bye.