I’ve Got the Power - Mon 3/30 to Sun 5/10 - Join Anytime!



  • CanyonDweller
    CanyonDweller Posts: 129 Member
    edited April 2015
    [100% 04/29/2015]

    Thanks RogerToo for the support with the brackets. I'll swing it by Sonya on the NS site as I haven't seen her here yet.

    Just an FYI....to update the spreadsheet, you need to let Sonya know on NS site for the remainder of this challenge anyway.

    Linda Kay
  • CanyonDweller
    CanyonDweller Posts: 129 Member
    Hi again! Just went to the NS site and Kim is asking for name suggestions for our next 100% Challenge. So far we have:
    Spring Means 100% Green
    Spring is 100% Green
    Spring to Summer
    Spring Into Summer
    Springtacular Health
    Going the Distance
    Weigh to Go
    To add your suggestion and to vote we will all need to check in with the NS board for now.
  • rlshelor
    rlshelor Posts: 598 Member
    WI: 288.6 (-1.8)

    Surgery is scheduled for 8AM tomorrow. I will checking when I get a chance tomorrow.

  • zaftig_no_more
    zaftig_no_more Posts: 87 Member
    edited April 2015
    100% 4/29
    [100%- 4/29].... just practicing :smile:

    Have no idea if my post went through on the NS site. Discussion boards were completely gone when I first got on but they flashed back on. Good thing because I was expecting a PM. I got it so...
    I guess we'll see what happens there....

    RogerT...The Spring Means 100% Green idea was Linda K's. Can't take credit for it! I still like it, Linda K>

    Roger...Will watch for your post!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    4/29 100%

    I'm amazed I stayed true today....my day started at 1am and is still going now at 9pm.

    I like the name of this challenge...We do have the power! Wishing the best for everyone.
  • jenwrite
    jenwrite Posts: 89 Member
    4/29 100%

  • zaftig_no_more
    zaftig_no_more Posts: 87 Member
    edited April 2015
    4/29 100%

    I'm amazed I stayed true today....my day started at 1am and is still going now at 9pm.

    I like the name of this challenge...We do have the power! Wishing the best for everyone.

    I wouldn't object to just changing the ending date on this challenge and continuing on with this one.
    What do you all think??

    RogerT...You mentioned an overall Challenge folder??? . Think it would have to be a NS Challenge folder because there are so many challenges on these MFP boards.
  • zaftig_no_more
    zaftig_no_more Posts: 87 Member
    Am I alone on here??? Wanted to mention that if you friended me and it now says I don't want to be a "friend", it's WRONG! Apparently when I put you in "hide" so you don't appear on my news feed for every little thing you do on this site including whether you made your goal or have a new friend (total invasion of privacy), it tells you I don't want to be your friend anymore. I'm not happy about this site. Sorry....
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    4/30 100%

    Today I received a box of 20 chocolates from a friend who just returned from Belgium...263 calories each. I get MUCH more satisfaction from my NS pizza piled high with onion and bell pepper. But, chocolates at my house...I'm a bit nervous about this...my 12yo says they are amazingly fabulous. (She wasn't teasing me or anything, I was just hovering and watching her enjoy! :s )

  • jenwrite
    jenwrite Posts: 89 Member
    4/30 100%

  • zaftig_no_more
    zaftig_no_more Posts: 87 Member
    edited May 2015
    4/30 100%

    Today I received a box of 20 chocolates from a friend who just returned from Belgium...263 calories each. I get MUCH more satisfaction from my NS pizza piled high with onion and bell pepper. But, chocolates at my house...I'm a bit nervous about this...my 12yo says they are amazingly fabulous. (She wasn't teasing me or anything, I was just hovering and watching her enjoy! :s )

    Yikes! 263 Calories EACH! They make my mouth water just thinking of them. :smiley:
    Good for you to keep your senses and not indulge!
  • zaftig_no_more
    zaftig_no_more Posts: 87 Member
    edited May 2015
    Final message from NS site:

    Final community update

    As previously announced, we will be closing the Nutrisystem.com member pages, blogs, chat rooms and discussion boards. This event will occur on Monday, May 11. We encourage you to take advantage of our social media channels including our Nutrisystem Facebook, Twitter and YouTube channels, where there are vibrant customer communities and members are taking advantage of the state-of-the-art technology tools and features to stay connected and to provide motivation, inspiration and support to each other.

    We appreciate all of your feedback over the past few weeks, both positive and negative, as it has and will continue to inform our goal of creating the best possible user experience that supports each of you on your weight loss journey.

    We know changes like this can be difficult and we’re here to help. Many of you have already prepared for this transition, but for those of you who have not yet, here’s a check-list of actions for you to consider:

    Sharing Contact Info: We recognize you may have close relationships with others on the boards. We encourage you to make sure you find other mutually agreeable ways to connect with those who have motivated and supported you. Exchange email addresses or plan to connect via Facebook.
    Facebook Groups: One of the Facebook features that we believe is going to appeal to customers accustomed to the smaller community feel of our boards is Facebook Groups. Facebook Groups features a number of ways to establish a group with varying levels of privacy – including a “secret” status, which is the most private setting available. You can read more about Facebook Groups’ privacy controls here: https://www.facebook.com/help/220336891328465.
    Archiving Your Content: Once the member pages, boards and blogs are gone, that content will no longer be available to Nutrisystem members. We encourage you to go in and copy those posts and entries that are meaningful to you and save them. There are a number of free blogging platforms available including Tumblr, Medium and Weebly among others. Unfortunately there is no one-click option to transition your existing blog on Nutrisystem’s community site to a new blogging platform. We recommend you find the blogging community and platform you want to be a part of and establish a blog there. Then copy the posts you want from your Nutrisystem blog, save them and then transfer them to your new blogging site. We understand that this can be a time consuming process, but it’s the only way to ensure you have access to your prior posts.

    What’s next? We believe that the customer experience on our site can be even better and we think you deserve the best. Over the next few months we will begin to roll out new features that we believe will make for a great customer experience. From an enhanced news and information site with all sorts of great content, we will be bringing you daily articles, quizzes, videos and fun graphics to keep you inspired and informed throughout your weight loss journey.

    And, as always, you will have access to our counselors and trained dieticians for advice, coaching and support. If you have questions, please reach out to our customer service team at 1-800-585-5483.

    Nutrisystem Moderator

    The only Nutrisystem-approved responses to your questions and concerns come from either “Dietary_Services1” and/or “Moderator."

    Reply With Quote Reply With Quote

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    The only reason for a Challenge center group would be for challenges that create a new post every day, Unlike here where there is one long thread

    Hi Sally
    That problem is something I would never have noticed since I do not use the news feed.
    Final message from NS site:

    Final community update

    As previously announced, we will be closing the Nutrisystem.com member pages, blogs, chat rooms and discussion boards. This event will occur on Monday, May 11. We encourage you to take advantage of our social media channels including our Nutrisystem Facebook, Twitter and YouTube channels, where there are vibrant customer communities and members are taking advantage of the state-of-the-art technology tools and features to stay connected and to provide motivation, inspiration and support to each other.

    We appreciate all of your feedback over the past few weeks, both positive and negative, as it has and will continue to inform our goal of creating the best possible user experience that supports each of you on your weight loss journey.

    We know changes like this can be difficult and we’re here to help. Many of you have already prepared for this transition, but for those of you who have not yet, here’s a check-list of actions for you to consider:

    Sharing Contact Info: We recognize you may have close relationships with others on the boards. We encourage you to make sure you find other mutually agreeable ways to connect with those who have motivated and supported you. Exchange email addresses or plan to connect via Facebook.
    Facebook Groups: One of the Facebook features that we believe is going to appeal to customers accustomed to the smaller community feel of our boards is Facebook Groups. Facebook Groups features a number of ways to establish a group with varying levels of privacy – including a “secret” status, which is the most private setting available. You can read more about Facebook Groups’ privacy controls here: https://www.facebook.com/help/220336891328465.
    Archiving Your Content: Once the member pages, boards and blogs are gone, that content will no longer be available to Nutrisystem members. We encourage you to go in and copy those posts and entries that are meaningful to you and save them. There are a number of free blogging platforms available including Tumblr, Medium and Weebly among others. Unfortunately there is no one-click option to transition your existing blog on Nutrisystem’s community site to a new blogging platform. We recommend you find the blogging community and platform you want to be a part of and establish a blog there. Then copy the posts you want from your Nutrisystem blog, save them and then transfer them to your new blogging site. We understand that this can be a time consuming process, but it’s the only way to ensure you have access to your prior posts.

    What’s next? We believe that the customer experience on our site can be even better and we think you deserve the best. Over the next few months we will begin to roll out new features that we believe will make for a great customer experience. From an enhanced news and information site with all sorts of great content, we will be bringing you daily articles, quizzes, videos and fun graphics to keep you inspired and informed throughout your weight loss journey.

    And, as always, you will have access to our counselors and trained dieticians for advice, coaching and support. If you have questions, please reach out to our customer service team at 1-800-585-5483.

    Nutrisystem Moderator

    The only Nutrisystem-approved responses to your questions and concerns come from either “Dietary_Services1” and/or “Moderator."

    Reply With Quote Reply With Quote

    Bad news indeed that the date is so soon :(
    April 25, 2015 -155.5

    My Fitnesspal links
    Nutrisystem Group Users
    RogerToo from NutriSystem Stray Thoughts
    Slower Weight loss at 50?
    Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone
    I’ve Got the Power - Mon 3/30 to Sun 5/10 - Join Anytime!
    100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)
    Notice that the ticker only records in 1 pound increments,
    and only shows my loss since I joined My Fitness Pal :)
  • rlshelor
    rlshelor Posts: 598 Member
    4/29 - 4/30 - NOT 100%

    Hey Everybody! Sorry I didn't get online yesterday. Surgery went well. It ended up that the tendon wasn't torn after all. The tendon sheath was frayed and damaged. So they ended up removing the sheath and ground down the bone spur and calcification that was causing the problem. So since they didn't have to replace the tendon the recovery time should be much shorter than originally projected.

  • zaftig_no_more
    zaftig_no_more Posts: 87 Member
    Roger...I really didn't think you would be online yesterday. No surgery is without pain and I thought you probably wouldn't feel like posting. Good news on the outcome, though! Let the healing begin!

    RogerT....The boards going down coincide with a new challenge on here. Timely, huh? Whatever you do to set up a challenge board is fine with me! I need the commitment and accountability.
    Thanks for all your help. :smile:

    I don't use this site for a food journal but I use a hand written journal. That's all we had at one time. Didn't even have good tickers. This site's is as OK as they get now, I guess. Keeping it simple! :wink:
  • Trixie258
    Trixie258 Posts: 232 Member
    [style color="red"]TEST[/style]
  • ljd1933
    ljd1933 Posts: 7 Member
    [100% 4/30]
  • Trixie258
    Trixie258 Posts: 232 Member
    5/1 100%

    Gonna keep trying
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    edited May 2015
    Trixie258 wrote: »
    5/1 100%

    Gonna keep trying
    Click on Quote below and look at the last line. Ignore the [/quote.]

    5/1 100%
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    5/1 100% (well, sort of, way under-ate because too busy)

    RLSHELOR - I LOVE that cartoon! When I started w NS, I unsubscribed from so many food ads (Pizza Hut, Dominos, IHOP, etc. etc. etc.) I love good deals, but I needed to change my eating habits.