Daily Check In Thread



  • grizziegriz
    grizziegriz Posts: 281 Member
    I finished week 2 day 2 and still going strong. I'm a little nervous about week 3 but looking forward to it.
    I registered for the Color Run in August. This would be my first 5k run. So excited, this should keep me motivated to finish the program.
    Hang in there everyone. :p
  • mrsjatty
    mrsjatty Posts: 95 Member
    W4D3 Done!! Bring on week 5 I am feeling ready!!
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    Well... I tried to run again two evenings ago but things didn't work out at all. Including warmup I only managed to get to 3km, with a 1 minute walk between each 1km. Everything went wrong: my feet hurt, couldn't lift up my legs, side stitches from the beginning, couldn't breathe properly... and lots of wind. I guess it's not easy to start up again after a vacation. I might try again today and if it doesn't work then I won't continue with W8, but go two weeks down or something like that.

    Bad runs happen, do not beat yourself up! Just run next time as if nothing happened.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,554 Member
    I'm still not back at running. Tried it three times and managed to get to about 3km with massive walking intervals inbetween, quite a difference to the over 7km I managed before. I really don't know what's going on. The temperature isn't different than before my vacation. The only thing different, and I don't know if that would have any influence, is that during most 9 days of my vacation I was at an altitude of over 1500m. I'm recovering from a macrocytic anemia. Not sure if there's a connection there... the only reference I found is a somewhat old artice stating that red blood cells have a higher chance of being macrocytic at high altitude than at low one. But surely they would not ripen in a few days.
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    Finished my week 4 today, and I feel great! I have mentioned that the C25K I'm using is much more strenuous than everyone else's, but I'm managing it pretty good so far. My next run is week 5, day 1, and a 2.5 mile run. I have ran 2 miles completely on 2 separate occasions now, and the 10X1 min runs tonight was pretty easy for me. I'm really enjoying this program!
  • hbarnesccs
    hbarnesccs Posts: 59 Member
    Tried W5D1 today...not a good day. I still got a good workout in, but as far as being able to follow the program...not so much. I am struggling with the calf cramps now, and have to pause 3 minutes in to each 5 minute run. I mentally tried to battle it out, but it feels like I am having simultaneous Charlie Horses in each leg. Going to talk to the nutritionist and trainer next time I'm at the gym to figure out what to do. People on here have recommended magnesium supplements, which I will read up on. I'm hesitant to add any supplements without talking to someone in the medical field because of all of the illness I have gone through and will more than likely meet again in the future.

    I was just so frustrated. This is the first time I haven't pushed through the workout.
  • HannahsMother2012
    HannahsMother2012 Posts: 47 Member
    Finished week 8 day 2 after a bad week. Attempted it once and failed, but today I did it! So close to graduation...ekkk! Do I consider myself a runner at this point?! I always feel a little intimidated saying it!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Do you move and have both feet off the ground at the same time. If yes, you are a runner, if one stays on the floor all the time then you are a walker. You are a runner, be proud saying it. Self confidence!!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    hbarnesccs wrote: »
    ..... I am struggling with the calf cramps now, and have to pause 3 minutes in to each 5 minute run.

    These persistent calf issues are unusual, particularly as you're only on a dreadmill. If you were doing a lot of climbing I could see why it might happen.

    Other than general flexibility, you might benefit from a roller, there's a limited set of things it could be. Hydration, and adequate salts might be it but you shouldn't need supplements. You should get what you need in terms of minerals from diet.

    What other training do you do?
  • hbarnesccs
    hbarnesccs Posts: 59 Member
    hbarnesccs wrote: »
    ..... I am struggling with the calf cramps now, and have to pause 3 minutes in to each 5 minute run.

    These persistent calf issues are unusual, particularly as you're only on a dreadmill. If you were doing a lot of climbing I could see why it might happen.

    Other than general flexibility, you might benefit from a roller, there's a limited set of things it could be. Hydration, and adequate salts might be it but you shouldn't need supplements. You should get what you need in terms of minerals from diet.

    What other training do you do?

    The cramps yesterday were actually from running outside. :-\

    I do a little bit of yoga and do a 30 minute circuit of machines twice a week at the gym. I also hop on the arc trainer for 15 - 20 minutes on those days. The only days I really run outside are Saturdays and/or Sundays.
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    Well, somehow my app logged my today's run when I just walked last night, even though I made sure it wasn't on my workout. It also wouldn't let me go back and re-do it. Guess that's just another issue with the app I'm using! I went ahead and did Tuesday's workout, which turned out to be good because it was a 13X1 run, and it was crazy hot and sunny. I'll figure out how to create my own workout and make up my today's run on Tuesday. Hopefully swapping the two days around won't hurt much.
  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    i'm new! i started my c25k journey a week ago, making today my first day of week 2. i've never been a runner, nor have i been much for exercise, but i'm trying to change my mindset and am marking my fourth decade as one of fitness and health. i'm using endomondo's c25k program, and so far i like it. i also speed walk 6.5k regularly and have recently tried adding some circuit training to the routine. i definitely prefer walking and least like the circuit training, c25k falls somewhere between the two.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    hbarnesccs wrote: »
    hbarnesccs wrote: »
    ..... I am struggling with the calf cramps now, and have to pause 3 minutes in to each 5 minute run.

    These persistent calf issues are unusual, particularly as you're only on a dreadmill. If you were doing a lot of climbing I could see why it might happen.

    Other than general flexibility, you might benefit from a roller, there's a limited set of things it could be. Hydration, and adequate salts might be it but you shouldn't need supplements. You should get what you need in terms of minerals from diet.

    What other training do you do?

    The cramps yesterday were actually from running outside. :-\

    I do a little bit of yoga and do a 30 minute circuit of machines twice a week at the gym. I also hop on the arc trainer for 15 - 20 minutes on those days. The only days I really run outside are Saturdays and/or Sundays.

    OK, if it doesnt bother you at other times then I'd suggest that it's one of two things; psychological, or wearing heels.

    It does strike me that you may be working yourself up to having problems now, perhaps talking yourself into it. It might be becoming a reason to stop and rest, rather than just keep going.

    The other potential would be if you do wear heels a lot then you might have a situation where your calf muscles have become acclimatised to being shortened. A work colleague ended up in the situation where even when she ttok her shoes off she had to walk on her forefoot as she couldn't comfortably lower her heels to the floor. That said, she was mid 30s so she'd been wearing them consistently for a long time.
  • SuperMelanie
    SuperMelanie Posts: 70 Member
    Managed Week 1 Day 1 of C25K this morning. It wasn't pretty and I came close to quitting many times, but somehow I did it :)
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Managed Week 1 Day 1 of C25K this morning. It wasn't pretty and I came close to quitting many times, but somehow I did it :)

    Well done, if you need to go slower do. The usual problem is that you feel the need to run fast, like Meb or Mo, but in reality you just need to run at any speed. Take it slow, take it easy, 8 weeks will come and go and you'll wonder why it seemed so hard.

  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    just curious, how many days do your c25k programs have you running a week? mine is 3 days running and 1 day walking. i always feel like i'm cheating on the days i don't have to run - but a the same time when those running days come i am so GLAD there are only three of them a week.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Most programmes have you run, rest, run, rest, run ,rest, rest to complete 7 days. You need the rest days for your body to repair itself. You get stronger on the days you are resting on this programme. If you ran everyday at this early stage you will ultimately injure yourself unless you are extremely lucky. Stay with it, at the end of 8/9 weeks depending on the programme you can run more frequently. Even then most people run too hard. I run everyday but 80% of my running is at a pace I can have a conversation at, so not fast at all.
  • paleo_zoe
    paleo_zoe Posts: 2 Member
    Started today, it went well, will be back on Wednesday
  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    Most programmes have you run, rest, run, rest, run ,rest, rest to complete 7 days. You need the rest days for your body to repair itself. You get stronger on the days you are resting on this programme. If you ran everyday at this early stage you will ultimately injure yourself unless you are extremely lucky. Stay with it, at the end of 8/9 weeks depending on the programme you can run more frequently. Even then most people run too hard. I run everyday but 80% of my running is at a pace I can have a conversation at, so not fast at all.

    thanks, ftrobbie!
  • lddfsu
    lddfsu Posts: 38 Member
    I finished week 2 today. I'm excited but nervous to start week 3 on Wednesday.