Daily Check-In (Week 1 May 4th through May 10th)

heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
Here is the thread for daily check-ins for the first week. Here you can post what you did to stay active each day in addition to any struggles, complaints or whatever else is going on during this week of the challenge :) Good luck to everyone! I hope this challenge is as helpful to everyone else as challenges always are for me :)


  • MyLittleOwl
    MyLittleOwl Posts: 217 Member
    Even though it starts tomorrow - today's struggles...from the mouth of my seven year old "wow mommy your tummy is very big, is there a baby in there?" Even though I know he has been quoting a book he read, it still hurts every time he says it :-(
  • ronellaFit
    ronellaFit Posts: 31 Member
    Yeah, I know that does not feel so hot. My children are very thin...all 4 girls and I have a hard time when they say things or laugh at my body. I al always naked around them because I I want them to be comfortable but at times when they are joking even in a loving way, it hurts my feelings. I know for me, it is an insecurity that I have to get over and I continue to challenge myself to overcome it as I know they are not being harmful intentionally. I am honest with them at all times and I tell them my struggles so they don't have to go through the same thing. They even work out with me when possible. You know your son loves you no matter what, this is the mental weightloss we must endure to get over ourselves and to expose the true beauty we know lives inside to the outside world.
  • MyLittleOwl
    MyLittleOwl Posts: 217 Member
    thanks ronella! I know he loves me and it's totally a mental thing I have got to just get past!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    I get the same thing from my 5 year old, even though we know they mean no harm it still hurts :(
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Week 1 Day 1 Check-in!!
    Mondays usually end up being rest days for me due to the fact I never get to bed early enough Sunday night to wake up at 4 am Monday for the gym, but I woke up and was pretty happy at what I saw on the scale! Normally I wayy over do my eating and gain weight over the weekend but it appears I lost a pound?! Even with eating donuts Sunday lol
  • MyLittleOwl
    MyLittleOwl Posts: 217 Member
    LOL nice job! We were supposed to start the Biggest Loser challenge at work today but the girl running it called out sick lol. I hope that's not a sign of what's to come! (And relieved that the little extra water weight from drinking wine last night will be gone by tomorrow haha)
  • kailadriel
    kailadriel Posts: 75 Member
    I am supposed to go to the gym today after work, go home to shower and change, then head to my brother in law's show at a bar....but a coworker called in sick so now I have to choose - weight training or show? I would normally just go to the gym, shower there, then rush downtown, but I don't have a change of clothes or a towel with me. I am probably going to bail on the show, which sucks cause I was really looking forward to seeing it.
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Well that's a bummer! But one more day is always good! Make it count! I HATE weighing on Mondays, I weigh everyday honestly but for challenges I always Weigh on Fridays, before I have my self sabotaging weekends lol
  • MyLittleOwl
    MyLittleOwl Posts: 217 Member
    Big accomplishment tonight! Tooky son for a walk/jog around town and to the ice cream store..and I actually did NOT buy one for myself... Seems small but for me this was a huge deal since it's one of my favorite places to enjoy a treat with my son
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Good for you girl! that is HUGE deal! I too struggle with things like that so I give you mad props!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    So since I do not get on here much if at all in the evenings I wanted to update on how I did with my goals yesterday.
    I failed to reach my 10k step goal, even with walking around in circles in my house I only made it to 7,213 steps :( However I did in fact meet my water goal by drinking 101.4 ozs!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Week 1 Day 2 Check-In:
    I just did cardio again at the gym today, no weights. I was at over 6k steps before 6 am :) I will heck back in either later tonight or in the morning to let you all know if I met both goals , considering i am now at 7,500 steps there is no doubt in my mind I will have reached both of my goals by end of day as long as I do not slack on the water :)
  • kailadriel
    kailadriel Posts: 75 Member
    Big accomplishment tonight! Tooky son for a walk/jog around town and to the ice cream store..and I actually did NOT buy one for myself... Seems small but for me this was a huge deal since it's one of my favorite places to enjoy a treat with my son

    Awesome job! That's HUGE! It's a big deal to be able to enjoy the experience without indulging in sweets every time.

    I went to the gym yesterday after work, then came home and pretty much immediately fell asleep. I feel like a zombie today. I was planning on going back to the gym after work for a run, but it may turn into going home and sleeping. All the sleep. Although maybe I'll feel better once the allergy meds kick in and I have some more food+water....we'll see!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Yay!! I did it!!! 10k steps and 101.4 oz of water down and it's only 3:30 !!! — feeling proud.
  • MyLittleOwl
    MyLittleOwl Posts: 217 Member
    Fantastic job!!! So I fortunately didn't really care for the sandwich I bought at lunch and only ate half of it old. My son had a great listening day today and begged to go to hibachi (oh man I could see this going downhill fast) BUT I ordered my regular meal and boxed up half of it for a rainy day. Since it still brought me under calories I decided to walk in my living room for half an hour while catching up on my shows. (Closed the blinds so my neighbors don't think I am a whack-a-doodle). I can't figure out my new HRM so I just used the MFP estimate for now.
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Fantastic job!!! So I fortunately didn't really care for the sandwich I bought at lunch and only ate half of it old. My son had a great listening day today and begged to go to hibachi (oh man I could see this going downhill fast) BUT I ordered my regular meal and boxed up half of it for a rainy day. Since it still brought me under calories I decided to walk in my living room for half an hour while catching up on my shows. (Closed the blinds so my neighbors don't think I am a whack-a-doodle). I can't figure out my new HRM so I just used the MFP estimate for now.
    You are back in it 100% now I see !! I love it ! I got my buddy back <3
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Week 1 Day 3Check-In!!
    I did 10 mins on the evil stair-master and 45 mins on the treadmill (2.46miles) and I am already at 8,100 steps for the day and it's not even 9 am yet :) Will check back later and let you all know if I made my water goal for the day :)
    Have a fantastic hump-day everyone!
  • ronellaFit
    ronellaFit Posts: 31 Member
    I completed Jillian Michaels Fat Blast video. It was great. I am way under considering that work out. I feel sore already. Here's to tomorrow.
  • mrslrichardson
    mrslrichardson Posts: 15 Member
    Day 3!!! I have worked out 3 of my 5 days to meet my goal! Going out of town Thursday and Friday so hotel workouts are a must. :)
  • DDWS128
    DDWS128 Posts: 64 Member
    This is for yesterday since I didn't check in. First, the positive. I almost made my goal and drank 6 glasses of water. Not 8 but 6 more than I ever drink so I feel good. Yesterday was a crazy day and I didn't plan well. At noon I realized that I hadn't had any water yet. I get so focused on my work that I forget. Then I left work late and didn't have time to eat before my daughters honor night so I ate nothing between noon and 8:30p and ended up eating a late dinner which is bad. Today will be a better day.
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