
K8cain Posts: 14 Member
Looking for low carb breakfast ideas that are NOT eggs...getting tired of them....and relatively quick....grab and go options would be awesome....needing to add some variety. Ideas???


  • Jubjubness
    Jubjubness Posts: 7 Member
    edited May 2015
    A big huge pile of bacon :smile:

    How about breakfast sausages? (probably not feasible if you have are trying for ketosis)
    Smoothies maybe?
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    Tired of eggs? That sounds scary. Have you tried making them a different way than your usual?

    Anything you eat for lunch or dinner is also valid for breakfast. Leftover steak is grab and go, right?
  • gogogo53
    gogogo53 Posts: 17 Member
    edited May 2015
    mix in bowl,.25 cup of cottage cheese, .25 cup of greek yogourt , 1/2 a banana I sometimes add a bit of honey , then I will have 1 Ryvita rye cracker with a bit of PB. yummy with loads of protein....and low in ca. 300 and keeps me full till lunch.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    BPTea. And if particularly hungry, followed with pepperoni and sharp cheddar cheese. Or leftovers from dinner. And all the bacon.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Play with IF too: a popular schedule is to skip breakfast and have a late lunch. Can take a few weeks to get used to it though.
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    gogogo53 wrote: »
    mix in bowl,.25 cup of cottage cheese, .25 cup of greek yogourt , 1/2 a banana I sometimes add a bit of honey , then I will have 1 Ryvita rye cracker with a bit of PB. yummy with loads of protein....and low in ca. 300 and keeps me full till lunch.

    This doesn't sound low carb. Banana's are very high carb, as is honey. Might be low GI maybe.

    I tend to make up a small tub with something like a cooked chicken thigh, a slice of bacon, a couple of dill pickles, maybe some cream cheese. And a coffee with butter whipped in.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Full fat Greek yogurt if you can spare the carbs. I find 1/2 cup is enough to hold me until lunch. I want to start trying IF, though...
  • dessiepenn
    dessiepenn Posts: 167 Member
    I buy fully cooked sausage patties with no carbs/ added sugar. I heat them up in the microwave. High in fat (which is what I want) and keeps me full along with my bpc.
    They are not organic or grass fed, i can only afford those things sometimes. They are a nice change from eggs for me
  • mamafazz
    mamafazz Posts: 92 Member
    bulletproof coffee perhaps? People say it keeps them full all morning
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    mamafazz wrote: »
    bulletproof coffee perhaps? People say it keeps them full all morning

    Yesterday I had my BP Primal Tea, 20 slices of pepperoni, an ounce of sharp cheddar, a cup of beef broth, 1.25 burger patties with 1 TBSP mayo and half an ounce cheddar, 1 oz macadamia nuts, 1 oz cream cheese desserty thing, a choco-cinnamon fat bomb (nuts and fat bomb during our wait out of the tornado less than a mile out), then went home, washed a ton of dishes, and almsot didnt' eat until 10 pm. I get up at 5:30 am. At 10 or 10:30 pm, I had two little mini-meat muffins with some cream cheese/cheese mix. Normally, I would have been dying and snacking at 6 pm and really hungry by 8 pm... And I was good. that's not an overly light day for me, but not heavy either. I might figure out cals later if I want to, but I'm getting massively delayed hunger or sated hunger with the BP Tea... warning though, it does take a week or two to get used to not chewing/hunger signals...