Carb/protein/fat ratios



  • daisyduke40
    daisyduke40 Posts: 29 Member
    Can someone please explain how the 40/30/30 nutrients works.
  • TBrownCVT
    TBrownCVT Posts: 85 Member
    Ang108 wrote: »
    I need a bit of advise. In March I had a silent heart attack and on March 27th a not so silent one. I have no high BP, high cholesterol or triglycerides . I also have no food allergies, or any other food related problems. I can eat pretty much everything and usually eat a wide variety of whole foods...which I have done all my life.
    After the heart attacks my cardiologist as well as my internist/endocrinologist ( I have no thyroid due to cancer and have active systemic Lupus ) told me to eat a diet with " lower carbs, really low fat and limited protein ". When I asked what that meant, I was told that I needed to figure that out. Googling and consulting a nutritional specialist did not solve the problem.
    I was taken off all green leafy vegetables, because the oxilate in them does not allow that important ingredients in Coumadin ( which avoids another heart attack ) are absorbed. That poses a bit of a problem, because most of all I am a vegetable eater, but I am adjusting.
    I was also lowered from a 1200 calorie to a 1000 calorie diet, because I need to lose more weight, since the 55 pounds I lost so far are not enough. I should mention that I am going on 70 and am under five feet tall, I don't snack, drink my calories, or eat any empty calories, so 1200 calories were easy and even now at 1000 ( with for the moment very limited activity ) I am doing fine.
    I am just stumped as to the % of protein, carbs and fat, because if everything is low what do I do to get to 100% ?

    My first thought is that you should seek a second opinion. You're right, you can't lower all of them. Telling you to figure it out on your own is ridiculous. That's what you're paying them for.

    My second thought is that too many Dr's are holding on to the idea that fat is evil. You will want to aim for fats that are higher in Omega 3 and lower in Omega 6 (tip: get only grassfed meat and dairy products)., but fats can actually be very good for you. Carbs are a much bigger problem.

    Not being able to eat green leafy vegetables is problematic and seems a bit counterintuitive. Still, you don't want to counteract your meds. You can still eat things like cauliflower, cabbage, and avacado.

    I hope this helps. I wish I could give you better information.
  • TBrownCVT
    TBrownCVT Posts: 85 Member
    Can someone please explain how the 40/30/30 nutrients works.

    What part do you need explained?

    There is no 1 ratio that is right for everyone. I personally use 40% fat, 30 % protein, and 30% carbs.

    The fat helps me feel more satisfied while helping me absorb my fat soluble vitamins. Since I try to get a good balance of Omega 6 to Omega 3 in my fats, it also helps decrease inflammatory diseases while allowing me to heal properly.

    Protein is a good one to focus more on if you need to build muscle. Proteins are necessary building blocks in your body. It also helps some with satisfaction, but not as much as fat.

    Carbs are usually the most dangerous. The problem is that they are so readily available and addictive.

    You should try to get plenty of fiber, because that cleanses your system as well as helps carry certain nutrients to where they can be absorbed. One problem with the current juicing trend is that it removes most of the fiber while leaving the sugar.

    Sugars mess with your body. Your blood glucose levels go up fast and come down faster. Then, your body thinks it's going to starve, so it stores fat and prepares for the famine. Meanwhile, bacteria, fungi, and cancer all feed on the sugar. It's kind of like wearing a steak when faced with a lion.

    Did I answer your question?
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    I've been trying to eat clean for a few years now, but started trying for ketosis awhile back and came to realize that while I felt good "trying" to be keto, it just wasn't sustainable for me because I am so carb sensitive and would immediately lose those hard-worked for ketones ....

    I have now re-adjusted my macros to be 25/45/30.... am also trying to incorporate a bit more lifting, so the protein macro is bang on for my weight at this ratio. I've always had a love for protein and am actually finding it hard to meet the 45% . Paying attention to the macros seems to make the calorie numbers just fall into place with minimal effort!

    While I still need some motivation to behave on a more consistent basis, I feel good and am feeling satiated when the day is done. Time will tell if this will be a successful ratio for me, but so far so good.
  • utsmvp
    utsmvp Posts: 1 Member
    I set my Goals at 40% Carb 45% Protein 15% Fat
    But I always seem to do 40:40:20 which is OK for me.. I am 195-200 and am trying to put on lean muscle